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Messages - Squonkamatic

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Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: July 13, 2021, 04:54:11 PM »
Definitely down for a contribution to keep the Spleen network alive. I know how much it has meant to me to be able to play again & am good kicking in on a fund to cover the costs. If such exists already point me to it, will be looking in for updates.


Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: July 12, 2021, 12:06:14 PM »
Thanks for all the great games, Sir.

I don't have a lot of time to waste screwing around with idiotic map and dmflag or gametype variety tweaking done by shut in dysfunctional idiots, schoolkids, or control freaks with nothing better to do than play quake for 16 hours a day when they aren't sleeping or fucking their dogs. That's why I started playing on (what was then)'s VANILLA server: It was straight up Quake2, both the mission levels and the DM maps in rotation, and I miss it.

It looks like there are about sixteen servers running now, of which about eleven never have any players on them. If the idea is to let mentally retarded dorkrod quake nerds screw around with the gameplay, set up a server with that in mind and return the Vanilla server to straight up vanilla play. OR, rename it, because as it is now it's false advertisement to call it such. I'm lucky to get a whole hour every other day to play and just want to enjoy a nice match -- And I also know for a fact that many of the regulars agree with me, though the outspoken nerd-headed pricks will no doubt have a problem with this request to turn the VANILLA server back into vanilla and will now flame away. That's what they do with their lives, pathetic as it is, and I don't have a problem with being flamed.

But I do have a problem with getting myself squared away for a half-hour match and finding out insteat it's time for the fucking pirate boat again, or the spacegun map again, or the idiot unlimited ammo with no weapons stay in the lab time again because some cheeze dicked teenage prick who needs a job and a haircut is BORED because he's been playing the same straight up vanilla quake for 12 hours straight since his sister went to work. Give them their own server & let them do what they want: I am BORING and just want to play quake with the regular maps, with the guns & ammo and stuff where it's supposed to be. You don't re-arrange golf courses just because a bunch of hammerheads decide the old fairways are getting boring.

« on: May 11, 2006, 01:43:06 PM »

Also, think you can just remove the talk.wav in the baseq2/sound/misc folder to get rid of the at time annoying beeping sound :)

I post like once every four years & had a lot to say. The solution I came up with for the sounds was to record a second of silence & name it talk.wav and placed it into a folder called 'misc' in the baseq2/sounds override folder which can then be removed when not needed -- I.E. when actual human beings are connected to the server.

That still does not address the core issue though that this guy is a pathetic, miserable troll who should be warned to cease the behavior and if not, banned. Period.

« on: May 11, 2006, 01:09:05 PM »
Hi guys & gals, thanks for your suggestions, and Console I genuinely do appreciate your attention. If leaving the server means this maggot "wins" then Iran is beating us because we simply don't bomb them into the stone age. I leave because I cannot tolerate the beeping sound of the constant spam messages -- they annoy the cat, awaken the girlfriend, piss off the upstairs neighbors, make my liver twitch, and emphasize how this player is completely beyond the controls of the admins to put a muzzle on his fucking mouth. Which I agree with Console will do, I guess: He doesn't need to be "banned", just SILENCED.

I did get a nice message from an admin suggesting playing on other servers instead, which isn't going to happen because I HATE MODS. I like Quake2, the Vanilla server is the closest approximation to why I still have the game installed. But I do appreciate the gesture and actually did think of a couple solutions that could help.

The first is modifying the "MyMap" command: certain levels need to be removed from choice options, or at least severley limited to how often they can be chosen for rotation: Lab and City1 would be the two I would start with, maybe Fact3 and the DM levels also. Arguments for would be noting that there is already an entire server just for City1 and DM levels that NOBODY EVER USES, and doing so might compel those who only want to see those levels to give your hard work at setting them up a try. OR, you could increase the duration between choices of levels from 15 mins to 30 mins -- the user in question has it TIMED, guys & gals, so that he knows every fifteen minutes he can repeat his lamer combo pack choices. I don't advocate removing the MyMap command, just limiting how often it can be used to repeat the same fucking six or seven levels over and over and over again, which is EXCACTLY WHAT WE ARE SEEING. I repeat again that this is all about alpha male control issues and if you remove the idiot's ability to control the game without needing to be especially good at playing it then he won't stay connected. He isn't even there to play he is there to be a bully, and if you remove his ability to do so he will leave, problem solved and back to the lower mines (Mine4) for the rest of us.

The second suggestion is a Chat Mute command that allows players to opt to not see chat macros after connecting. Once I thought about it & discussed with the better half (the explosions and gunfire don't cause any problems, just the beep of a chat message) it is indeed the constant chiriping of the chat sound that really makes my toes curl. I know it's not practical to eliminate the sound (thought it can be replaced locally and I am looking into that for the sake of my own sanity) but perhaps it's effect can be muted. That also raises the idea of allowing players to selectively "Ignore" other clients so their macros simply are not displayed and no chirping disturbs the kitty. Sexy Sadie does not like the chirping, she thinks its birdies in the house and gets all rousted up & knocks over the plants. She also doesn't like the whine of a hyperblaster on unlimited ammo either.

The third suggestion would be a vote/kick option where if a client is genuinely annoying more than X number of players he can be "kicked" for an arbitrary period of time -- this is kind of a "gay" choice but jesus christ if even the admins are agreeing that the bastard is a jerk then COME ON, give the players the option of not having to deal with his miserable, worthless, unredeemable, pathetic, ignorant, addle-brained, retarded, cucumber-fucking and wholly evil presence. The guy deserves absolutely no regard or social consideration and any steps to lessen his ability to ruin the fun on your servers would be appreciated.

The fourth suggestion is a macros bind kick that would remove a player and block their return for an arbitrary amout of time (10 mins?) for repeating the same stupid motherfucking chat macros more than say 12 times in a 60 second period. I use binds also and enjoy having single-key conversations with people as much as the next brain surgeon but there has to be a limit on what kind of behavior is considered acceptable -- Not just the content of the binds, but how often they are being spewed.

I mean look, I work hard at my job, 14 - 16hrs a day, and all I want is a place where I can game for about an hour in the evening without having epileptic fits triggered by the constant beeping and having to look at chat binds repeated over and over and over again that even the guys who clean the bathrooms at Penn Station would be shocked by. If that is all that the game has boiled down to then I'll have to live with it or move on, but at least we are in agreement about one thing:

THE GUY IS A FUCKING LOSER, has some kind of a fucking problem and is using your nice game servers as a way to inflict his misery on the rest of the world. Solution 5 would be tracking his location & sending along a .357 magnum with one bullet and instructions on how to load the pistol and blow his fucking brains out with it & do the rest of us a fucking favor. But I am above stuff like that and have wasted enough time on this already. Thanks again for getting back to me Admins, I will re-install SiN and look into DOOM 3 which has sat here ignored for long enough anyway, and maybe find some other time periods to play on the server other than 1am - 5am Eastern, which is apparently when this creep gets home from his job at Taco Bell and needs to vent his frustration over having such a shitty, pathetic and miserable life with no friends, no rewarding purpose in life and a big fat muffiny chair shaped ass the sight of which bared would instantly trigger menopause within a 20 year old sorority chick drunk on Bud Lite. And THAT takes some doing.

The guy is a loser, he is bringing down your nice servers and they are the last bastion of hope for people who enjoy playing Quake2. Sometimes the good of the many outweigh the needs of the individual and I say this guy doesn't deserve one shred of consideration, especially if he is making you (the admins) look like a bunch of chumps for tolerating it. DON'T, and I won't be cyber-bullied either, though it is somewhat depressing to know that for 45 mins or so every other day it will be necessary to regress back to the age of 11.

See you!

« on: May 11, 2006, 01:23:35 AM »
This is my 2nd ever post, and we all know whom I mean. 200+ ping, claims to be on a dialup connection, NONSTOP YAMMERING SPAM BULLSHIT SMACK TALKING IDIOT.

FACT: This one player is single handedly bringing this server down. I have invited a bunch of friends/colleagues to play and none of them will be back because of "Diseased Pussy", "Monkey Spanker", "Bush Lies" or any of the other revealingly pathetic names this individual uses.

OPINION: This person is not interested in playing Quake, and certainly cares not if anyone else has fun. Quite the opposite: This wanker is a FUN WRECKER who is *USING* the hard work the admins have done in setting up the Tastyspleen servers as a way to make other people feel miserable & have a lousy time so that his shit-worthless pathetic excuse for a life doesn't seem so transparently not worth living.

HYPOTHESIS: The person is using a dialup connection or spoofing one so that their IP address is not static, meaning they cannot be banned from the server. EVER. Though it is odd that for a person with a 200+ ping you see absolutely no effects of latency on their play. I did troubleshooting on latency in Macintosh platoform net games for Macplay & Ritual Ent. and a 200+ pinger player should be skipping all over the place, unable to get a shot off and twice as hard to target. NOT THIS ASSHOLE, but he is apparently free to join the server and shit on everybody else there to his heart's content.

I have had enough of it and feel than many loyal fans of the Tastyspleen servers feel likewise. THERE ARE WAYS TO REJECT A CLIENT FROM BEING ABLE TO CONNECT A QUAKE2/UNIX SERVER BASED ON COMPUTER NAME, and I know people who could help the admins set it up, or at least encourage them to look into doing it themselves because this one loser is about to kill what little interest there is left in Quake2 all by themselves, and they don't even apparently enjoy playing the game.

It's some kind of control issue: Program the server to run certain maps with certain play combinations of infinite ammo, no weapons, no fall damage, etc, then work out a little lamer's tactic and PRESTO!! Nobody gets to play, only one worthless ratfucking idiot gets to control how the server (or at least the particular game they are connected to) is being used. Then, bombard anyone connected with a nonstop stream of filth, obscenities, idiotic alpha male posturing, refernces to masturbation and female reporoductive cycles and you guys yourselves may be nailing the coffin lid shut on Quake2 just by allowing the worthless son of a bitch to have a place to go try and make people miserable.

I'm not joining another game with the prick connected, if he connects and I am there good bye, I will be encouraging others to likewise either avoid the server, use one of the variant game channels or just fucking get on with our lives. I care not what anybody thinks of me or my opinion about this rat fucking bastard but I want him out of my face for good even if that means I don't come back anymore -- which would be too bad. I have almost finished re-working a 12 level map pack for Q2 that I never released & had looked forward to maybe seeing if we could run some of them here.

BUT NOT WITH THAT CAN OF SHIT IN THE HOUSE. I'll burn them to CD and leave them to my grandkids before I waste one more minute in a game with a person who obviously does not deserve any consideration at all, and again, everyone knows god damn well whom I refer to.


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