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Messages - Edgler Vess

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yes, i pinged with no loss and a 46 average, and yes, its the same puter i post with.. thanks for your continued support.. and lol i had carpal tunnel in my right from fps's and had to have surgery..i have no life!!

can't connect to that one either.  it is strange how gamespy can't even refresh just the tastspleen servers though, it is before i even launch q2 and my player/model info.  i would think it would at least ping the server,  but it's as if the servers are not even there to me.  and if i launch q2 standalone and try to connect, it just keeps retrying, as if none of the servers exist.. all other non tastyspleen servers work!  Help Me Please!!

my internet is working fine, and i tried connecting without gamespy also.. i saw a thread where someone got banned for not using anticheat and am wondering if that's what happened to me.  can't get riq2 to work though anyways..   sure miss these servers!!!!  hope we can figure this out..  and i'm also not using anyfirewall..just the tastyspleen servers in gamespy get the red x by them, and when direct connecting.. it just keeps retrying..saying nothing about being banned...

haven't been able to connect to any tastypspleen servers since early/mid december.  in gamespy they show not available anymore, and when direct connecting, it just keeps retrying..  i drink and play on occasion and wonder if i got banned for being an a$$!!  i miss playing, can't find any more servers without the wierd mods, that i can ping good on.. waaaa.

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