Rates Received - Krlll Mule

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/dev/random / Re: Whatcha listening to?
Rock On Rock On
on April 27, 2013, 08:42:38 PM by MCS_FaderJok0
George "No show" Jones was a singer that will be remembered for a long time to come. Not my style of music, but the older I get, the more I can appreciate it for what it was.

Props to Fader for the Flaming Lips.  I have Zareeka (sp?) a 4 disk set that has different elements to each song that are unique parts of the song and are intended to be played simultaneously through four different systems at the same time.  It's almost impossible to synch all of them to start at the same moment, but if you do it makes for some interesting listening! And an interesting concept. Heed the warnings about the extremely high and low frequencies causing disorientation! Thank goodness it's only on one track.

I have been absolutely loving a collection of David Bowie on digital.  My albums still have better fidelity, but it's much move convenient. Somehow I missed the Tin Machine phase of his catalog; I'm enjoying the hard rock sound they had.

Peace and Love,
Krlll Mule
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