Rates Given - Faceman

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Insightful Insightful
on June 12, 2023, 03:05:13 PM to pepp5
You want to argue against a thing that you aren't even informed about.

Point out where I argued against a thing? I will quote what I asked:

Ouch. That is not good.  Do you have some numbers or citations about the 1980s compared to now?

How can that be interpreted as "arguing against" anything? How am I supposed to understand the situation or prove the situation you state to others without at least *some* sort of reference?  Why the adversarial tone?

I already said I don't watch a lot of news. I guess you do, but... when I have seen news it has either been local or it hasn't mentioned much about the issue you brought up.  I watch some FNEWS and CNN, both. I bet you I can challenge you on local happenings here because you don't watch news about what's going on here.

Jeez this is a futile argument. I only came here for the five minute argument, not the full half hour.
tastyspleen.net / Tastyspleen.net Community discord
Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
on January 26, 2023, 10:49:41 AM to root

We have resurrected #tastyspleen from the IRC days on enterthegame.com with a new discord server focused on our servers and the tastyspleen community. Feel free to join for discussion/conversation, questions, help or any assistance you may need from admins.


Happy fragging,

 :rocketleft: :welcome:
Bot Drop / Re: oops bot
Frag of the Week Frag of the Week
on May 13, 2022, 09:26:17 AM to Focalor
Watched until the 17th frag, didn't see anything other than maybe one or two shots that were merely lucky flick spam shots with a railgun and not a bot. The guy is moving quick, and he's always spamming at the same places (towards the MG door from the RL door, down the RL ladder, towards the MG door from the YA through the hole to the quad, etc). He misses too closely with the railgun a couple times. A bot will usually have a FOV setting to where if you aim within a certain radius of the hitbox, it'll snap-to for the shot. Outside of that radius and it doesn't engage, and you miss like normal. People who want to get away with it will set the FOV low like that to allow for missed shots occasionally. Problem is... people who play with a bot too often come to rely on it too much and they lose their aiming skills. It works to make them easier to spot. At that point they'll either miss BADLY, or NEVER, no medium misses. Their movement will suffer because the snapping-to confuses them sometimes. They actually become a WORSE player through cheating. That's why no one has ever been able to get away with it around here longer than maybe 2 days at the most.

But yeah, to me he just looks like someone who's played that map a zillion times and has a routine down for playing it - where to spam, what to collect, what all the good angles are for shots on someone pursuing you, etc. He does the jump from either one of the RL doors to the YA habitually, which makes me think I've seen this guy play before. His habits are familiar, but he changes his name a lot and never uses his real alias.

A person who's botting, you wanna watch for how they use any sustained fire weapons. While they have the fire button pressed, the bot will stay locked. No matter how they jump or fall from a ledge, you'll see their crosshair like it's fuckin' SUPERGLUED to the hitbox. They're jumping and bouncing all over, but that crosshair motion is 100% smooth and steady right on the middle of the model. You'll see that with a machinegun or chaingun, or maybe even a blaster at close range. The most telling one is the hyperblaster. The crosshair will lead the target. However if its a farther shot and multiple opponents are in the area, it'll snap around to one or the other opponent depending on if the bot is set to target the farthest or closest opponent. And if they change distances with one another, the crosshair jerks all over momentarily trying to pick which one to follow.

As I said, I stopped watching after about 16 or 17 frags. If there was anything after that like what I describe while using a machinegun, then let me know which frags to look out for and I'll watch it again.
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