Rates Given - Debbie

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xatrix / Re: Fox server admin....
Funny Funny
on February 22, 2017, 11:16:41 PM to dervish
Exterminader is effectively saying here that he will only play you on the ts railz server where he will spawn with a gun and probably avoid you like the plague after you get 3 frags.

He will run and hide to get one of his own, then when he gets it, he will spam a smiley and probably leave with the very thin excuse that he has something else to go do.

Not really sure why you want to play on fox, but it's not gonna happen. He maintains it as his own private newbie reserve where he can stand around spamming traps at people who arent very skilled while thinking he's cool and never having anyone call him on it. This is what he did on xatrix, except people called him on it, and occasionally a good player would pop in to make him leave after he couldn't do anything to them for 5 minutes.

PS: inb4 claims of tdm player circle jerking: I don't like you, but at least I'll play you.
xatrix / Re: Xatrix coop?
Insightful Insightful
on August 30, 2013, 02:40:13 PM to Focalor
it'll probably be the only thing I won't get banned from.

Good thing you used the word "probably". Truth be told, you've been a nuisance until the admins of said servers couldn't take your shit anymore. Why aren't you in {X} anymore? Yeah, same shit, and they're about as slack on rules as a clan can be.

xatrix / Re: MP
Insightful Insightful
on August 13, 2013, 01:50:32 PM to fmax_wahoo
Waffle, you realize that your boy was put on the spot in the two threads below this one, for his poor server admin performance on the FOX server? Also, how am I parasite. Lol what kind of diss is that. : x

Burt, Exti is not my "boy". He is one of many I have fun playing Q2 with. MP and I have been friends with him for years. Poor server admin performance? Based on what? The fact that he doesn't tolerate wise asses on "HIS" server. He pays for that right. And sometimes it's nice playing with a group of friends and "0" idiots in the game. On the other hand, it IS fun fraging the idiots. Not everyone can be as tolerant as Quadz. :-) Why would you even think you have the right to dictate how he should run his server.

As for the nematode. I didn't even know it was a parasite. I thought it was a type of sea worm. :-) MP is a Spongebob fan. The nematodes are a funny character on Spongebob that swarm in a group.. I was actually insinuating you are a funny character in a group of funny characters. Due to the fact that you insert your negative comments in a thread welcoming back an old friend. Over the years a few people on Tasty have pissed me off, but I don't go into threads where they are posting and try to provoke them.
xatrix / Re: EXTERMINADER is a dirtbag
Funny Funny
on July 17, 2013, 08:52:16 PM to bluemeanies
Don't bother going to that server unless you want to have to try and adhere to some arbitrary standard of playing correctly. Run up the frags too fast, or use rail gun too much and you will basically be asked to leave.

From what I can tell the old man uses it as a chat room to flirt with middle aged women. Not sure why you would want to pay money for something like that when there are thousands of free games with chat.

God knows there's nothing resembling quake going on there...
xatrix / Re: EXTERMINADER is a dirtbag
Wins The Internet Wins The Internet
on July 15, 2013, 10:27:59 PM to EXTERMINADER
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