Total Members Voted: 6
i'm getting a ping of ~56 on all of those. North-East US.Who's the host? I got those same pings on my hosts Chicago's servers but I kept mine in Dallas for a more "even" ping from around the US/CA.
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you
denver server ftw!!
Ouch, I get 39-50 to Texas depending...if your on DSL make sure you are set on fast path.
I'm just south of buffalo, NY. We have relatively crappy 'net down here. I'm NOT complaining @ under 100 ping. I get ~200 to EU which makes me happy too, and it's still very playable imho. but i'm not even sure there's fiber around here. When I move "home" (@ a temp place right now) I'll be in the middle of nowhere with DSL (cable now) & still get the same pings. Part of my issue is that all my 'net goes to buffalo, then albany, THEN syracuse, then to another major hub. So it travels across the sate for me... twice!
getting a solid ping of about 30. But seriously, don't you think they should have a show to determine the best couch potatoe called American Idle.
I ping 12-13