There is help and you can get it. It may take you multiple trips, to several doctors, but someone can help you. [...] Again, you need to keep trying to find a doctor that can help you and is willing to listen to you.
so what's the hobby you will not name?
Quote from: kren.Z on January 20, 2008, 05:49:30 PMso what's the hobby you will not name?I'm going to guess it has something to do with boobies.
i have just quit school and while that might not sound like much to some of the no life losers here, this is a big thing for me
Don't quit school, maybe take a small break, but the more things you pull your self away from - the harder it will be to get back in the groove of life. Once isolated, you will become an island and find it harder to find life again.
There is help and you can get it. It may take you multiple trips, to several doctors, but someone can help you. You mention that you have major depression and anxiety disorder - are these diagnosed by a train doctor or just what you have labeled the issues?Far too often people self diagnose themselves and forget that there is science behind these conditions. Again, you need to keep trying to find a doctor that can help you and is willing to listen to you. Either that being a family doctor or seeing a physiologist.
Life is far from over, you may never be the person you 'think' you should be or what others want, but in the end you determine your own fate. It will take time, but one small step at a time is needed for you. Get some medication for the anxiety and stay in school.
I hope this is one of those things that we should not take seriously.
the tastyspleen community has helped me, i consider you guys to be my closest friends, you have helped me more than you know
Xtyfe,Have you ever tried therapy?
Xtyfe, are you like that guy off superbad who draws cocks in his spare time?
Xtyfe, nobody, no matter what they say to you is gonna get you out of this, you have to do it in your own mind, and your own mind may not let you, it works against you. I am still getting out of the depression after a couple of long years. Hang in there! Just remember don't give up, never give up.
This doesn't sound like bi-polar because at least you have some good days, when you are in the "mania" phase. This sounds like your very common depressive illness. It also sounds clinical (vs situational). It produces a condition known as Anhedonia ( which is the inability to experience pleasure in every day common events. A beautiful sunny day becomes meaningless. Everything appears rather grey and lifeless. Your head can feel like lead and vaguely ill most of the time. Been there, years ago.
I'm still a bit confused here that you're not hooked up to some kind of medical intervention. Any family doctor, hospital or walk-in clinic is very familiar with this stuff and will readily steer you towards help from a physician. Its very simple. I'm aware that nobody wants to be on a medication, but you've tried to tough it out and its not working.
I think you should at least give that a chance since it will lift you up to a better level and you can assess your options more clearly, than you can now. Plus its a relief to actually start to have some 'good' days and have some of your natural enthusiasm for life come back. If you wish to then explore cognitive therapies, group therapy and such, than at least you can make an informed decision.
If your family doctor is not helpful, you can make an appointment at any hospital and they have trained staff who can check out your symptons and give you their feedback. It might be a lot better than you think.