2. PRIVACYThe software may transmit personal information related to your computersoperating environment. Such information is encrypted before being transmittedover the Internet using public key encryption technology, ensuring only ther1ch.net anticheat server is able to read it. Personal information may recordedin log files and saved on the server for future use. Your personal informationis used primarily to generate a verification code which will either permit ordeny you access to a game server based on the results of certain tests on thedata. Unless outlined below, your personal information will never be sharedwith any 3rd party.Personal information may include (but is not limited to) the following: openprocesses, loaded module list, username, presence of any specific files on thesystem, operating system version, loaded device drivers, window classnames,window titles, file versions, system file checksums, game file checksums. Inaddition, screenshots of the game environment may be transmitted. Screenshotsmay be shared with server administrators and publicly posted should they showanything suspicious that may be regarded as cheating.
- So basically this gives anticheat.dll carte blanche access to your entire filesystem, memory, for certain files. So if R1CH wants to know what kind of music you listen to or what websites you visit or full read access to your screenshot folder, this EULA gives him that right. Interpret that privacy disclaimer anyway you want, it's written word for word there, I wouldn't want to be accused of spreading misinfo again.
presence of any specific files
- Maybe some of you have seen the 'R1CH refuses to make anticheat for linux' as the hostname for the server with the most players this past week. They're not real players, most on there are 35 Eraser bots filling up slots. You won't see this server on q2servers.net or any master server R1CH has control of (been blacklisted by R1CH) but I have gotten word that ASE and Gamespy users are finding it, over 100 people have connected and R1 is totally raged over it.
- What sparked this, is R1CH's goons run the only gloom server in the Western Hemisphere at this time and R1CH thought it would be a good idea to make anticheat.dll manditory for everybody there.
- So who cares about this draconian disclaimer, punkbuster works the same way. Possibly, but it's either some no-name gaming corperation sending you spam or R1CH getting kicks out of spying on and harrassing with certain people he chooses AND DOES. Is he nice to you? Well have you ever heard the saying: 'somebody who is rude to the waiter but nice to you is not a nice person'? Tread carefully, you could be next.
- Do you think it's worth it to stop the 1/500 people cheating by running a binary that exludes other OS's but windows? It's just Quake ffs. He won't make AC for linux because then it would be possible to restrict permissions to not give his program unrestricted access to the entire system. "Anticheat.dll is a win32 binary compiled by R1CH. it's closed source. you think i'm going to run some kid's binary on my box?" 'nuff said.
- I'm glad the admins here at tastyspleen have some sense and still give the choice to people on whether to use a specific cheat prevention program, and still rely on common sense and demos instead to pass judgement. It shows that maybe TS will be around longer than Gloom which has been wittled away over the past few years just about to oblivion now. The main gloom server years ago was hit repeatedly by European DDOS kiddies who told me they hated R1CH and would make him pay etc.and the company hosting it went under and stole their box. Look at nocheat Q2ace and so forth and what happened. I hate seeing this happen yet again.
Well let's get started...
And you already run some kid's binary on your box, I seriously doubt you've reviewed every line of code of every program running on your system.
i would like to point out that CHEATS AND HACKS DO NOT EXIST FOR LINUXthat is all
Many eyes don't help when the distribution files get trojaned or the code itself is insecure. Granted open source programs usually have security bugs spotted pretty quick, but the quality of some open source projects leaves a lot to be desired. Take 5 random sourceforge projects and I can probably find a security bug in at least 1. I'm not really trying to get into an open/closed debate, just that given a small target audience, downloading and compiling / running some obscure program from the Internet is not really any different than running it if it were a binary.