i didn't even know dahang won quakecon, congrats dude!"D0T.B100D: or naymlisD0T.B100D: who beat me more than i beat himD0T.B100D: by a nice margin"thats obviously not b100d, he wouldn't admit something like that
LOL for you idiots who think this log is me playing and saying adren is walling its not , its me spec'ing him in obs in teams and watching him wall the shit out of somebody. He is above bottom rl near healths at the corner. There is no sound make and he is looking towards ssg. its been like 10 seconds so the dude even paused coming to ssg because it takes 1.25 seconds to get there i should know i time it LEGIT. He is sitting there for 10 seconds there is no sound made , and then he starts to react to something coming from ssg , there is no sound made and bingo here comes a guy around the corner and adren's crosshair is lined up perfectly with a 50 ping lead all he has to do is press fire button. He was leading the guy around the corner before he was even visible and the guy never made a sound I know sounds better than anybody on dm1 thank you and have proven it many times.
Blood is fucking white.