I have been using it and Ill tell you that a single line of code would not allow wallhack like bugs to happen.
After reverse engineering the files there are several hidden client side cvars that enable/disable wallhacking, enable/disable an aim bot with a fov as low as 5
Being a programmer I can tell you that a single line of code will not enable the wallhack you have to write a call to the gl rederer to allow the walls to become transparent. In my opinion this was diliberate.
A tcp/udp view reports that the q2advance client makes 2 udp connections to a server. this appears to happen when the hidden aim bot is enabled.
I will publish the findings and the screen shots in the near future. However I will not post the code as to prevent future hacks..
As for right now I believe that this client is mearly a new method of cheating. although the eye candy is great, the aimbot/wallhack/timmers are cheats. I would not trust a player that connects using the q2advance. Although that person might be in the dark as to the full extent, but none the less be suspect. Further I have banned that client from the KIL Server.
... As for right now I believe that this client is mearly a new method of cheating. although the eye candy is great, the aimbot/wallhack/timmers are cheats. I would not trust a player that connects using the q2advance. Although that person might be in the dark as to the full extent, but none the less be suspect.
Yet another so called anti-cheat client to suspect. I'd heard about the wallhack, but not the aimbot and timers. I'd like to hear others confirmation on this.
Cvars listed in the game when exec'ing a cvarlist make no mention to a bot, wallhack or other known cheat. However in the hexeditor there list a few that I do not see when doing a cvarlist. mainly timmers, and one refering to cl_aim 1/0, and cl_prediction 1/0. both of these lead me to think that there is somesort of aimbot. several pages down there is a fov listing for fov's at minimum 5. further down makes mentions to ramdom misses. Reading the orig q2 code and several other clients I have never seen any references to random misses. why is this in Q2advance?
The line of code that I forgot was that I had switched the order that players/maps get drawn, not realizing that it would also fuck up lasers/shadows (it was an attempt to stop a wallhack, because if depth testing is disabled on entities when the map is draw after the entities, they dont show up). It was a simple mistake that i forgot to switch back.