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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3090 on: July 21, 2014, 09:01:58 AM »
2dums gettin BTFO
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3091 on: July 21, 2014, 12:36:19 PM »
If you had a mechanical penis. it may still function the way you may want it to, but the feeling you would get from orgasm would be forever lost.

The heart has vast capability that science has still not unlocked. Not everything has been proven or revealed. much is still unknown in the world of science, but you were born without the need for machines or texts to tell you the truth about existence. you have everything you need well within you  :heart:
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3092 on: July 21, 2014, 01:23:24 PM »
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3093 on: July 21, 2014, 01:31:09 PM »
If you had a mechanical penis. it may still function the way you may want it to, but the feeling you would get from orgasm would be forever lost.

The heart has vast capability that science has still not unlocked. Not everything has been proven or revealed. much is still unknown in the world of science

'Might want to catch up on the past couple centuries of neurophysiological discoveries before uttering further cranio-rectal burblings sweeping statements about gaps in scientific understanding.

Our 3D sensory body image is an illusion maintained by the brain. There's no 'feeling' in the flesh itself; rather the feeling arises in the brain's interpretation of electrochemical signals transmitted along the nervous system.

The left side shows the somatosensory cortex, where signals from the body surface are mapped onto the brain.
The right side shows the motor cortex which signals the body's muscles. [1]

Again, the notion that if one stubs one's toe, that the feeling of discomfort is actually being 'felt' in the 3D location where the toe physically exists is an illusion.

This can be intuitively understood by contemplating--for example--spinal anesthesia, which works by blocking the transmission of signals through nerve fibers.

If one prefers to contemplate these illusions introspectively, I'd recommend these guided meditations:


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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3094 on: July 21, 2014, 03:03:08 PM »
If you had a mechanical penis. it may still function the way you may want it to, but the feeling you would get from orgasm would be forever lost.

The feeling you get from orgasm is when the nerve endings in the penis are stimulated properly to induce muscle spasms in the prostate gland which propel semen through the urethra. (Seriously, you should've learned this shit in sex ed already. You're welcome for the helpful hints though.) So if this hypothetical mechanical penis really were functioning the same as a regular penis, then yeah, you'd still have an orgasm. The orgasm isn't felt in the penis, it's felt in the prostate gland which then send signals through the nerves to the brain which triggers the release of endorphins and other neurochemicals. But then you already knew that, didn't you, Mr Ass Play.

So what exactly do you hope to highlight or reveal with such an example? That not only is the heart the key to understanding and reasoning, but the penis and orgasms are too? I'll tell the police that when I get arrested for masturbating in the middle of a Waffle House. "I'm not jerking off, I'm just thinking... about what I want to order... this helps the thinking process, dontcha know." I'm sure they'll understand.
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3095 on: July 21, 2014, 06:00:21 PM »
did this mexican not pass 1st grade biology or something? lol

also im kinda tired taking 2dum so seriously. i think the most insulting thing i could do is never, ever take him seriously ever and just interpret anything serious he might say as bait.

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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3096 on: July 21, 2014, 07:41:43 PM »
You are all wrong. The heart is not the key. The brain is not the key. I am the key.

Repent. Believe in me. Have everlasting life.

And stop arguing.
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3097 on: July 21, 2014, 11:34:10 PM »

"Until the 1990s, scientists assumed and most of us were taught that it was only the brain that sent information and issued commands to the heart, but now we know that it works both ways. In fact, the heart's complex intrinsic nervous system, the heart brain, is an intricate network of several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells, like those found in the brain proper. Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in several major ways and acts independently of the cranial brain"

let there be light:idea:
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3098 on: July 22, 2014, 12:13:36 AM »
let there be pseudoscience:idea:

Searching for whether any of their more extraordinary claims have been peer reviewed or subjected to scientific critical analysis. Not finding much.

I have first-hand experience with the folks at HeartMath and let me start by saying that they are not charlatans in my opinion. These people really believe in their mission and what they call the ‘science’ behind it. Unfortunately, during my time with them it didn’t appear that critical thinking is a core component of their philosophy
The founder of HeartMath is a guy by the name of Doc Childre (who is not a doctor) and his philosophy is basically that the heart is at the center of the human experience and the heart as an organ is much more interactive and important in our lives than just being a muscle that pumps blood around our bodies.
During my brief interaction with HeartMath the basic premise of their technology revolved around something called Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV, in fact, is a real scientifically researched phenomenon that measures the variability in the R portion of the QRST wave of a typical heartbeat. Basically, over time, even with a regular heartbeat there is variability between the beats. The more variability, the healthier the heart (this is a very boiled-down view of this). Reduced HRV has been shown to be a predictor of death after heart attacks, so doctors know to monitor patients with less HRV more carefully when they are recovering from MI (Myocardial Infarction) or open heart surgery.

So far, so good, but what HeartMath has done has taken the concept of HRV and said that it ties into emotional health in a way that can affect performance, happiness, and stress in a profound way. When I visited HeartMath’s offices in Boulder Creek (it’s actually a campus with housing) I had their researcher, Rollin McCraty, PhD, give myself and a colleague a presentation on the HRV and HeartMath’s derivative state of well-being called ‘Coherence’. During this presentation McCraty gave an overview of HRV and showed some psychological testing materials and videos (such as the famous Gorilla/Basketball video) and told us about the research he was doing into the heart as a very special organ that regulates our mental health and well-being far beyond what current science understands. I started to feel uncomfortable when McCraty showed us data that suggested the heart (as an organ) was capable of pre-cognition. I talked with my colleague after the presentation and pointed out to him that the research at HeartMath appeared to have the tail wagging the dog, which is to say that they were not doing research to see what the result was, they were starting with a result and trying to conduct research to prove the result they already believed in, which is that the heart is an organ that has powers beyond anything we can measure with modern technology.
The product that caught our attention is one that is similar to a HeartMath product I have in my office which is basically a heart rate variability monitor. The software that comes with the device graphs HRV in such a way that it is displayed on the screen. IHM claims that a person can relieve stress and center their heart and mind in such a way that their HRV will achieve what they call ‘Coherence’. This produces a wave on the screen that looks a lot like a sine wave. There are relaxation techniques that are supposed to allow you to achieve this coherence, IMH claims will improve your mental abilities, performance, mental acuity, and help you to get in touch with your heart.  Unfortunately it didn’t take long for us to figure out that a ‘coherence’ pattern could be achieved very easily by simply doing regular deep breathing, thus producing a sine-wave type pattern that in my estimation is produced simply by what’s called sinus arrhythmia (a normal subtle change in the heart rate due to the pressure change in the chest while breathing).

This product, called the emWave Personal Stress Reliever sells for $199 and ostensibly tells you when your HRV achieves a level of coherence. The problem I see with this product is that there’s no scientific consensus that ‘coherence’ does anything useful or that achieving it through this product has any beneficial effect at all. In my experience those who used the product and claimed success fell well within the realm of the placebo effect. For $199, I would suggest that folks simply practice deep breathing relaxation and save the money

See also the pseudoscience Baloney Detection Kit:


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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3099 on: July 22, 2014, 12:28:10 AM »
A second, more detailed critical response to HeartMath's claims:

It's a good read, but I want to pull at least one fun quote:

The heart does feed information to the brain. Then again, so does everything else. Your feet feed information to the brain – that’s why if someone hits your feet, you can feel it. [...] This does not mean the feet are metaphysically prior to the brain in some important way, or that they control the brain. It just means that the brain is at some level aware of what is going on with the feet. So too with the heart. We know the brain has some level of monitoring of heart function – this is why people who have heart attacks have various unpleasant feelings, including chest pain and a so-called “sense of impending doom”. This doesn’t imply very much about the heart controlling brain function.

The heart does have a complex interconnected nervous system of its own. But HeartMath’s descriptions of it – which go from claims that “The heart’s extensive intrinsic neurvous system is sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a ‘heart brain’ in its own right” to the insane question The Heart Has A Little Brain – Which Is Really In Control? – are overblown. HeartMath says the heart has 40,000 neurons (other sources say more like 14,000). Okay. The brain has 86 billion. Which is really in control – the organ with 14,000 neurons or the one with 86,000,000,000? Yeah, it’s the second one. Also of note: the gut has 100 million neurons. For those of you counting, that’s seven thousand times more than the heart. Maybe “The Institute of BowelMath” didn’t sound sexy enough? Neurons are useful structures that manage electrical conductivity and ability to react to external conditions; they don’t always mean an organ has some kind of complicated emotional intelligence.

The heart does produce a magnetic field over a thousand times stronger than that of the brain. Here are other totally meaningless heart-brain comparisons: the heart is over a zillion times redder than the brain is! The heart is involved in 600000% more angsty teenage love poetry! Anything with electrical activity is going to produce a magnetic field, but that doesn’t mean the magnetic field is of any deeper significance, or that “size of magnetic field produced” is a good proxy for “cognitive significance”. In fact, we find that the magnetic field of the heart as measured at the surface of the body is ten million times weaker than the Earth’s magnetic field at the surface of the Earth. HeartMath says that subtle changes in the heart’s magnetic field can be measured outside the body, and this is true, but what they fail to mention is that this measurement was done at a super-high-tech laboratory in Berlin called the “most magnetically quiet room on earth” where building-sized magnetic shields sheltered the experimental apparatus from the Earth’s magnetism, which otherwise would have totally overwhelmed the effect the same way as hunting for a firefly on the surface of the Sun. Outside of a special magnetically shielded room in Berlin, your heart’s magnetic field isn’t going around influencing everything around you, let alone interacting with somebody else’s heart.

The article confronts several more of HeartMath's claims similarly.

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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3100 on: July 22, 2014, 01:03:19 AM »
The heart does feed information to the brain.

The heart does have a complex interconnected nervous system of its own.

The heart does produce a magnetic field over a thousand times stronger than that of the brain,

- all conceded from the critics,

we can say now, the heart is not just a pump!

it has capabilities that have yet to be fully understood by science. but i will tell you it is vital to understanding the universe.
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3101 on: July 22, 2014, 05:46:43 AM »
It's also been proven that people of arabic descent are inferior to whites. I read it on on the internet. So it's true.
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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3102 on: July 22, 2014, 06:15:37 AM »
The heart does feed information to the brain.

Just like the anal sphincter.

The heart does have a complex interconnected nervous system of its own.

The heart is seven thousand times stupider than the gut.

The heart does produce a magnetic field over a thousand times stronger than that of the brain,

A thousand times nothing is still nothing: producing a field strength so weak as to contradict HeartMaths' claims.

- all conceded from the critics,

we can say now, the heart is not just a pump!

Precisely in the same way the anal sphincter isn't just a sphincter and the gut isn't just a digestive system.

it has capabilities that have yet to be fully understood by science.

A conclusion entirely unsupported by the evidence.

You appear to be misusing the term 'science', in the same manner as the young earth creationists.

If you begin with a conclusion and only look for evidence to support that conclusion, you're not doing science.

If you use technology provided by science to study something, such as the strength of an electromagnetic field or the existence of a cluster of neurons, but you then ignore what science has to say about the meaning of those findings (the field is too weak to be noteworthy, the existence of a cluster of neurons doesn't imply cognition) -- then you're not doing science!

Your grade on this science assignment: D minus.

Before re-taking this course, please familiarize yourself with the pseudoscience Baloney Detection Kit.


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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3103 on: July 22, 2014, 07:42:47 AM »

The heart does have a complex interconnected nervous system of its own.

The heart is seven thousand times stupider than the gut.

I've been waiting for that one. ^
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Booya Fu

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Re: Ye Religion Thread
« Reply #3104 on: July 22, 2014, 01:31:22 PM »
You appear to be misusing the term 'science', in the same manner as the young earth creationists.
If you begin with a conclusion and only look for evidence to support that conclusion, you're not doing science.

ya you're right, but then again, you've only posted 1 critic, and from his biography,  "James Randi has an international reputation as a magician and escape artist". So should i discount everything he says because hes just a magician?

HeartMath, founded by Doc Childre, is known for their research-based programs, techniques and technology to improve health and well-being, while dramatically reducing stress. HeartMath system is being widely used within hospitals and healthcare systems, academic settings, and within the US military for resilience-building pre-deployment and Veteran Administration clinics that are working with emotionally wounded soldiers. More than 15,000 health professionals use the HeartMath techniques and technology with patients. Over twenty years of published research on HRV coherence and clinical studies have demonstrated the critical link between emotions, heart function and cognitive performance. These studies have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals such as American Journal of Cardiology, Stress Medicine, Preventive Cardiology and Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Again here, should i discount years of research because of a medical device that they are trying to sell? I dont know if you can slander the entirety of their research.

Personally, the heart containing deep seated power is fact to me because my heart physically altered my consciousness for an hour and changed my religion and my view about the world.
take care to prevent yourself from relying to heavily on the scientific method while abandoning inner exploration.

at the end of the day, i am just sharing what i personally know to be fact. exposing everyone to my views is all i can really do :beer: knowing i cannot prove it
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 01:34:52 PM by 2d »
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!


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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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