Still all generally the same, it's all about a higher power. And how can you knock wikipedia, wikipedia is the best.
god is intrisic to humans, that's why people belief in god on islands, everywhere.
I doubt no matter how many books are written, or whatever attemps are made to propagate athiesm, it will all be in vein. the people in power will still do things the same way they're done now.
since if people were athiests it would be devastating for civilization, and civilization wouldn't exist in such good form if people weren't religious.
take a look at jefferey dahlmer, and what the ghetto would be like if people were athiest.
I doubt no matter how many books are written, or whatever attemps are made to propagate athiesm, it will all be in vein. the people in power will still do things the same way they're done now. since if people were athiests it would be devastating for civilization, and civilization wouldn't exist in such good form if people weren't religious. take a look at jefferey dahlmer, and what the ghetto would be like if people were athiest. I don't ever see the athiests becoming overwhelming in any force.
Until you can provide a good answer for the foundation of life, and it's building blocks (why they are there, how they are there) , you are dealing with a huge gap in knowledge, and like it or not, god shouldn't be subject to complexities, while the universe should be.
I would even say 90 percent of non-believers, god is self-evident. science is simply not in the realm yet of a complete explanation, and you can choose to consider "this" an accident.
Sounds like DaHang and Quadz are trying pretty hard to get you to admit that there is no God, to me anyway.
Sounds like DaHang and Quadz are trying pretty hard to get you to admit that there is no God, to me anyway. Hopefully none of my replies come across that way.
Reminds me of the "I'm an atheist, but..." routine.
god is intrisic to humans, that's why people belief in god on islands, everywhere.Quote from: quadzIf there's one thing I might agree seems to be intrinsic to humans, it'd be a prevailing inclination to attribute phonemena people can't explain, or emotions they can't describe, to the supernatural.Big deal.Just as with the stars being pinholes in the celestial sphere that let in the light of heaven, over and over through history mankind's attempts to explain away mysterious phenomena in terms of manifestations of the supernatural, have been hogwash.And this doesn't bother you.
If there's one thing I might agree seems to be intrinsic to humans, it'd be a prevailing inclination to attribute phonemena people can't explain, or emotions they can't describe, to the supernatural.Big deal.Just as with the stars being pinholes in the celestial sphere that let in the light of heaven, over and over through history mankind's attempts to explain away mysterious phenomena in terms of manifestations of the supernatural, have been hogwash.And this doesn't bother you.
I doubt no matter how many books are written, or whatever attemtps are made to propagate atheism, it will all be in vein. the people in power will still do things the same way they're done now.Quote from: quadzThe way they're done "now" ?If we were still living in biblical times, we'd still have slavery, animal sacrifice, polygamy, and tribal warlords.Why in blazes do you keep up the pretense that somehow religious "values" have been a constant throughout history.
The way they're done "now" ?If we were still living in biblical times, we'd still have slavery, animal sacrifice, polygamy, and tribal warlords.Why in blazes do you keep up the pretense that somehow religious "values" have been a constant throughout history.
since if people were atheists it would be devastating for civilization, and civilization wouldn't exist in such good form if people weren't religious.Quote from: quadzYou've said this before, and it's as though you don't care about evidence presented to the contrary.Once again, when measuring countries various indices including human rights, internal and external conflicts, etc., we see the more atheist/secular countries tending to have the best scores, and the more ultra-religious countries at the bottom. it's like, you have this "My mind's made up -- don't confuse me with the facts!" response.It's like the facts don't matter, because they don't conform to what you want to believe.Why is this not a problem for you?
You've said this before, and it's as though you don't care about evidence presented to the contrary.Once again, when measuring countries various indices including human rights, internal and external conflicts, etc., we see the more atheist/secular countries tending to have the best scores, and the more ultra-religious countries at the bottom. it's like, you have this "My mind's made up -- don't confuse me with the facts!" response.It's like the facts don't matter, because they don't conform to what you want to believe.Why is this not a problem for you?
take a look at jefferey dahlmer, and what the ghetto would be like if people were atheist.Quote from: quadzOnce again. This is a Hasty Generalization fallacy. And again, you're happy to ignore the equally heinous acts committed in the name of religion. Somehow those don't matter, I guess, because they interfere with what you want to believe?Remember the BTK Killer? He was president of the Congregational Council of his Christ Lutheran Church, which he had been a member for 30 years.We could make the same Hasty Generalization about churchgoers based on the BTK Killer, as you have tried to get away with with Jeffery Dahmer. Do you see the problem with this approach?
Once again. This is a Hasty Generalization fallacy. And again, you're happy to ignore the equally heinous acts committed in the name of religion. Somehow those don't matter, I guess, because they interfere with what you want to believe?Remember the BTK Killer? He was president of the Congregational Council of his Christ Lutheran Church, which he had been a member for 30 years.We could make the same Hasty Generalization about churchgoers based on the BTK Killer, as you have tried to get away with with Jeffery Dahmer. Do you see the problem with this approach?
Finally, are you willing to take Christopher Hitchens' challenge?Here it is, in two parts:"If it is to be argued that our morality or ethics can be derived from the supernatural, then (1) NAME me an action -- MORAL action taken by a believer or moral statement uttered by one that could not have been made or uttered by an infidel.""But If I were to ask you, (2) can you think of a WICKED action that could ONLY have been performed by someone who believe they were on an errand from God, there isn't one of you who would take 10 seconds to give me an example. So what does that tell us? I would say it tells us a lot..."Ready? Set? Go.
Think of it like this. Has there ever once, in the history of human existence, been a compelling case of the laws of nature breaking as some god/spirit intervened to benefit certain individuals? No. There has not been any credible evidence. I am open to any that may arise, however. This is all an atheist really is, someone who does not believe there is some god mingling with human affairs. It's also why the tooth fairy analogy comes up.
Quote from: dahangThink of it like this. Has there ever once, in the history of human existence, been a compelling case of the laws of nature breaking as some god/spirit intervened to benefit certain individuals? No. There has not been any credible evidence. I am open to any that may arise, however. This is all an atheist really is, someone who does not believe there is some god mingling with human affairs. It's also why the tooth fairy analogy comes up.I'd say it's compelling what belief in god has done, it certainly had a very large effect. God is what supposedly caused good and evil and life to be the way they are, where is the natural explanation, other than just saying everything just exists..the end..?
So to summarize, you ignore what everyone else considers as evidence for god, say religion has been backtracking, god is to complicated, we explain a lot of how the universe is the way it is, it's probable matter/energy just exist on its own in some form or another forever past and present......that's not going to suffice.