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Thanksgiving 2021 (and 2022) (and 2023... and probably from now on) thread
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Topic: Thanksgiving 2021 (and 2022) (and 2023... and probably from now on) thread (Read 2669 times)
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Thanksgiving 2021 (and 2022) (and 2023... and probably from now on) thread
November 24, 2021, 11:47:09 PM »
What are you thankful for? What did you eat? What did someone make that you REFUSE to eat?
Talk about the Lions likely losing, as is the religious tradition in America. Make fun of the Dallas Cowboys. Talk about the crap you're gonna buy people during the black friday and cyber monday or whatever-the-hell-else-sales. Bitch about politics. Whine about gas prices. Recount the inappropriate racist jokes your relatives told at the dinner table. Or just post dumb Thanksgiving memes. Like this:
Last Edit: November 22, 2023, 05:09:56 AM by |iR|Focalor
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 thread
Reply #1 on:
November 25, 2021, 10:52:49 AM »
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 thread
Reply #2 on:
November 25, 2021, 07:51:37 PM »
Nobody? Geez.
Some memes from the discord...
What am I thankful for? Family. It's the only thing in life that matters. All the shit you spend all your time lusting after, cars, motorcycles, electronics, whatever, none of it means SHIT once you get it and you're alone in a room with it. Doesn't matter how much that antique THING is worth if there's no one to share it with. Family is the most important thing. Things break, things get stolen, and "friends" will break your things and steal your things and go their own way. Family is ALWAYS there. Some people don't have a family like that though. Do you know these people? Maybe it's your job to BE their family.
What did I eat? EVERYTHING. Holy crap. I honestly snuck back to the bathroom and threw up a little because I ate so much I was miserable and couldn't breathe, lol. Southern Thanksgiving is always WAY more food than anyone can eat, that's just the way it is. I didn't even really have to cook anything this year either, everyone else did the hard stuff. I did a Butterball turkey in the oven in a bag, and it turned out PERFECT. I also made a pan of some butternut squash (we do butternut squash instead of sweet potatoes in my family). Everybody else did the rest, it was great. Got to sleep til noon, missed the parade on TV, didn't even bother watching any football today. Watched Thanksgiving movies instead: Alice's Restaurant, Dutch, and Planes Trains and Automobiles. Played a little GTA tonight with my nephews, did the Cayo Perico heist and got the special 1.9Mil panther statue as the heist item, guess they're doing that as a special thing for Thanksgiving week. Also watched The Wizard of Oz on TV tonight before everybody went home. Dunno if that's a tradition in your family, it's not a "thing" we do on purpose, it just happens to come on and we go, "Hell, why not." I always liked it as a kid.
What didn't I eat? The pistashio pudding or whatever its called that my mom made. Some kinda hospital pastel green colored pudding with marshmallows and pecans in it. Ew.
What am I buying for Black Friday? NOT A CLUE. I have no idea what to get anyone this year. I spend an hour or two browsing Amazon and I get no closer to having a clue than when I started.
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 thread
Reply #3 on:
November 25, 2021, 08:11:35 PM »
I just checked for the score for the Chicago Bears vs Detroit Lions game today.
Chicago 16, Detroit 14.
Detroits record is at 0-10-1 right now. MY GOD.
Business as usual I guess.
Sgt. Dick
Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
Posts: 5168
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 thread
Reply #4 on:
November 25, 2021, 10:32:12 PM »
I had the kids and grandkids over. My wife made a big spread of food that will take us days to go through.
Life is good.
aka IOU
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 thread
Reply #5 on:
November 25, 2021, 11:24:19 PM »
How is it... in this day and age... that if ANYONE is going to tie a game, even with the elaborate and silly overtime rules, it's always gonna be Detroit.
Kinda pisses me off that Detroit traded Matt Stafford too. He's been their best player and best chance to go ANYWHERE. Whatever his salary demanded, he was worth it, and they should've paid to keep him. Detroit was my favorite underdog team, and there's literally ZERO reason to watch them anymore, and their record so far this year proves it. Even the Falcons are doing better than the Lions this year. Sad.
Thanksgiving 2009, I think it was. Detroit was getting handled as usual. Their QB went down. Newly drafted rookie Matt Stafford came into the game. He continued taking all the brutal hammering that had taken the starting QB out. Then Stafford goes down too. He goes out with a broken shoulder. Against the doctors recommendations, he demands to come back in. Playing with a broken shoulder, he leads the team to a late 1 point victory over Cleveland. Personally, I consider that the single greatest Thanksgiving Day NFL game of all time.
And that's the guy Detroit trades. As a Detroit fan, I gotta say, that SUCKS. It ain't his fault Detroit can't win, it's the idiot GM. And simply firing him aint the answer. Look at Atlanta. They finally fired their shitty GM, and they STILL can't build anything. Honestly, Atlanta was better off with their old GM... and Detroit was better off with Matt Stafford. If you're gonna change, have a good plan, not just
good intentions
rant over.
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 (and 2022) thread
Reply #6 on:
November 24, 2022, 01:13:22 AM »
Are the Lions going to win today?
Probably not. I'm rooting for them anyway.
12:30pm EST
- Buffalo Bills (7-3) @ Detroit Lions (4-6)
4:30pm EST
- NY Giants (7-3) @ Dallas Cowboys (7-3)
8:20pm EST
- New England Patriots (6-4) @ Minnesota Vikings (8-2)
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 (and 2022) thread
Reply #7 on:
November 24, 2022, 12:58:56 PM »
Deeeeee-troit. Keepin' the streak alive.
Irrepressibly Profuse Member
Posts: 15791
Make Democrats Unemployed Again
Re: Thanksgiving 2021 (and 2022) (and 2023... and probably from now on) thread
Reply #8 on:
November 22, 2023, 05:50:41 AM »
In my movie collection, I have a folder with a small handful of Thanksgiving themed movies:
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987) - starring Steve Martin and John Candy
Dutch (1991) - starring Ed O'Neill and Ethan Embry
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)
Alice's Restaurant (1969) - starring Arlo Guthrie
If anyone knows of some other good Thanksgiving themed movies I can add to it, let me know.
Alice's Restaurant.
It's a Thanksgiving cult classic. Either you hate it and would never watch it, or you don't hate it and maybe would. I've never met anyone who really LOVED it though. I like the
a lot better than the movie. I like listening to it on Thanksgiving in the car on the way to family's house to eat Thanksgiving dinner. It's kind of a tradition. Some stations play it on the radio every Thanksgiving. The old classic rock station in Atlanta used to play it a few times throughout the day on Thanksgiving, but that station closed many years ago. The movie... I'll watch it every few years maybe - definitely not EVERY year. Might watch it this year.
wanna watch it...
It's kinda weird. An interesting snapshot of life in the 60's and hippie culture. The message in it? I don't really know. That family isn't just blood, it's everyone. The ending feels kinda sad, with Alice left standing on the steps of the church as Arlo drives away - and who knows when or if they'll ever meet again. Something about families can't stay together forever, or learning to let go maybe? I guess you can find whatever meaning you
to find in it.
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