Author Topic: 888 needs to be muted  (Read 17138 times)

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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2022, 06:15:29 PM »
well thanks to bibi and some tinkering with rail settings in RTX Q2 , finally got it working, couple of small issues to sort, but for the most part its all good, and that ignore feature is from the gods :) no more spam

No problem, Clippy!  Anytime!

Enjoy playing your game in peace now. :) 

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Offline Karpov

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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2022, 11:12:46 PM »
Glad to be back among the action with you all*. Q2 is such a great game !!

* except this tool 888 , what a fukin donkey. Definately uses a second PC to spec at times IMO

/ignorenick 888 is the most important part of any config.

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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2022, 05:24:04 AM »
what they dont understand is by not banning tards like 888 ,, its actually killing the game many new comers has he ran off .. or current players ?  if the trash were taken out I bet twice as many ppl would play the game..
....but that's just my 2 cents and I'm nothing but a penny waiting for change

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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2022, 05:10:30 PM »
what they dont understand is by not banning tards like 888 ,, its actually killing the game many new comers has he ran off .. or current players ?  if the trash were taken out I bet twice as many ppl would play the game..
....but that's just my 2 cents and I'm nothing but a penny waiting for change

I agree with the Unh0ly 100%

The quake community, specifically the tasty part is a great gaming group. Lots of grown ups and plenty of mutual respect all round. This plonka with his relentless gay sex spam is ruining the vibe for all , especially new players that show up.
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2022, 05:43:30 PM »
Condumps are worth their weight in gold, please cite specific behavior that should be brought to our attention. 'condump 888-strikes-again' in console. Paste it here and feel free to start a poll and encourage dm regulars to vote in it so we can get feedback from the community.
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2022, 06:33:23 PM »
FWIW, 888's couple primary addresses and a few VPN hack addresses he uses to troll servers, are banned at seattle-ffa.   He enjoys compromising servers and I will have no part of it. 

"Feedback from the community" was extremely negative starting around 20 months ago or earlier.  No poll is needed for trolls of this nature.
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2022, 11:10:29 PM »
FWIW, 888's couple primary addresses and a few VPN hack addresses he uses to troll servers, are banned at seattle-ffa.   He enjoys compromising servers and I will have no part of it. 

"Feedback from the community" was extremely negative starting around 20 months ago or earlier.  No poll is needed for trolls of this nature.

Elaborate on the issue you have with me requesting players supply us with the information to assist them. Condumps of the specific incidents in which 888 is exceptionally disruptive and encouraging feedback will go a long way.

This has always been the policy of tastyspleen. I have zero private messages, condumps, demos, or strings to search for in server logs. Please supply us with the information to assist you.
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2022, 11:35:57 PM »
Huh?  I simply stated a fact about a recurring punk / troll / being banned on a server.   I never said I had an issue with providing condumps, that is a useful tool.

However, client condumps of problem players from 1.5+  years ago on any server are *hardly* available now, there is some older discussion on some forum posts however.  Unless you are Quadz or an active DM server player in 2020/2021, you wouldn't have been there with the rest of us dealing with this person all through that era on TS.

I guess I would recommend to grep the logs for "sugar tits" or "cupcake" and see how far back it goes and how often they occur. 
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2022, 12:17:46 AM »
My 2 cents: His "hackusation" bullshit is lame and I wish he'd stop. The rest of it I can handle. Par for the course. I spew dumb shit sometimes too. It's America. And while cancel culture might be fucking with peoples heads, I think it's important to view it from a somewhat optimistic perspective that "it's still okay to say anything you want, even if it's really dumb... because it looks like the dumb shit is actually WAY more commonplace than anything else these days. Freedom, sort of."

As far as the hack shit: Some of it is stuff that he types, some of it is chat binds that he busts out when he gets tired of having to type his crap. I dunno if he's being 100% serious or just trolling, but I usually re-troll him in response for my own amusment. I don't care if he's a bad sport and thinks I cheat, or if he's just fucking with me. I can handle it. The issue I have with it is when OTHER PEOPLE on the server start seriously asking him, "Does he really cheat?" or saying other things to indicate that they feel like he's telling the truth. People change their names so often, I have no idea who anyone really is anymore. I don't know that we can rely on everyone being regulars and being smart enough to know that he's just the village idiot shouting dumb shit at anyone who'll listen. The last thing we need is even ONE PERSON thinking cheaters play here and deciding to go somewhere else to do their Q2'ing.

I think this is spot on

FFA DM is always thriving and full of players most everyone is guilty of some spam belligerent degenerate trash talk at some point or another

I think it would be polite common courtesy of some players could hold back when the server is slower with less than 5 players then as it become full 12+ players maybe let the shit hit the tan and pull out and unleash the beast and have fun like it’s 1999 saying whatever retarded thing that comes to mind no matter how dumb it sounds that’s the cool thing to do I guess

Also a lot of the team based mods tdm ctf ra2 etc they take quite a bit more work to organize a game and get the servers active so we could say team based mods are mostly infant stage and should be treated as such we need more professionalism respect polite common courtesy to nurture these dead team based mods back to life and maybe someday when they thrive again with tons of players it might be okay to turn it up a notch to pg13 or rated M for mature as that’s what Quake2 was rated h0ps won’t let me forget that ;) and he’s right to some degree so 888s trash talk on dm ffa server isn’t totally out of line imo but he could refine it and time it a little better and work on the nurturing and respect part so could a lot of other players as well

My 2 cents

Doubt anyone cares but thought I’d chime in to share its good to be fair it’s also good to be polite there’s a time and place for everything we all gotta learn to get along and have fun

Team work makes the dream work

I believe in all of you even if you don’t believe in me   :ilysign:
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2022, 12:24:09 AM »
Huh?  I simply stated a fact about a recurring punk / troll / being banned on a server.   I never said I had an issue with providing condumps, that is a useful tool.

However, client condumps of problem players from 1.5+  years ago on any server are *hardly* available now, there is some older discussion on some forum posts however.  Unless you are Quadz or an active DM server player in 2020/2021, you wouldn't have been there with the rest of us dealing with this person all through that era on TS.

I guess I would recommend to grep the logs for "sugar tits" or "cupcake" and see how far back it goes and how often they occur. 

The suggestion to grep "sugar tits" or "cupcake" has never been brought up. Are you saying this will lead me directly to an incident where 888 is exceptionally disruptive? Or will I have to sift through logs for days because he uses the words so frequently?

How does that assist me? You're attempting to make a point by insinuating that the admins aren't doing their job. I'm suggesting that you post condumps and give more objective feedback. Quadz would always request this as well. It helps us assist you.
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2022, 12:34:20 AM »
Huh?  I simply stated a fact about a recurring punk / troll / being banned on a server.   I never said I had an issue with providing condumps, that is a useful tool.

However, client condumps of problem players from 1.5+  years ago on any server are *hardly* available now, there is some older discussion on some forum posts however.  Unless you are Quadz or an active DM server player in 2020/2021, you wouldn't have been there with the rest of us dealing with this person all through that era on TS.

I guess I would recommend to grep the logs for "sugar tits" or "cupcake" and see how far back it goes and how often they occur. 

The suggestion to grep "sugar tits" or "cupcake" has never been brought up. Are you saying this will lead me directly to an incident where 888 is exceptionally disruptive? Or will I have to sift through logs for days because he uses the words so frequently?

How does that assist me? You're attempting to make a point by insinuating that the admins aren't doing their job. I'm suggesting that you post condumps and give more objective feedback. Quadz would always request this as well. It helps us assist you.

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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2022, 12:43:46 AM »
I will try to follow through with what youre askin for Mr Admin!

To address this idea that its just smack talk.... its not, vasilating between accusing anyone who beats him of cheating and graphic descriptions of gay sex when he gets a frag isnt smack. Four pages of a thread on the dudes behavour should illustrate that, as well as the fact he's persona non grata at other servers.

I like a bit of trash talk and am not advocating for cancel culture or the end of free speach ( rofl ) but this guy is running people off the server with the vivd pornagraphic mouth.

2 cents
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2022, 12:53:03 AM »
I will try to follow through with what youre askin for Mr Admin!

To address this idea that its just smack talk.... its not, vasilating between accusing anyone who beats him of cheating and graphic descriptions of gay sex when he gets a frag isnt smack. Four pages of a thread on the dudes behavour should illustrate that, as well as the fact he's persona non grata at other servers.

I like a bit of trash talk and am not advocating for cancel culture or the end of free speach ( rofl ) but this guy is running people off the server with the vivd pornagraphic mouth.

2 cents

Quake2 might be rated M for mature but it’s definitely not rated x or whatever for sexual content I agree some of it should be toned down and notch and filtered some stuff is just way too weird

Everyone even the legendary 888 should have a little bit of respect

Kudos karpov no idea who you are but I think you are 100% correct
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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2022, 01:20:29 AM »
Quote from: beaver{KEA} on August 12, 2022, 12:53:03 AM
Quote from: beaver{KEA} on August 12, 2022, 12:53:03 AM
Kudos karpov no idea who you are but I think you are 100% correct

this cuts deep mang  :ubershock:

I used to play here at the DM a fair bit, just lately playin again

Just one more thought to add , I ignore this fool usually pretty quick with /ignorenick 888 but that doesnt stop me seeing the other side of people getting caught up in his nonsense. It'll be a rockin house, then it turns into a fukin chat room cause Dalude (888) has to cry...then people leave and the whole things ruined.

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Re: 888 needs to be muted
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2022, 02:02:53 AM »
As "colorful" as his binds might be, I would encourage people NOT to attempt to start asking for the censoring what people say any further than the already clearly established lines.

And those lines seem to be:
serious real-world personal threats of violence (what the law commonly calls "terroristic threats") (I guess doxxing would be included here)
racial epithets
child abuse related (aka - the old player names "Pedophile" and "Pedophilette" from around 2008-ish if I recall correctly)

Beyond this, it's fair game pretty much. It ain't broke, so don't fix it.

Ignore him. Make it a community effort to tell others to ignore him. He's a VPN-ing no-life shitbag, so if you attempt to ban him, he's just gonna change his IP and he's gonna go menstrual and become 100x more annoying and disruptive. Unfortunately, unless someone institutes some kind of player registration and authentication in order to join (which would be a MASSIVE pain in the ass to implement), then theres no reliable way to permanently ban VPN-ing ball warts like him.
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