Author Topic: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute  (Read 22668 times)

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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2015, 10:01:08 PM »
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2015, 05:24:23 PM »
Oh yeah, and someone needs to mute that splinter douche bag. He sits on DM aimlessly spamming "wtf" every time he dies (which is a lot). He also told me that only two other players in all of q2 can beat him in ffa, Dip and Optica. So not only is he a spamming clown, but he's also mentally retarded.

In case anyone had not seen this daily cycle of lameness from splinter, here's an example from today:

Code: [Select]
[04:11] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: nextmap
[04:11] <uvula> 7(dm) console: nextmap => q2dm1-unmodified(-pu) q2dm2(-pu) q2dm3(-pu) q2dm4(-pu) q2dm5(-pu) q2dm6(-pu) q2dm7(-pu)

[04:11] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)           Seagull   252      7.16      30
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   233      7.21      28
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   216      2.78      10
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)           whoever   192      7.19      23
[04:12] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   189      2.22       7

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: splinter checking if quad is on
[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: youre bad thats waht

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: yup

*[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: once he realizes he cant win he'll leave*
*[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: since i mostly win NON quad maps*

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: quad lets the HPB noobs in

[04:13] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwttwf
[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwtwtwf

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ????

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww4tef

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwwttwgf

[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: leave me alone

[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: stfu
[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: cunt
[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: gayzed

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwwttwf
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you should cry more
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: u should win more

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: oh wait
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: nvm

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: tell me about it from the non winner spot
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: newbie

*[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: have you beaten me....ever?*

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: yes

[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: multiple times every day we play
[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and then you cry and make excuses

[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: suuuiuure
[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and leave

[04:18] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwtwtwf

[04:18] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: lol sure

[04:18] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: there you go crying again

[04:18] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:18] <uvula> 14(dm)           Seagull   268      6.72      30
[04:18] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   257      6.78      29
[04:19] <uvula> 14(dm)            sizmik   231      6.77      26
[04:19] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   222      6.76      25
[04:19] <uvula> 14(dm)           JibberZ   197      5.79      19

[04:19] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf

[04:19] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtwtwwttf

[04:20] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwwt

[04:22] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf

[04:22] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: stfu

[04:24] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: HPBNOOB again????

[04:25] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)           Seagull   297      6.06      30
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   265      6.11      27
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)    I love campers   244      5.40      22
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   236      6.11      24
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   226      6.10      23
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) zee plane: gayed
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: omg?
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: really?
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Lilitha: bad
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: splinter below me on the scoreboard and crying?

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: what a surprise

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wut?
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: yeah

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you lost to me
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: no way
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: right after claiming you dont
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: that's a first
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: so cry

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: it happens 5 times a day and you continue to deny it

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: squared up yoru spawncamping?
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: bc you are a retarded child
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: didnt spawncamp once. make more excuses

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtw4tesf

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: lag
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: rekt again
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: tell us why

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: through no skill of yours
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: oh yeah.. excuses
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: again
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwgf

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: raped
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: spawnraped
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: .)
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: yes

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: LoL

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtwerf

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwttef

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtwtef

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtwt4esfd

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwt4etsf

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: www4etsfdc

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Lilitha: lol
[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww46tetdf

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wewstrf

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: again

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you die to me and cry

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwetf
[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4westdfs
[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4w4tef

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4w4tesfc

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4tesf

[04:29] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwesf

[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   310      5.80      30
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)         zee plane   290      5.79      28
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)            sizmik   279      5.80      27
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)         Whickie I   238      5.80      23
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   227      5.81      22
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: gg

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: holy campfucked
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you lose again fagg*t

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wow that's TWO MAPS this week, NICE JOB

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: gonna deny you lost that time too?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: god bless spawncamping eh?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: twice since you claimed on it

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: so you think i just wasn't firing ?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you claim you beat me. I beat you two maps in a row
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: just runnin around?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: explain

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: congrats dude, even a blind squirrel finds a nut

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: LoL
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: explanation = you're having the day of your life
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: i'm cool with that
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: except in this case, you were trying and getting raped

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: keep spawnkillin
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: like every single day

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: I killed you like 10 times to you killing me 2 in the last map

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: i love it, pump yourself up, keep believing that

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: keep trying to lie newbie

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: I didnt kill you once off a spawn either

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: it was all in the open, you armed, you getting raped
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: so keep trying to lie

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: true, you killed me like 11 times off spaWn

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: nice ca,p u cuntfagsplinter

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: once again this proves that splint sucks without his quad runs

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: twfs

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: stfu

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you crybaby cunt
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Whickie I: oh my
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Whickie I: that was down right unfriendly

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtef

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4tesfw4tesrfc
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: everyone so mad

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: nope

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: just cuz i win for like....8 years
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: youre just a fucking crybaby

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and you spam your stupid bullshit after every death
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtsfcv

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: like that
[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: omfg wtf

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: youre a fucking twink and you arent any good at quake

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and a dumb spammer on top of it
[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesfxc

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtfsc

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: LoL

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesfc

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf
[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtsfc

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: dang!!!foemped!!!

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: he dies too much

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtfsv
[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: .)
[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: u = raped

[04:37] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtesfcv

[04:37] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: fucking bfg pussies

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtef

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesfd

[04:38] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   245      7.34      30
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)              RoTT   194      4.32      14
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   180      7.33      22
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)       rH:[chacal]   172      7.33      21
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)       Whickie Woo   163      7.34      20

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: gg
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you lose

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: lol spawncocked
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: 3 in a row

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: yueah

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r:  even an HPB won today
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: fucked connec
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: how is it now?

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: 3 in a row you lose
[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: so enjoy
[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: excuse of the day incoming
[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: you're now 3 and 107

[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww4tegsfdxvc

[04:40] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtescv

[04:40] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wt4esf

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtfsc

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtsfc

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww4tfs

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wte

[04:42] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtsfcv

[04:42] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesf

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtfscv

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtef

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: I foresee a 4rd consecutive loss in splinter's future

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf
[04:43] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:43] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:43] <uvula> 14(dm)              RoTT   328      5.49      30
[04:43] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   272      5.51      25
[04:44] <uvula> 14(dm)    I love campers   250      5.51      23
[04:44] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   239      5.51      22
[04:44] <uvula> 14(dm)            sizmik   174      5.51      16
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) RoTT: nubs
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: gg
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ofmg wttgfc
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: 4 losses in a row for splinter

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4esfx
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4w4tesfzxc

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtesf

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: see how you keep getting raped splinter?
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: I do

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: yes, it's the lag, dumbas

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: see how i keep NOT firing at you?

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: that's not intentional, dipshit

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtfsc

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: tf

[04:45] <uvula> 15(dm) Spl1nt3r disconnected

[04:46] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: apparently splinter didnt have 5 consecutive losses in him

I'm not going to count the number of "wtfwtyfwtwft" per minute as it would be an even greater waste of time than skimming this out of ts-live was in the first place, but I will highlight a couple things:

1: Non-quad rotation and splinter loses every map he's there for after claiming "he mostly wins nonquad maps" all the while spamming the chat with his crybaby crap after every single time he dies other than suicides.

2: He claims I have never beaten him, when I do so every day I play him. I then put up better numbers for every map in a row that I'm playing against him and he makes excuses about why (lag, spawnkilling, camping, etc) instead of realizing that he was wrong.

3: True to form, once he realizes he cannot win after 4 consecutive map losses, and the quad rotation is nowhere in sight, he leaves without a word.

This is splinter in a nutshell.

Anyone else spamming that much meaningless shit per minute would probably get a chats per minute muzzle.
For example: Dafremen.
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2015, 08:00:50 PM »
hahahaha. someone pointed me out to a video i made of nqauke 2 playing on dm8. splinter was playing during that game and killed him countless times, with a "WTF" after it. didnt even realize till i watched it again (he loses....again) and i finish the map in 4 minutes
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2015, 10:20:52 PM »
Oh yeah, and someone needs to mute that splinter douche bag. He sits on DM aimlessly spamming "wtf" every time he dies (which is a lot). He also told me that only two other players in all of q2 can beat him in ffa, Dip and Optica. So not only is he a spamming clown, but he's also mentally retarded.

In case anyone had not seen this daily cycle of lameness from splinter, here's an example from today:

Code: [Select]
[04:11] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: nextmap
[04:11] <uvula> 7(dm) console: nextmap => q2dm1-unmodified(-pu) q2dm2(-pu) q2dm3(-pu) q2dm4(-pu) q2dm5(-pu) q2dm6(-pu) q2dm7(-pu)

[04:11] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)           Seagull   252      7.16      30
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   233      7.21      28
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   216      2.78      10
[04:11] <uvula> 14(dm)           whoever   192      7.19      23
[04:12] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   189      2.22       7

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: splinter checking if quad is on
[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: youre bad thats waht

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: yup

*[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: once he realizes he cant win he'll leave*
*[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: since i mostly win NON quad maps*

[04:12] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: quad lets the HPB noobs in

[04:13] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwttwf
[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwtwtwf

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ????

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww4tef

[04:14] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwwttwgf

[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: leave me alone

[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: stfu
[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: cunt
[04:15] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: gayzed

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwwttwf
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you should cry more
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: u should win more

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: oh wait
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: nvm

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: tell me about it from the non winner spot
[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: newbie

*[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: have you beaten me....ever?*

[04:16] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: yes

[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: multiple times every day we play
[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and then you cry and make excuses

[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: suuuiuure
[04:17] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and leave

[04:18] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwtwtwf

[04:18] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: lol sure

[04:18] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: there you go crying again

[04:18] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:18] <uvula> 14(dm)           Seagull   268      6.72      30
[04:18] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   257      6.78      29
[04:19] <uvula> 14(dm)            sizmik   231      6.77      26
[04:19] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   222      6.76      25
[04:19] <uvula> 14(dm)           JibberZ   197      5.79      19

[04:19] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf

[04:19] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtwtwwttf

[04:20] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwwt

[04:22] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf

[04:22] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: stfu

[04:24] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: HPBNOOB again????

[04:25] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)           Seagull   297      6.06      30
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   265      6.11      27
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)    I love campers   244      5.40      22
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   236      6.11      24
[04:25] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   226      6.10      23
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) zee plane: gayed
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: omg?
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: really?
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Lilitha: bad
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: splinter below me on the scoreboard and crying?

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: what a surprise

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wut?
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: yeah

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you lost to me
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: no way
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: right after claiming you dont
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: that's a first
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: so cry

[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf
[04:25] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: it happens 5 times a day and you continue to deny it

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: squared up yoru spawncamping?
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: bc you are a retarded child
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: didnt spawncamp once. make more excuses

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtw4tesf

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: lag
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: rekt again
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: tell us why

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: through no skill of yours
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: oh yeah.. excuses
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: again
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwgf

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: raped
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: spawnraped
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: .)
[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: yes

[04:26] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: LoL

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtwerf

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwttef

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtwtef

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtwt4esfd

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwt4etsf

[04:27] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: www4etsfdc

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Lilitha: lol
[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww46tetdf

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wewstrf

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: again

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you die to me and cry

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwetf
[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4westdfs
[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4w4tef

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4w4tesfc

[04:28] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4tesf

[04:29] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtwesf

[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   310      5.80      30
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)         zee plane   290      5.79      28
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)            sizmik   279      5.80      27
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)         Whickie I   238      5.80      23
[04:30] <uvula> 14(dm)          Pile0g00   227      5.81      22
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: gg

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: holy campfucked
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you lose again fagg*t

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wow that's TWO MAPS this week, NICE JOB

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: gonna deny you lost that time too?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: god bless spawncamping eh?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: twice since you claimed on it

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: so you think i just wasn't firing ?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you claim you beat me. I beat you two maps in a row
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: just runnin around?
[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: explain

[04:31] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: congrats dude, even a blind squirrel finds a nut

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: LoL
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: explanation = you're having the day of your life
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: i'm cool with that
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: except in this case, you were trying and getting raped

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: keep spawnkillin
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: like every single day

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: I killed you like 10 times to you killing me 2 in the last map

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: i love it, pump yourself up, keep believing that

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: keep trying to lie newbie

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: I didnt kill you once off a spawn either

[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: it was all in the open, you armed, you getting raped
[04:32] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: so keep trying to lie

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: true, you killed me like 11 times off spaWn

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: nice ca,p u cuntfagsplinter

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: once again this proves that splint sucks without his quad runs

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: twfs

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: stfu

[04:33] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you crybaby cunt
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Whickie I: oh my
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Whickie I: that was down right unfriendly

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtef

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4tesfw4tesrfc
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: everyone so mad

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: nope

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: just cuz i win for like....8 years
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: youre just a fucking crybaby

[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and you spam your stupid bullshit after every death
[04:34] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtsfcv

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: like that
[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: omfg wtf

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: youre a fucking twink and you arent any good at quake

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: and a dumb spammer on top of it
[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesfxc

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtfsc

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: LoL

[04:35] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesfc

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf
[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtsfc

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: dang!!!foemped!!!

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: he dies too much

[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtfsv
[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: .)
[04:36] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: u = raped

[04:37] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtesfcv

[04:37] <uvula> 3(dm) F o e m p: fucking bfg pussies

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtef

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesfd

[04:38] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   245      7.34      30
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)              RoTT   194      4.32      14
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   180      7.33      22
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)       rH:[chacal]   172      7.33      21
[04:38] <uvula> 14(dm)       Whickie Woo   163      7.34      20

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: gg
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: you lose

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: lol spawncocked
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: 3 in a row

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: yueah

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r:  even an HPB won today
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: fucked connec
[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: how is it now?

[04:38] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: 3 in a row you lose
[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: so enjoy
[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: excuse of the day incoming
[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: you're now 3 and 107

[04:39] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww4tegsfdxvc

[04:40] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtescv

[04:40] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wt4esf

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtfsc

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtsfc

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ww4tfs

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wtf

[04:41] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wte

[04:42] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: 4wtsfcv

[04:42] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtesf

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtfscv

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtef

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Peter Steele: I foresee a 4rd consecutive loss in splinter's future

[04:43] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: wwtf
[04:43] <uvula> 15(dm) Fraglimit hit.
[04:43] <uvula> 14(dm) -------------name---fph---minutes---frags---
[04:43] <uvula> 14(dm)              RoTT   328      5.49      30
[04:43] <uvula> 14(dm)            dayzed   272      5.51      25
[04:44] <uvula> 14(dm)    I love campers   250      5.51      23
[04:44] <uvula> 14(dm)          Spl1nt3r   239      5.51      22
[04:44] <uvula> 14(dm)            sizmik   174      5.51      16
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) RoTT: nubs
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) I love campers: gg
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: ofmg wttgfc
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: 4 losses in a row for splinter

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4esfx
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4w4tesfzxc

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtesf

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: see how you keep getting raped splinter?
[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: I do

[04:44] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: yes, it's the lag, dumbas

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: see how i keep NOT firing at you?

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: that's not intentional, dipshit

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: w4wtfsc

[04:45] <uvula> 3(dm) Spl1nt3r: tf

[04:45] <uvula> 15(dm) Spl1nt3r disconnected

[04:46] <uvula> 3(dm) dayzed: apparently splinter didnt have 5 consecutive losses in him

I'm not going to count the number of "wtfwtyfwtwft" per minute as it would be an even greater waste of time than skimming this out of ts-live was in the first place, but I will highlight a couple things:

1: Non-quad rotation and splinter loses every map he's there for after claiming "he mostly wins nonquad maps" all the while spamming the chat with his crybaby crap after every single time he dies other than suicides.

2: He claims I have never beaten him, when I do so every day I play him. I then put up better numbers for every map in a row that I'm playing against him and he makes excuses about why (lag, spawnkilling, camping, etc) instead of realizing that he was wrong.

3: True to form, once he realizes he cannot win after 4 consecutive map losses, and the quad rotation is nowhere in sight, he leaves without a word.

This is splinter in a nutshell.

Anyone else spamming that much meaningless shit per minute would probably get a chats per minute muzzle.
For example: Dafremen.

I don't think anyone could of summed it up better here. I have to deal with this same nonsense nearly every time I see him online, so do various other people.  :spam:

He comes off a little delusional with the whole "I'm winning", Charlie Sheen, attitude. You would think after a while he'd tone it down, but every time he's online he's right back at it, with that shitty and weird attitude.
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2015, 10:57:39 PM »
My opinion, not that anyone cares, not that anyone should, but it's probably the same opinion Quadz would have:

Smoke a doob, enjoy life, and don't give a shit so much.

It's probably a little annoying, but it's minor in my opinion. In fact, I watched a video Haunted posted this morning where him and Adren were spamming smirky smilies in the middle of a 2v2 game after several kills and deaths. And I don't think anyone's gonna mute them anytime soon for it (since 90% of the TDM/duel crowd do the same shit), so might as well just learn to ignore it. In fact, if you use R1Q2, you can just add "/ignore Spl1nt3r" to your config and you'll never have to hear a peep from him ever again.

If you wanna have a "real" complaint, complain about the fact that you COULD use this option to ignore assholes like D on Vanilla and DM (which I would LOVE to do), but you can't because adding "/ignore D" to your config forces you to ignore ALL incoming messages, including WallFly ones. And is anybody gonna tell him to use something you can properly command your client to ignore? No. Is he gonna take advantage of that by continuing to prod at you knowing there's nothing you can do about it to ignore him? Yes.

But hey, that's totally fair. Right?

PS, Not that even telling him to use more than a 1 character name would solve anything. If he was in one of his particularly disagreeable moods, he'd figure out that you were using the ignore command and just change his name 47 different times to continue pestering you. So fuck it. Just gotta tune him out. I just pretend he's a woman telling me about her trip to the mall. <sarcasm>"Ooooooo, that's sooooo interesting, tell me more about what the cunt at the makeup counter said!"</sarcasm> ::)
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2015, 06:38:04 AM »
My opinion, not that anyone cares, not that anyone should, but it's probably the same opinion Quadz would have:

Smoke a doob, enjoy life, and don't give a shit so much.

It's probably a little annoying, but it's minor in my opinion. In fact, I watched a video Haunted posted this morning where him and Adren were spamming smirky smilies in the middle of a 2v2 game after several kills and deaths. And I don't think anyone's gonna mute them anytime soon for it (since 90% of the TDM/duel crowd do the same shit), so might as well just learn to ignore it. In fact, if you use R1Q2, you can just add "/ignore Spl1nt3r" to your config and you'll never have to hear a peep from him ever again.

If you wanna have a "real" complaint, complain about the fact that you COULD use this option to ignore assholes like D on Vanilla and DM (which I would LOVE to do), but you can't because adding "/ignore D" to your config forces you to ignore ALL incoming messages, including WallFly ones. And is anybody gonna tell him to use something you can properly command your client to ignore? No. Is he gonna take advantage of that by continuing to prod at you knowing there's nothing you can do about it to ignore him? Yes.

But hey, that's totally fair. Right?

PS, Not that even telling him to use more than a 1 character name would solve anything. If he was in one of his particularly disagreeable moods, he'd figure out that you were using the ignore command and just change his name 47 different times to continue pestering you. So fuck it. Just gotta tune him out. I just pretend he's a woman telling me about her trip to the mall. <sarcasm>"Ooooooo, that's sooooo interesting, tell me more about what the cunt at the makeup counter said!"</sarcasm> ::)

Whenever I post, you claim I'm making a big deal and that I shouldn't care, yet you seem to do the opposite of what you preach each time I come across you. LOL

You saw haunted (who is an admin), spamming smiley faces on one occasion, at a tdm server? Big deal buddy, rofl, were talking about a guy who's been spamming DM (the most popular server) for years, without any sense whatsoever. Not comparable at all.

And that "D" guy you're referring to really isn't that bad, he actually has conversations on there with people, instead of nonsensical spam. Again, not comparable at all. Learn the difference please. And stop trying to contradict me every time I post from now on. Okay? Thanks buddy.
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2015, 01:20:25 PM »
You saw haunted (who is an admin), spamming smiley faces on one occasion, at a tdm server? Big deal buddy, rofl, were talking about a guy who's been spamming DM (the most popular server) for years, without any sense whatsoever. Not comparable at all.

So... meaningless chat spam is only spam when it's done over a length of "years"? I disagree. Spam is spam, and when spam is spam, spam is comparable to spam, and it doesn't matter how long it's been going on. Once, twice, five hundred times, it's all the same. And the point I was making (which you must've missed) is that if no ones playing dictator and cracking down on it in TDM where it's prevalent amongst a higher percentage of the population, then chances are really really slim that anyone's gonna do anything about it in FFA where a far smaller percentage of players do it. Furthermore, there's already an automatic temp mute system in place to curtail people spitting off rapid-fire repetitious binds. Seems to me like admins have done their part and met you half-way. Consider meeting them half-way by ignoring more of it.

It's fine that you have your own opinion. And your opinion seems to be that Splinter, who joins the server to actually actively play and frequently throws off an aimless "wtf", is so annoying that you think something should be done about it. Meanwhile, you think that D, who joins the server to sit there dead or in spec mode (effectively wasting space - being human spam in and of himself) and blabber at length whilst frequently trolling select folks, is not even worth noting. Really? You find absolutely NOTHING objectionable at all about that? Well, that IS your opinion, and this IS America.

I'm not the only one who recognizes this about these two different players. And when you express opinions like that, it becomes apparent that your judgment is a little flawed. So don't be surprised when your suggestions for action go ignored. I mean,... it's gotten so much admin attention so far, right?
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2015, 04:25:17 PM »
I just posted this log to shove Splinter's nose in his losses and his denials of such, since he usually disconnects before I can really grind it in, and then pretends he doesn't remember it a day later. I don't expect that he'd get muted for what he's done 5 days a week for years now.

tbh, most days I immediately do a "/ignore Sp1" in console when I play on DM.
If you use it on him and Dink who also spams after every kill/death, and it knocks out half of the dumb shit that shows in chat.

Good old "/ignore". It's one of the great r1q2 features that I like to remind people about who profess the nonsensical "need" to use the most up to date client for this 17 year old game. So many people jumped ship from r1q2 and anticheat in favor of q2pro and it adds pretty much nothing useful but shiny graphics options for a game that isn't all that pretty in the first place, and the ability to claim you cant use AC because your client doesn't support it.

It serves them right that they have to hear everyone's spam and drivel.

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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2015, 06:26:46 PM »
never knew splinter talks that much. way I can remember he his "wtf" bind.
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2015, 06:34:28 PM »
So... meaningless chat spam is only spam when it's done over a length of "years"? I disagree. Spam is spam, and when spam is spam, spam is comparable to spam, and it doesn't matter how long it's been going on. Once, twice, five hundred times, it's all the same. And the point I was making (which you must've missed) is that if no ones playing dictator and cracking down on it in TDM where it's prevalent amongst a higher percentage of the population, then chances are really really slim that anyone's gonna do anything about it in FFA where a far smaller percentage of players do it.

When it's done for years, that's when it becomes an obvious problem, and temp mutes are then suggested. I guess we should just temporarily mute every single TDM player who sends a smiley face after they get killed, ten times, in a 10 minute 1 on 1 duel, against a guy they know, and have been playing for years, in a small community of players.........

you think that D, who joins the server to sit there dead or in spec mode (effectively wasting space - being human spam in and of himself) and blabber at length whilst frequently trolling select folks, is not even worth noting. Really? You find absolutely NOTHING objectionable at all about that? Well, that IS your opinion, and this IS America.

D actually has conversations though, trolling or not, it's not pure spam (which you haven't figured out yet).


just lol @ you overall

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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2015, 07:30:39 PM »
Haven't had an issue with him, he plays and spams a few wtf , really don't see the issue with it.  I  cant see how players wrap so much self worth into a game. You win some and you lose some. At the end of the day hes beating you enough to make you come on here defending yourselves to an audience of 12 because it means that much.
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2015, 08:13:03 PM »
D actually has conversations though, trolling or not, it's not pure spam (which you haven't figured out yet).


just lol @ you overall

You mean like Corny?
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2015, 08:28:25 PM »
I suspect subjectivity plays a role in which types of spam is more annoying to each of us as individuals:

Anyone else spamming that much meaningless shit per minute would probably get a chats per minute muzzle.
For example: Dafremen.

D actually has conversations though, trolling or not, it's not pure spam (which you haven't figured out yet).

For me, personally, single-word spam like [BTF]Gator's ":)" or ":(" and ex's "D:" and splinter's "wtfisuxatqtoo" is easier for me to ignore than something like Dafremen's multi-part, rectocranially-inverted troll essays.

I did, the other day, enter a temporary chatban on a specific phrase splinter was repeatedly spamming, to see how he might react. He just adapted by adding some randomness to his wtf+gibberish.

In any case, if splinter's spam is annoying to enough folks, I don't imagine there's much downside to adding a half-mute.

adding "/ignore D" to your config forces you to ignore ALL incoming messages, including WallFly ones

I wonder if "/ignore D:" might work? (Or was that tried already?)


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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2015, 08:44:38 PM »
Haven't had an issue with him, he plays and spams a few wtf , really don't see the issue with it.  I  cant see how players wrap so much self worth into a game. You win some and you lose some. At the end of the day hes beating you enough to make you come on here defending yourselves to an audience of 12 because it means that much.

audience of 12  :lolsign:

As annoying as they can be (Daf, Splinter, Corny, etc) without them it would be to vanilla.  Sometimes we need someone around to mess with.  :evilgrin:
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Re: Racist DM spammer "Krogulce" needs a mute
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2015, 10:23:11 PM »
I suspect subjectivity plays a role in which types of spam is more annoying to each of us as individuals:

Of course. When D is yammering at ME PERSONALLY, I'm the one subjected to it. Naturally I'm gonna rate that higher on the annoyance scale than someone throwing off random catchphrases aimed at no one in particular in the vast void of internet land.

adding "/ignore D" to your config forces you to ignore ALL incoming messages, including WallFly ones

I wonder if "/ignore D:" might work? (Or was that tried already?)

I didn't yet. More or less the point (which admittedly I didn't clarify, my bad) was that if I can ignore some assclown like D making repeated personally addressed trolling comments whilst using a name he knows circumvents the "/ignore" feature, then I don't see why someone else can't learn to ignore innocuous bind chatter. I don't really "NEED" a way to ignore him, I can handle it. The point of bringing it up was to make a comparison, not to request administrative action. Nonetheless, if he pops on and starts his usual trademark shit, I'll give it a whirl. Have you tried that yet? I get the feeling that if adding a mere colon would block all his messages, then it might also block all messages from anyone else using a name starting with the letter "d". That would be like saying you hate Justin Bieber, therefore all people with the first name Justin must be skinny little canadian douchebag pussies too. And that's discrimination. And discrimination is WRONG. 8)
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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