Author Topic: Possible Pak File?  (Read 43879 times)

Offline fdrjk

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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2013, 03:27:59 PM »
haunted, dervish, you're just mad because he's clearly following the doctrines, doesn't have incongruity, and is very abhorrent about this situation.

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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2013, 03:29:25 PM »
fuck your alligations, you alligator.
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2013, 04:07:04 PM »
AC can be a nuisance when trying to join a server and get kicked for a false allegation.

AC doesn't lie. If it says you had a spiked model loaded, then it's a specific copy of a spiked model that it has been programmed to recognize and it found you in possession and use of it. While the Hall of Shame page doesn't specify which model it was, it absolutely DID find one. Could've been a spiked player model, could've been a spiked grenade model you didn't notice, who knows. So I recommend doing one of two things. Either post the pak you were using when those kicks happened so that obviously more competent people can find and remove the offending model for you,... or... start using anticheat. Because if I had a vote in it, I'd vote to have you forced AC immediately. And it wouldn't surprise me if that happened to you very soon regardless of what you do or don't do to remedy any suspicion.
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2013, 04:11:47 PM »
You on the other hand claim I use spike models because AC said I did. If I decided to look at the FFA server history and I saw this You can claim that this isn't you but I have no eligible proof to say you hack.

For the record, haunted was in contact with me before and after that event, and his purpose was testing specific allegations about the capabilities of this hack vis-a-vis anticheat, for adminstrative purposes.

(haunted should have used a playername like "admin-test" or whatnot when performing the tests. I did a major double-facepalm when he didn't change his name for the tests, as I knew it would create fallout that would end up wasting my time, just like right now.)


The point here, of course, however, would be that AC was correct in its assessment.

I honsestly think that you're a very gullible simpleton that thinks he can get away with what he does in a video game that nobody plays anymore.

Are you intimating he's a gullible simpleton because he continues to use AC? Whereas you realized the smart thing would be to stop using AC?

I guess we both could agree I can easily install AC stick it in my folder ans run it on terrible client r1ch. I mostly don't do it due to incompetence. AC can be a nuisance when it says you're doing something terribly wrong when you arn't at all. [...] AC can be a nuisance when trying to join a server and get kicked for a false allegation.

Uh, no.

Welcome to forced AC. You have a choice of several clients if you don't like r1q2.

Please clean up your pak files.


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Offline Electfried

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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2013, 04:13:01 PM »
You haven't used anticheat since you last were detected for "spiked models" many times... We normally force anticheat on people that do this. You are, in my opinion, fairly lucky that this has not happened yet. I have suggested some players to be placed on AC with far less reason than that... If I wanted to defame*[1] you, trust me, I have far more effective not to mention legitimate ways of doing so.

A year ago, when I frequently addressed you about this matter, you repeatedly told me that you were "using anticheat" despite you never being AC valid since all of the spiked model listings. Since you persisted with that story, I told you several times to have your father speak to me. You had an obsession with evilpope's reefer client/pak stuff, which is extremely outdated. Not only does it not contribute anything advantageous to your play, you are deliberately inconveniencing yourself(making yourself play worse) by using that client. Not long after my numerous attempts to help you out with your AC/pak issues, you disappeared.

Now, you have come back with the same obsession with evilpope's outdated clients, and initially you completely denied ANY of the stuff I described. Once people showed proof of it, you say that not using AC is a conscious decision of yours.... which makes the entire story you were feeding me the whole time a lie I guess. Just post all of your paks so we can help you out.

*[1] Possessing fame is a prerequisite to being defamed.
I'll say that you won't force this terrible AC down my throat like you did to other players. I dissappeared because of you mostly, I can assure you that I don't have a obsession with evilpope. I only want to talk to him about his quake 2 coding because I plan on being a coder when I hit into college. I have enough depth of knowledge to do it and the source code game I'll be looking at mostly is quake 2. I knew that evilpope was a great quake 2 player and coder and he made a amazing clients that I still use. For instince ATM I'm using Q2advance. I don't know much about this pak stuff and reefer client. I'm also amazed how supercillious you are in some certain situations. You think your better than everybody esle which definitly proves arrogance, and yes you're better than I at this game but do you have to brag and be arrogant about it? Seriously look at your past expirences and look what you've done since you came into quake 2. All you've done is be a douchebag to players and be arrogant all the time. I'm surprised tastyspleen let a gullible admin that gets away with cheating and is very arrogant administrator on the TS irc and server (This is my opinion haunted.) Everything I've said to you isn't a lie. I also don't want this so called advantage against other players. I've previously stated above quote "I'd  like to beable to see players better instead of seeing a yellow wall and not being able to have no chance against anybody" This isn't word by word but it basicly explains why I want a grey scale map with neon players. If the admins on TS dont want it I won't do it cause I have to abide the doctrines on TS. FYI, I did use to use anticheat cause I messed around with the r1ch client that I really hate now. I don't insult admins but I mostly like stating the facrs of what they actually do and try to get away with.

I'll start posting all my paks on here and see if anybody can tell me whats illegal in them and whats not. I'll also post the Q2advance client to prove I don't use these so called ENHANCED CLIENTS. FYI I won't do this until a owner or a admin strictly wants it.
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2013, 04:17:20 PM »
You on the other hand claim I use spike models because AC said I did. If I decided to look at the FFA server history and I saw this You can claim that this isn't you but I have no eligible proof to say you hack.

For the record, haunted was in contact with me before and after that event, and his purpose was testing specific allegations about the capabilities of this hack vis-a-vis anticheat, for adminstrative purposes.

(haunted should have used a playername like "admin-test" or whatnot when performing the tests. I did a major double-facepalm when he didn't change his name for the tests, as I knew it would create fallout that would end up wasting my time, just like right now.)


The point here, of course, however, would be that AC was correct in its assessment.

I honsestly think that you're a very gullible simpleton that thinks he can get away with what he does in a video game that nobody plays anymore.

Are you intimating he's a gullible simpleton because he continues to use AC? Whereas you realized the smart thing would be to stop using AC?

I guess we both could agree I can easily install AC stick it in my folder ans run it on terrible client r1ch. I mostly don't do it due to incompetence. AC can be a nuisance when it says you're doing something terribly wrong when you arn't at all. [...] AC can be a nuisance when trying to join a server and get kicked for a false allegation.

Uh, no.

Welcome to forced AC. You have a choice of several clients if you don't like r1q2.

Please clean up your pak files.


Stopped using AC because I don't like r1ch client, my pak files are clean, and I intened hes a gullible simpleton because he beleives what he sees and hes mostly a fool on some occasions.
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2013, 04:22:12 PM »
...forced AC... . And it wouldn't surprise me if that happened to you very soon regardless of what you do or don't do to remedy any suspicion.

And the very next post...

Welcome to forced AC.

Should've listened. Your loss. :frustration:
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Offline X'tyfe

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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2013, 06:52:15 PM »
Man I remember when I was the forum idiot around here, and dear god if I sounded like this thread does I deserved what I got.

Thank god I grew up out of this childish drama shit, I think my IQ dropped by a few points reading this, 25 is just too old for this crap
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 07:19:54 PM by X'tyfe »
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2013, 06:59:45 PM »

sorry about the name thing. I was just far more preoccupied with the issue at hand likely. And with what little thought I put into it, being completely open about it as "haunted" seemed really sensible at the time. . . looking back, I should have DEFINITELY thought about that though.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 07:07:06 PM by haunted »
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2013, 07:08:14 PM »
actually it is pretty leet if you look at it the right way

see haunted is acupuncture and quads is colonics
when they met it was a real PITA

this kid who has never played a clan match, never competed on any ladders/leagues, and is obviously young/inexperienced in the whole q2/forum/mirc scene
somehow managed to get haunted all concerned and quadz's panties in a bunch

there should be a hall of shame for you knuckleheads

btw of all the clients and such I tried recently i like rich's stuff and do run AC  my triple monitor 150 fov setup pwns
glad I do lest I have the unbearable agony of forced AC come down on me too (prob has anyway cuz of our having same ip?)  dunno  don't care really

to be fair tho the tastyspleen community is cool and if we aren't paying the bills then none of us have any biz saying anything  i guess

Who is like unto karn?!?

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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2013, 07:19:02 PM »

DKarn, that's understood. All of what you said about your son. This is why I didn't automatically suggest that anticheat was forced on him a year ago.. I knew he was young, so I tried to help him out. He just kept saying whatever to avoid using anticheat and deleting the spiked models it seemed though. This is why I wanted to talk to you about it. I thought that you may be able to handle it for us, encouraging the removal of spiked model files from his pak. I was wrong. It would be so easy for Electfried to make a thread asking for advice with a client/pak that works with anticheat, and it would feel 100x better than any outdated client he wants to use.
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2013, 03:16:17 AM »
I see these forums still have not lost its ability to bring out the absolute dumbest in people.
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2013, 08:59:40 AM »
At least he isn't as dumb as sk1llz was.  :lolsign:
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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2013, 02:09:46 PM »
Wonder what skillz is up to. I loved messing with him, and I don't think I ever had the chance to tell him I was never serious. :o

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Re: Possible Pak File?
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2013, 05:21:50 PM »
Last time I saw him he was playing CA in QL. I think that was 8-12 months ago.
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