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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #75 on: April 28, 2020, 03:32:18 PM »
No there must be a mistake. I saw bak2basiks beat him so he must be in great playing shape.
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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #76 on: April 28, 2020, 05:25:53 PM »
Maybe he's got a kid that was playing then. So... no offense to him or his kid with the drunken head trauma remark, but they were standing around letting people shoot them, looking OVER people's heads while trying to shoot back at them, looking at the ceiling while running around, jumping into lava that was totally avoidable, etc.
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Offline |iR|Focalor

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #77 on: April 16, 2021, 12:14:11 AM »
Sigh. Again.

:iR:Homoanaler entered the game
anticheat :iR:Homoanaler is not using anticheat.

|iR|Focalor almost dodged mong's rocket
Dr.Fauci.Nazi was cut in half by BitchMcCuntHole's chaingun
:iR:Homoanaler ate e's rocket
BitchMcCuntHole ate |iR|Focalor's rocket
|iR|Focalor almost dodged BitchMcCuntHole's rocket
swol butthole ate chths's rocket
OneBeardy almost dodged chths's rocket
W: a small sword has a traditional manner of use
Matt Gaetz ate e's rocket
e blew itself up.
|iR|Focalor was cut in half by chths's chaingun
e caught BitchMcCuntHole's handgrenade
|iR|Focalor was cut in half by chths's chaingun
BitchMcCuntHole caught Matt Gaetz's handgrenade
Matt Gaetz tripped on his own grenade.
:iR:Homoanaler was cut in half by chths's chaingun
Fraglimit hit.
            chths   212      8.48      30
      |iR|Focalor   198      8.48      28
  BitchMcCuntHole   142      8.48      20
                e    85      8.45      12
             mong    85      8.46      12
W: sure, you can go for the neck arteries with it
BitchMcCuntHole: wt
:iR:Homoanaler changed name to Dr.Wily{KEA}

Didn't note the time when this happened, but I condumped it shortly after this name change, and the file says 1:32am eastern.

Uses a ton of aliases, but most common alternate alias: Residue]tRk[

Him again?

Getting pretty tired of all the bullshit. Is there a command I can use to ignore ALL chat from ALL other players no matter what name they use and what they change it to?
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Offline TriggerHappy{FLP}

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #78 on: May 27, 2021, 03:14:03 AM »
tripps, beav, and skid not in flp and have been talked to about not using our tags without being in the clan @IRfocalor @quads
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Offline |iR|Focalor

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #79 on: May 27, 2021, 04:21:34 AM »
I dunno what the hell is going on with supposedly clan {KEA}. I've been around here almost daily since 2007 (as you can tell be my ridiculously high post count, which is lower than it was due to the fact that I deleted a few hundred posts I made that had dead youtube links).

I got to know a couple of the guys in KEA fairly well back in the day, especially DeathInc{KEA} who was co-leader with AnalGasses{KEA}. Back then I was still in clan EoM, and several of the guys from KEA would always show up to our weekly FFA get-togethers on the old EoM server when it was run from [BTF]Gator's machine. Back then, I don't think Slugz had even joined them yet. From what I remember, Slugz didn't join KEA until about the time that the old 3v3 NAiL tourney (run by Railwolf{sYn}) started. I remember because [EoM]Processor had gotten upset about something and told Railwolf that EoM would not be participating, but me and Kyper (a temporary EoM member just for the tourney) still wanted to play out the scheduled match against KEA. So we worked it out with Railwolf to do the match as a 2v2 instead... and the kinda sad part is we actually WON. It was the one time EoM actually won anything, and Processor wasn't there to see it. ::) He was too busy getting mad at Railwolf for not disqualifying KEA for showing up to the match with only 2 players. Me and Kyper didn't sign up to take a DQ win like a bitch, we signed up to PLAY. But anyway, yeah, I remember it was Slugz and DeathInc who we played for that match. We dropped after that round. And I think maybe clan |D| went on to win the thing.

But back in those days, Slugz was about as good of a railer as I am. And I'm better than the average DM server regular, but still nothing above "average". After the NAiL tourney, I think Slugz got into playing TDM and duels a lot more and his aim improved. So if you see a Slugz around who is getting his ass handed to him, he's either on a setup with an untweaked config and a shitty mouse, or it's someone impersonating him.

I've seen a Bob{KEA} around a few times. Can't remember how recent... sorta recent though. He might've been one of the original KEA that used to play with EoM at our weekly "Fun Frag Friday" or whatever dumb shit Processor called it.

I've seen a Jimmy{KEA} around recently. He's a new one, not from the old days. I have no idea who "recruited" him to KEA, possibly Beaver or the other mystery person who changes his name all the fuckin' time.

Beaver, I do not remember from the old days. But he's been on the forums here lots posting shit about RA2 and other events.

Tripps and Skid - Never fuckin' heard of em. Definitely not old days KEA.

KEA used to have a fairly sizeable website up with a full roster of Quake2 players. They also had other games they played like Soldier of Fortune and CounterStrike, also some racing games I think. And they had rosters for each game, leaders for each game, it was pretty well organized.

This community here at Tastyspleen is pretty much the last living representation of Quake2 in the USA. Quake2 had a crazy huge player base back when it came out due to things like Mplayer and Heat and GameSpy having free servers up for it. And the names of clans and such is kinda hard to trace back to those days. But the game was still alive and well 10 years later here at Tastyspleen, and KEA was part of the games history (as recorded all over these forums). I kinda hate to see a couple of knucklehead nobodies hork the name like they've apparently done and basically hijack the clan. If it wasn't for me saying something about this guy who kept tagging up as |iR| a while back, I have little doubt these same people would all somehow be |iR| members instead of KEA now. :ohlord:

I'm pretty much the last iR left around here. And I'm not completely opposed to letting someone join the clan and tag up if they really wanted to... but they'd have to give me a really good reason to give them permission to do that. This game is on the way out, and I haven't talked to WhirlingDervish in a good while, but I'm pretty sure that even though he isn't here anymore, he'd prefer to remember the clan as what it WAS and who USED to be in it. He wouldn't wanna come back to see 5 or 6 suck-ass idiots he's never met before wearing the tag of the clan he started.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 04:41:54 AM by |iR|Focalor »
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Offline [BTF]ZeTHeR

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #80 on: May 27, 2021, 06:13:44 AM »
Well damn, focalor, bringing me back with every word that you say. Honestly sad that I stopped playing when I did. I am, however, very glad to find another like mind as to this issue. The members of kea spoofing in that photo other than beaver likely also spoofed their names as they did not want us seeing it.

Tripps and skid likely do not exist, although I may be wrong.

I left q2 after 2009, right about the time I went to see Railwolf down in clanton, AL. Due to a number of reason, so all of kea history I have to differ to others knowledge, but I questions if beaver{kea} is beavuah{kea} by some level of ip proof, along with information what this ban on beaver{kea} was about.

I usually play railz, but would love to rail ya some time :).
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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2021, 06:47:11 PM »
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 01:34:19 PM by B. C. »
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Offline [BTF]ZeTHeR

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #82 on: May 27, 2021, 09:31:28 PM »
Costigan{KEA}, I do understand that you are part of Beavugh{KEA}'s clan, and while I get that you would like issues to simply vanish that is not how the world works. This all started with {KEA} clan members spoofing our clan's tag and rubbing it in our faces. This was brought on by your clan, the more annoying your members became the further information was revealed leading to, predictably, again, further questions.

1. While I literately have messages from the leader of your clan expressing how he is GOD and that nobody cares, the fact is is that he is not the holy savoir of quake 2, deathmatch, railz, or ctf in part or in whole. At this point I am actually sick of the "thou art beyond reproach attitude" when it comes to him. I also understand why some folks would wish power structures would just go away. No one in charge no one to answer too, pretty simple.

2. We all know there is a discord. No one needs you to explain where the quake 2 scene is or is not, and it has no validity or affect on the argument.

3. Beaver spoofed the clan name, and has never denied such.  These very same issues, not counting other questions about the man in golden robes himself, have led to bans from Tastyspleen servers in the past. I for one do not take it lightly, but I come from a time where these things meant something.

4. Since when has asking for information about an event or defending ones self against a barrage of insults been abuse. It's as if I am attacking your god and I cannot ask such things, and considering I was dragged into this myself I feel I have on obligation of principle to the matter.

While I understand the attempted at short circuiting my search by calling it abuse, I doubt others with calmer heads will see it your way. Again, recent clan member to a clan we are raising questions about going all the way back  to 2012, so please allow those with information on the events to come forward. I will be posting the events on discord in full. Players like ourselves, who purchased the game brand new and played for years and years want the structure that we created, the new lawlessness that has come with unwanted gods has left many feeling without a place to turn for valid issues and left others believing themselves gods. It is a joke, and spits in the face of the old quake 2 community.  I will risk all for the cause, as it matters to me. Also, this did take place on this "legacy forums" own discord, which I am not sure if you are a member or not of.

I am unable to post convo on discord in full, please see the discord for reading as it is too long and would not correctly represent it.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2021, 07:33:31 PM by [BTF]ZeTHeR »
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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #83 on: May 27, 2021, 09:41:45 PM »
@quadz Please be more rational than beaver and read the conversation, in whole I believe you might find it interesting.

I haven't read it.


No one has explained any of this here yet for the same reason they moved away from legacy forums, like Tastyspleen, to discord and other places - they neither need nor want the power structures and social environments of places like this.

"He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. He was vicious."

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #84 on: May 27, 2021, 09:46:42 PM »
thank you quads i appreciate you looking into this matter  :ilysign:
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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #85 on: May 27, 2021, 10:06:15 PM »
I will not be making any further posts on this subject, have a nice day.

No further compliance information is required or will be provided, and you are an excellent test subject!

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"He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. He was vicious."

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #86 on: May 28, 2021, 01:56:17 AM »
LOL :dohdohdoh:Honestly we need special people and by special I mean forest forest gump sir, cuz I dont wnat to actually say the word though need that to have the other caterigory no idea of good without the bad ying yang wutang hasent come out with a hit since clinton got his lil wang blowed by a women named lewdinski amen I am obviosly not in the latter category of enlighted ones I take pride in my forest gumpness
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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #87 on: May 28, 2021, 02:46:17 AM »
I don't give a good god damn what Beaver has done in the...

... past five years...

... because I myself have been here for the past THIRTEEN or more years. I knew DeathInc{KEA}, and he was the official leader of the clan in Quake2. I was the leader of EoM, and KEA and EoM were pretty close friends. We did almost everything together. None of the fuckin' yo-yo's you're yapping it up with on Discord are anybody that I knew back then, and they've never met any of them. The only REAL KEA you've possibly ever met was Slugz, and apparently, one of the people involved in this little tag horking scheme has spoofed his name at times as well.

2. No one has explained any of this here yet for the same reason they moved away from legacy forums, like Tastyspleen, to discord and other places - they neither need nor want the power structures and social environments of places like this.

There is no need to be explaining it. There is no amount of narrative you or any of these other KEA names can conjure up that will erase the physical memories I have of what the REAL KEA was back in 2008, before any of you new people showed up here. Like I said, the only name I remember from back then was Bob, and if he doesn't care who's grabbing the tag without permission, well then I guess that's just how his clan is gonna go.

And before you go shit talking these forums like you and your clique are above them, remember that without the Tastyspleen servers (where the Tastyspleen forums also reside) that YOU DON'T PAY FOR, you and "the savior" would be forced to run your own servers and everyone would have shitty connections to it and I doubt you'd be continuing to play that way for more than a month.

TLDR (even though I know you'll read my shit anyway, vampie-poo, my biggest fan), it really boils down to this:

Your boys stole the clan tag.

I dunno why. Maybe for the same reason hollywood keeps making comic book superhero movies and can't come up with an original idea to save their fuckin' lives. Nothing I can do about it but SAY IT. I don't have to see the movies,... or hang out with any of you on Discord talking about... whatever interesting things I'm sure you talk about. I can't change that your buddies stole the clan tag. But they (and YOU) can't change that I KNOW they stole it either.
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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #88 on: May 29, 2021, 08:58:06 AM »
Just wanted to post the garbage I got in my email.

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Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« Reply #89 on: May 29, 2021, 05:00:21 PM »
i think the fact that he felt the need to email and repeat himself 3 times is hardly worthy of a response however i do find focalor's witty humour and verbal assassination of people to be quite entertaining  :lolsign:
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February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
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RIP Pepp   ✟


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December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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