Author Topic: Tasty 500: FFA Tourney  (Read 31262 times)

Offline Punk_FAS

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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #75 on: March 05, 2006, 11:04:20 PM »
I definitely like the idea of recording a demo from your own POV, and having it be a requirement, at least if you want to claim any top spots.  There could easily be a reminder at the start of things.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #76 on: March 05, 2006, 11:23:23 PM »
If you actually want to make this work, you might want to consider reviewing some of your rules..

- Forced respawn.. this should be on.. you're going AFK at your own risk.. why should your absence decrease the number of targets for other opponents.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 11:25:45 PM by [2c.Element^] »
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #77 on: March 05, 2006, 11:41:23 PM »
good post element, i agree  :humm:
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #78 on: March 06, 2006, 12:44:41 AM »
Quote from: [2c.Element^
- Forced respawnyou could be up by 30, and be like, I got time to make a sandwitch, cause 6 other people are AFK, and the guy in 2nd won't catch me cause of that.

REaallllyy... how likely is that to happen?  6 people AFK at the same time, during a tournament they've chosen to enter?  I'd say slim to none.  That all depends on the frag limit of course on a given map.  Mine are all going along with the multi-map, tiered scenario.  But what will definitely happen, is if someone goes AFK, there will be easy frags, and specially with spawn protection off, and forced spawn on, someone could get a string of 5, maybe 10 or more quick frags just from someone auto-spawning.  Therefore I stand by my opinion to keep it off.

Quote from: [2c.Element^
- Camping.. You can't stop it, so you'll have to live with it.. if it bothers you all enough, then eventually all of you will start spamming that camp area and make the campers life miserable.

Could always warn, kick, remove from the tourney abusers, it's easy actually.  I'm just trying to avoid cheap frags winning the FFA tourney.  This all depends on your version of camping.  I'm speaking of blatantly obvious camping.  Staying in rail room with rocket launcher on DM1, all but guaranteeing denial of the railgun to someone that just spawned, or is unaware of your presence there.  I just don't feel that should be tolerated in a tourney such as this.

Quote from: [2c.Element^
- Spawn Protection.. Should be off, nothing is anoying as being unable to attack someone that spawns infront of you.  You could have just gotten out of a battle and have 3 health left, the guy you killed spawns and blasts you.. but you couldn't kill him first cause of spawn protection.  If some newb is spawn camping, just flank them with an SSG or something, after a few times they'll get the point and move on.

Yes, in the rare occasions where a single blaster shot will kill you (it takes 7 from full health without any armor), that would be annoying to die that way.  But like I said, if that happens 10 times out of the thousands of frags liable to be tallied during the tourney, I'd be surprised.  No doubt LOTS of camp kills will be tallied if there are no rules against it though.  And again, we're not talking about an eternity in spawn protection here, just a second or two, to avoid that stray nade that's waiting for you, or that guy with his railgun's crosshair on your spawn pad.  And will be inifitely more annoying (I remember this from some old FFA server, I forget which), with forced spawn on, where I have gotten into 10 death, death-loops, unable to move, from someone with rail, or quad + hyper was the worst (realizing quad might not be allowed).  I don't think that's fair to anybody, for that to happen.  Dying because of a blaster shot, hey, you were close to death anyway, and "might" have gotten another frag before you did, but you were probably a goner anyway.  Look on the bright side, you've just respawned, with protection, and with full health, got get a good weapon and kill somebody.

Quote from: [2c.Element^
- Room Camping.. This is the dumbest thing I never heard, and to think of giving someone -10 points for being in a room longer than a minute is absurd and you'd have to be a complete newb to think any of this is fair or makes sense.  (Shit, well it's about that time that I move into the shotgun room where no one ever goes..  ::))

Room caming, like the rail room on DM4, should not be tolerated.  Any denial, or monopolizing of any weapons, for an extended period of time, by any individual player, is not fair, and I don't believe they should have that right.  Play fair, play nice, if you do those two things, you won't be camping a room, or a small area.  I agree with Defiant in saying that camping the courtyard on DM1, with railgun for example, is fine and dandy.

Quote from: [2c.Element^
- Large Map.. This will dull the experience a lot, not only will "AFK" Players with the "No Forced Spawn" rule won't make the game dull as it is, imagine that on a large map, having to serach for a frag.. that'll make that trek to 500 even more enduring and boring at the same time.  Not to mention that chances are people will leave due to shit coming up, or the fact that they're losing by 80+ frags and see it as pointless to remain there.

C'mon, again, unless this is the marathon, stamina type match we're talking about, then there won't be a lot of AFK'ers.  But I agree that a HUGE map, isn't necessarily a good idea.  With bunny hopping, etc, there's no HUGE maps, at least talking about dm1-dm8, dm4 is sorta big, since there's not a lot of room to build up speed, but it's relatively easy to get around any of the ID DM maps.

Quote from: [2c.Element^
- Lack of Weapons/Ammo.. Seeing how it's FFA, this should be an easy solution.  Weapon Stay is on, and the ammo respawns all the same.. there shouldn't be too many people slugging it out with blasters due to the fact that when you kill someone they drop a weapon.  You go and pickup the weapon they drop, that's more ammo for you.  Pretty simple concept, survival of the fittest. Also, if your opponent runs out of ammo before you kill them, just means you need to learn how to be more accurate and efficent with your shots.

Agreed!  ;)
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #79 on: March 06, 2006, 01:22:59 AM »
- Forced respawn.. this should be on.. you're going AFK at your own risk.. why should your absence decrease the number of targets for other opponents.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #80 on: March 06, 2006, 01:35:25 AM »
Staying in rail room with rocket launcher on DM1, all but guaranteeing denial of the railgun to someone that just spawned, or is unaware of your presence there.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #81 on: March 06, 2006, 01:38:30 AM »
I'm going to make a statement of my own mind here... probably disagreed with but so be it.

"anything not hacks or cheats is perfectly acceptable quake 2, to modify how the game was intended, is not a ffa tourney, its a modified by people who are scared and dont want campers/spawners/other settings that are'nt q2 default just to avoid personal annoyance, furthurmore, what is q2 without the occasional fun lamer?"
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #82 on: March 06, 2006, 03:05:17 AM »
I'm going to make a statement of my own mind here... probably disagreed with but so be it.

"anything not hacks or cheats is perfectly acceptable quake 2, to modify how the game was intended, is not a ffa tourney, its a modified by people who are scared and dont want campers/spawners/other settings that are'nt q2 default just to avoid personal annoyance, furthurmore, what is q2 without the occasional fun lamer?"


Regarding Demo's
I have never seen one, nor have I any clue how to do one.  :please:


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 05:04:01 AM by <((ViBeS))> [EoM] »
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Offline daelmun

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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #83 on: March 06, 2006, 07:15:41 AM »
To record demos type in console:

record <whatever you want to name your demo-file>

(for instance: record vibes-vs-thresh-q2dm1)

To stop recording, just type: stop
Remember to stop a running demo before recording another one, and remember that quake2 has a bug when recording over a mapchange, meaning the first map will only run in loops and you wont be able to watch the second part unless splitting the demo with splitdem.exe.

To view demos there are two commands that work:

map <the name of the demo you want to watch.dm2>
demomap <the name of the demo you want to watch>

(For instance: demomap vibes-vs-thresh-q2dm1.dm2)

The demos you record will end up in a folder in the mod-folder named \demos. So if you play in tourney mod, thery will be in the quake2\tourney\demos folder. If you don't play any mod, they will be in the baseq2\demos folder. To view demos you need to be in the same game-folder as the demo was recorded in, so type in console "game tourney" then you can view the demo in the tourney folder if it's there (with the demomap command). Easiest is just to put all the demos in the baseq2/demos folder to view them.

I would recommend getting a demoviewer (seismovision or demoplayer for instance). Then all you need is to configure the program to find your quake2 directory, and just doubleclick on
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 07:18:55 AM by daelmun »
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #84 on: March 06, 2006, 07:40:32 AM »
Vibes, I have an alias you can bind to a key that will automatically start and stop recording your demo.  I'll try and remember to post that when I get home from work.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #85 on: March 06, 2006, 07:57:28 AM »
No invuln. when starting, that's stupid..

You can't enforce camping or frown upon it either. Yeah, it's frustrating, but how should that be in any way illegal (in paticular spawn camping), People that think that are just mad because they are getting owned by such an easy tactic to perform.

Infinite ammo is very gay and takes a lot of strategy out of the match, significantly due to chain. However, like defiant said, if we had a bunch so many people, especially w/o infinite ammo it would be a blaster fest. My best suggestion would be to do it on a map like dm3, WITH infinite ammo. (dm3 has no chain, but all other weapons) It's a very good ffa map.. however not good for 24 people. I think we should do 2 groups of 12, and the top 6 from each proceed. (<-FL around 250 for them)  The final 6 from each groups (12) would then play on the same map (or possibly a diff map that could work the same way) with a FL of 500.

I thinnk there should be 1 break after 30 mins into the match, people do have to leave the computer every now and then  ::)... probably run it in the FFA version of tourney OSP so a ref could stop it :D

BTW, plastik don't be gay and delete my post like you did to the other 11, along with adren's demo. Thanks.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #86 on: March 06, 2006, 08:06:54 AM »
OK..Anyone who reads this message as of right now, PLEASE read all the posts of this topic before you make replies to any posts.  I see that there are people doing ALOT of reposting of things said before, and we don't want to clutter things up too much, or get people confused.
This is the current info..AND..reasons why..

-500 Frag Limit

-1 or more maps (Still need everyone to decide on one.. CITY64 maybe?)

-Weapons Stay (so that everyone will have a chance to get one)

-No camping policy, but it is frowned upon.

-Winner will be added to a NEW section dubbed 'POTM - Player of The Month'

-Private Server password (to keep the unwanted out)

-No powerups or shields (only armor/mega..the powerups can allow a person to get too much of a lead over others too easily)
-No Timelimit

-No breaks (breaks will be taken only at the expense of game time to the player, unless there is a split in the game..i.e. 250/250 or 100x5 fraglimit maps)

-No forced Spawn (if you are forced to spawn and have to leave the computer for even 1 minute, a person can spawn rape you and rack up atleast 30pts+, add that times a couple of players, and you've got over 2/5th's+ of the game score just by spawn raping.)

-Each player required to Demo their POV from start to finish, then sent to me
-2 or 3 second spawn protect (not negotiable!)

NOTE: anyone not participating, and would like to help run/ref these matches MSG me.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #87 on: March 06, 2006, 08:10:48 AM »
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #88 on: March 06, 2006, 08:39:45 AM »
Haunted there is a few things I think you should know before you make your next post..

First of all, the no camping policy was scrapped 2 pages ago.  I say it is frowned upon, but that does not mean you will be kicked from the tourney for doing it.  It is only meant to serve as a suggestion to those who wish to play, nothing more.

Infinite Ammo will not be allowed..again, the intention was not infinite ammo, but ammo stay.  currently this is not possible from what quadz says, the intention was that anyone who could get to a weapon could also get a fully loaded stock of ammo, but it is not infinite..they will have to go back to the spot where the ammo is located to refill. 

the 2 groups of 12 and the top 6 proceed has already been suggested, and everyone seems split on whether or not this is the way to go.  First thing to realize that this is not really a tourney based on speed, it is a tourney based on stamina, as I made aware to everyone in my first few posts.  The whole point is to wear players thin, and see how they hold up.  On that I said before..THERE WILL BE NO BREAKS WHATSOEVER, UNLESS.. the tourney is split between maps.  Users will take breaks at their own expense of time/frags.  Since this stipulation covers everyone, it is fair.  Those who do not take breaks however, will have a better chance of winning possibly, and for good reason.  Like I said, this is about stamina.

I'm not sure how stable the OSP servers are, railz has been crashing left and right, and it runs the I'm not sure this is for us, unless you enjoy having the server freeze, then losing your score..effectively putting a hault to the tourney.

"BTW, plastik don't be gay and delete my post like you did to the other 11, along with adren's demo. Thanks."

shall we take a vote of whether I have the right or not to delete posts in my own thread?  When your posts contain malice, no matter how suddle, they are not welcome here.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Adrenalines demo had been accidently deleted from the demo's section by me.  I was restructuring the layout, which consisted of changing the format of ALL posts over to a new one, and cleaning up the text a bit to save space, and make the demo's easier to browse through.  There is over 100+ posts in the demo's section, and most of my actions required we're repetitive, if you were a moderator, you would realize that the 'modify' and the 'delete' button are side by side, and that an accident like this can happen easily if you have to modify more than 100 posts at a time.  only 1 post of adrenalines was deleted, and it is now back where it should be after you made me aware of this.  Several of his other posts in the demo's section have already been transfered over to the new format, on the same day.  There is no reason to think I would have done this on purpose, otherwise why would it only be 1 post?  thank you for your concern.
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Re: 1000pt FFA Tourney
« Reply #89 on: March 06, 2006, 08:52:31 AM »
The only this left to decide people is the map(s), which goes hand in hand of whether or not the tourney is split.  NOTE: if the tourney does become split between maps, they all still must be played on the same day, nearly back to back..with a 10 minute break between the maps.

q2dm18 seems to be scrapped, no need to bring it up anymore.

Also, I think we will just allow all weapons, because some players are better with some than others, and vice versa.  So I think it is good if we have ALL weapons available.

UPDATE: there is now a voting for the maps topic, please check it out.  you may or may not of ever heard of these maps, and may or may not like them.  These maps were chosen specifically because of their size, we do not want a over-crowded server. 
Also, I know I said I will let it be up to you, the people, but we don't seem to be getting anywhere with the maps decision, so I took it into my own hands to bring these forth to you.

'We need to keep it moving people!'

If no one cares for these maps, we will do a re-vote, but please check them out before you voice your opinion, and i do mean bitching please  ;)

IMO, i think it would be nice to play on a map that no one really knows, that way no one has any type of edge.  Plus it will be a fresh breath from the same old maps.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 09:35:08 AM by plastik »
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    Racist Ignoramus


El Box de Shoutamente

Last 10 Shouts:



September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


August 08, 2024, 07:28:01 PM
It's tiem to QuakeCon!!!  ;)


July 26, 2024, 09:34:53 PM
In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
Hey, shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


July 24, 2024, 01:31:20 PM
Ayer me mato 5 veces para robarme en la vida real hará lo mismo? [img]<iframe src=";show_text=true&amp;width=500" width="500"


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 05, 2024, 05:20:36 AM

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