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Official WOD-X Gameplay guide!
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Topic: Official WOD-X Gameplay guide! (Read 33875 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 87
Official WOD-X Gameplay guide!
April 30, 2012, 08:20:31 PM »
Welcome to the player guide for the Whale server edition of WOD-X! This condensed guide will cover most commands and things you need to know in order to play WOD-X competitively!
===Table of contents===
Use the tags on the table to quickly jump to the sections using ctrl + f.
[S-1] Binds
[S-2] Techs/Runes
[S-3] Hooks
[S-4] Spawns
[S-5] Misc info
[S-6] Slot 1 weapons
[S-7] Slot 2 weapons
[S-8] Slot 3 weapons
[S-9] Slot 4 weapons
[S-10] Slot 5 weapons
[S-11] Slot 6 weapons
[S-12] Slot 7 weapons
[S-13] Slot 8 weapons
[S-14] Slot 9 weapons
[S-15] Slot 10 weapons
[S-16] Grenades
[S-17] Trips and IED's
[S-18] Airstrikes
[S-19] Portals
[S-20] Outer Artifacts and Zombies
===The Binds=== [S-1]
Below is a list with descriptions of the binds / console commands unique to WOD-X. Other binds with complex uses are described in their own sections of the guide.
lists common binds, WOD-X website and other helpful info while ingame. Alternatively you can bring this up by hitting the tab key twice (default bind: inven).
Cycles two different zoom levels with an alternative cross-hair. Also causes some weapons shots to originate from the bottom center of your view.
Emits light on whatever you are aimed at and yourself.
Emits a red dot. Becomes brighter when shone onto a hostile player.
An AOE energy melee attack. Emits a small shockwave from you, You will take damage from this if you hit no one! Uses cells.
Displays a radar-like view indicating player positions relative to your direction as colored diamond shapes. Players status indicated with different diamond colors.
smiley 0 through 17:
Use to display smileys, common text bubbles and other icons above you that all other players can see.
Initiates a countdown to self detonation. Costs a frag since you suicide.
Once toggled the name of players you target will appear onscreen. Will also indicate if a monster spawn is friendly or hostile.
Turns player invisible with a particle flare in place. You will lose your cloak upon firing or taking damage. Uses cells during use.
Enters spectator mode. Use [ or ] keys to cycle players. To enter freecam, enter the camera mode via the menu and then enter chasecam in console or via a bind.
push or pull:
Emit a tractor beam that violently throws objects or players towards or away from you. Unlimited use on non-players.
sonic or sonic2:
Lunge yourself forwards or backwards at great speed. Use to close your distance, escape players, or get around a map fast. Uses cells.
This command will instantly teleport you to a respawn pad. Can use every 30 seconds.
teleport 1:
Works the same as teleport except your destination will be an outer artifact! See the section on them for more info.
hover 1 to 9:
Instead of jumping you can now levitate while this command is active! use higher numbers for higher speed. Use "hover off" to disable this.
firemode 0 through 2:
Changes how certain weapons function and increases timer of grenades and slows down bazooka shots.
Sacrifice some cells to fuel temporary usage of flight
Gives phone that's able to detonate explosives, certain monsters such as shamblers, decoys, and even the paint 10 airliner!
===Techs/Runes=== [S-2]
There are various powerups or techs available granting you different benefits. With the exception of airstrike, once a tech is picked up you needn't do anything, they take effect automatically. No two rune powerups may be carried at one time but you can swap them by dropping the one you currently have by binding a key to "drop tech".
disruptor shield:
Cuts all damage received in half. also protects and makes you immune to slime and lava, immunity to banishment.
power amplifier:
Doubles the damage of all your weapons. Also allows you to place greater numbers of ieds, trips.
time accel:
Doubles your rate of fire.
Constantly regenerates your health and any armor type up to 150 points!
suicide vest:
When wearing player is killed this is dropped and explodes (See grenades section) .Can drop it with a "drop tech" bind to bomb.
Allows you to fly. Jet packers are very vulnerable to seeker weapons. Bind a key to "jetpack" to turn off/on.
See airstrikes section for details. Exempt from leader denial and can be held when possessing another rune/tech
empathy shield:
Returns some of the damage dealt by an attacker via any means, back! Insta kills on empathy shield wielders is ill advised.
Looks like a stake. Damaging your opponents by any means heals you.
Allows you to hover for free alike to hover command, and also move ultra fast through water.
invisibility ring:
Renders you partially invisible. Take care to consider how well your translucent player skin blends in with certain surroundings.
===The Hooks=== [S-3]
It is absolutely a must to become familiar with the available hooks if one wishes to compete properly! Listed below are the hooks available according to bind.
This is the standard most used hook of WOD-X. Emits a green beam that latches onto any surface or object and pulls you to it extremely fast in a straight line.
The non-beam classic Quake II CTF grapple. Unlike most hooks, can tow monsters or players rather than pull you towards them.
This is a non-beam swing hook. This hook has a limited reach but once grappled you can rappel up or down using the +grow or +shrink binds.
This is identical to +hook2 except even faster.
===Spawns=== [S-4]
If you have enough credits from dropped packs or items use "spawn next" command to choose a monster and then just "spawn" to summon it. Use "spawn off" to remove a spawn when you no longer desire it's presence.
Fierce beasts from Quake 1 that have a strong melee, and lightning! Use the "spawn" command to summon it.
The leader of the Strogg back from the scrap heap! Use the command "spawn 1" to summon it.
Spawn with "decoy" command, uses your skin. Can be exploded with the detonator. Costs nothing, but low hp and attack.
You can also spawn other, random types of monsters (different each map) with the commands below.
spawn class 1
Tier 1 monsters such as Guards and Enforcers at 15 credit cost
spawn class 2
Tier 2 monsters such as Gunners and Gladiators at 30 credit cost
spawn class 3
Tier 3 (Boss) monsters such as Tanks and Shithawks at 60 credit cost
===Misc=== [S-5]
Every player that kicks the bucket drops one of these packs. Always contains a minimum of 5 credits plus ammo from the dead player
Players always spawn with 50 cells in their inventory.
Players start with 5 of these in their inventory.
It's possible to score headshots which are announced by voice and text with certain weapons such as sniper gun, etc.
leader glow:
The leader glows green and emits a blue light that shows even through thin walls thus betraying their location to observant players.
WOD-X has a voting feature available allowing you to call up a vote for changing to another map available on the server. Enter "vote map mapname" (no .bsp extension) in the console and then other players can enter "vote yes" into their console. If enough players vote yes the map will change instantly. "Vote no" to vote against it.
Score frags that annihilate your opponents with extreme damage to hear a random announcement from Duke Nukem and in future, other announcers!
===The Weapons===
A most important fact to understand about the main weapons of WOD-X with few exceptions, is that picking up a single stock QII weapon such as a hyperblaster which you would select on weapon slot 8 gives you several weapons at once in a group that can be cycled to on slot 8. Listed below are the weapons according to slot and cycle order. The weapon names listed are the names you would bind for using them without needing to cycle to them (Such as, bind b use hand cannon). As of later versions of WOD-X, players will spawn with a random weapon of any kind in addition to their default slot 1 weapons, supplied with the required ammo as well. Certain maps can also have a default weapon you'll always spawn with.
Slot 1 weapons:
(You always spawn with the slot 1 weapons in inventory). Default cycle bind "bind 1 use blaster" [S-6]
A fast firing laser blaster.
super blaster:
Much more powerful than standard blaster. Fires at a slower pace.
rocket blaster:
Fire missiles that only lock on to flying players (jetpack and hover users), reliably clean the skies anytime!
Incendiary high speed projectiles that stick to players and monsters, burn them and finally explode!
Shoots arrows loaded with explosive charges that explode shortly after impact. Firemode 1 command for plague arrows.
A short beam of light dealing extreme damage on contact with no need to be fired, firemode 1 & 2 for icicle, and banishment varieties respectively.
magnetic saw:
This is an alternative melee option which can have advantages over the saber in certain situations.
Slot 2 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 2 use shotgun" [S-7]
Fires incendiary pellets. Hitting a player or monster often lights em' like a candle.
Fires blue bolts that freeze impacted players or monsters briefly in ice. The bolts deflect off surfaces.
sniper gun:
Fires extremely fast deadly black bouncing projectiles! Can score headshots.
Works alike to sniper gun except a devastating unstable green energy bolt that will last a LONG duration.
explosive shotgun:
scatter of sticky projectiles. Stick for about a second then detonate.
Weapon with a slow rate of fire but blows away any nearby players like a leaf blower.
hand cannon:
Extra powerful dual barreled shotgun that's an alternative to the stock super shotgun. Really flings victims if point blank!
Slot 3 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 3 use super shotgun" [S-8]
super shotgun:
The stock QII super shotgun upgraded with incendiary pellets.
Three freeze bolts in a triangular formation that parts over distance and do not deflect off surfaces.
Fires same way as trident except three green bolts doing a great deal of damage.
explosive super shotgun:
Fires even more tracers than the explosive shotgun.
Launches blades the ricochet off any surface at perfect angles until they dissipate after an amount of flight time.
Fires bouncing projectiles that have the same effect as lightning grenades (See grenades section) Beware touching your own shots.
Fires a scatter of 3 instant hitscan explosive shotgun pellets.
Fires a scatter of 4 rail slugs, though each rail is much less damaging than standard rail shots, devastating in short range combat!
siege cannon:
Launches grenade clusters! Use "firemode 1" to allow usage of different grenade types!
Slot 4 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 4 use machinegun" [S-9]
rocket machinegun:
Unleashes a rapid stream of roaring rockets, disorient your opponent with a facefull of constant explosions!
standard machinegun:
Machinegun upgraded with incendiary bullets. More powerful bursts with "firemode 1" command.
High speed razor spikes, are harder to see coming than some of the flashier weapons.
Burst fires explosive tracers identical to those of the shotguns, but accurately in a stream.
Fires laser beams in rapid pulses doing enormous damage, being effective at any range.
Slot 5 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 5 use chaingun" [S-10]
The stock QII chaingun.
Chaingun with a slower rate of fire but firing multiple shells per second makes it even more devastating!
Steal health from players or monsters! If you gain enough health, short duration quad damage is gained!
Stops competition cold by dishing out freezer bolts at a rapid rate of fire!
Fires rapidly the bouncing projectiles of the sniper gun although with a touch less lethality.
Effective at all ranges and massive damage! Really grabs everyone's attention with it's loud sound and trails!
Firehoses a stream of glowing supercritical plutonium tracers which bounce off surfaces.
Slot 6 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 6 use grenade launcher" [S-11]
grenade launcher:
The stock Quake II grenade launcher but able to fire many different grenades. See grenades section for details on choosing grenades.
An alternative to grenade launcher that detonates grenades on impact. See grenades section for info on what payload options are available.
Launches proximity mine of chosen grenade payload type, sticks to any surface.
Slot 7 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 7 use rocket launcher" [S-12]
flame rocket launcher:
Same as old launcher but has more powerful incendiary rockets.
speed rocket launcher:
Fires faster non-incendiary rockets. Useful for fast, hard-hitting and ammo efficient sniping.
missile battery:
Launches a salvo of two powerful rockets that are extremely lethal at close range!
Launches enormous seeker missiles that lock-on to anything destructible in their field of view from very far away!
cruise missile:
Manually flown missile with detonation payload being whatever your chosen grenade is! Detonate manually by firing again.
guided rocket launcher:
Guide bouncing rockets wherever you aim at! Use the firemode command to reverse their direction.
Slot 8 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 8 use hyperblaster" [S-13]
The stock QII hyperblaster with a bit greater lethality.
plasma rifle:
Emits a continuous green laser beam of perfect accuracy, and good damage!
ir laser:
Works the same as plasma rifle except the laser is invisible, and can catch players on fire occasionally. The ultimate in stealth weapons!
super nailgun:
Quake I weapon. Very similar to razorgun.
flechette rifle:
Nearly the same as nailgun only slower moving but more numerous projectiles.
plasma gun:
Doom nostalgia weapon reborn even more powerful. Rapid fire of plasma shot that is lethal to anything in the way!
Fires heavy energy bolts that stun and deal heavy AOE damage to players and eats away health slowly afterwards.
tesla cannon:
Very similar in function to the plasma rifle in that it's a continuous beam attack, but has a stun capability.
Slot 9 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 9 use railgun" [S-14]
The railgun now with nearly twice the rate of fire! excellent for long durations of sniping in areas without ample ammo supply.
Slower, much more deadly than railgun and has the unique ability to pierce several walls not much thicker than a typical crate.
Fires three rails at once in three directions. The central rail is deadlier than the outer two.
sonic railgun:
Hold the trigger to charge and then release it to fire a rail that causes a very lethal explosion at the point of impact.
Emits a harmless laser beam, afterwards a quickly growing ball of fire will emerge from the impact point of great damage!
Any player near the impact point will be hit by an EMP blast. Activates the self destruct of players.
Works identical to positron only with less damage but will freeze targets!
The violator with a twist! Teleports you to the exact coordinates and direction of whoever you kill with this! Beware shooting traps!
Another cousin to the positron, flings players sky high, and crashing back down in massive blast!
vector cannon:
Fires a rail with high damage that will deflect off 2 surfaces, similar behavior to buzzsaw and paralyzer but instant.
Banish target to either to an outer artifact or an exit portal (or a random deathmatch spawn if neither is available) if you have one deployed! This is best used in combination with exit portals (see portals section for more info) to drop your opponents into traps such as crushers or lava and you'll be credited with their death! Use "firemode 1" to use a more ammo efficient means of firing that has a slower and trickier to use AOE
Slot 10 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 0 use bfg10k" [S-15]
The stock bfg, no differences except due to the easier access and more cells it see's increased use in WOD-X.
lightning gun:
Quake I weapon. Use like plasma rifle or ir laser. DO NOT USE IN WATER! But use ON players in water : P.
arc cannon:
Like an energy version of the stinger, principle is the same and damages players with lasers as the plasma ball flies near.
gauss gun:
The standalone parent weapon of the arc cannon, boom stick, and raygun. Shoots a fiery projectile at a very high speed that explodes.
boom stick:
Creates series of explosions that travel across the surface and try to reach where you aimed your cross-hair.
Use like a railgun. This fires an energy beam that creates the same explosion as the gauss gun.
===The Grenades===
Due to the number available, grenades are divided into three classes requiring separate cycle binds which are the following.
grenade next (Default "Use grenades" g key bind does the same), grenade previous
grenade2, grenade2 next, grenade2 previous
grenade3, grenade3 next, grenade3 previous.
---Class 1 grenades---
standard grenade/fire grenade:
(no bind exists for this, can only be cycled to): Incendiary grenades having a deadly blast that catch players on fire.
cluster grenade:
Explodes a cluster of six normal grenades that detonate in a couple or so seconds.
lightning grenade:
Zap through walls, fry all cells, paralyzing movement, including hook! Water is super conductive to these! Just really nasty!
plasma grenade:
Has a pretty hefty blast radius and will emit multiple unstable plasma bolts that will deflect about tight quarters.
napalm grenade:
Detonates and spreads red gobs of napalm all over the place that detonate repeatedly.
shrapnel grenade:
Explodes like a real life bouncing betty mine, blasts shrapnel 360 degrees outwards above ground!
mini nuke:
Detonates an expanding ring of nuclear fire! Detonating above ground like nukes in reality, improves effectiveness significantly.
freeze grenade:
Grenades that explode with a cryogenic blast freezing anyone just like other freezer weapons.
smiley grenade:
Deploys a bouncing smiley that taunts and tries to impact players by bouncing and exploding in their face, face to face!
nerve gas grenade:
Releases vapor if players are caught in will have nasty disorientation and loss of health that can result in death quickly.
---Class 2 grenades---
voodoo grenade:
low cost but has a good radius and moderate damage, most notably these will trap your victims darkness!
kamikaze grenade:
Same affect as kamirail. Initiates self destruct of a player caught in its blast radius.
ninja grenade:
Emits cloud of smoke that disorients your opponent, with you being made invisible until smoke dissipates!
ball lightning grenade:
Explodes into four paralyzer bolts, but watch out, they are just as deadly to you as your opponent!
bubble grenade:
Trap players, monsters in bubbles! If caught in one, try slicing out with saber.
trap grenade:
The deadly Xatrix trap, now in WOD-X! Deploys a trap from a grenade.
gravity grenade:
flings players sky high, and crashing back down in massive blast (if the ceiling is high enough)!
black hole grenade:
This grenade will collapse into a singularity, sucking in all players or monsters nearby!
teletrap grenade:
Creates a trap that instead of emulsifying will banish! See banisher in the weapons section for more info.
teleport grenade:
Creates a blast that will banish players and monsters caught in it! See banisher in the weapons section for more info.
---Class 3 grenades---
Warning! Some are recent and experimental additions and some are not fully functional and subject to change! Not all are doc'd yet due to incomplete function.
plague grenade:
Infects nearby players with damage-over-time disease, heaving up infectious gibs with further infection potential!
cataclysm device:
Same explosion as a nuclear airstrike missile but in the form of a grenade, NUKE EM'!
bio grenade:
Splashes out deadly searing acid chunks, use much like you would the napalm grenade.
tesla grenade:
Launches out three flying and bouncing plasma orbs that fry anyone nearby with laser beams.
===IED's and Tripwires===
The "ied" command can drop up to two explosive backpacks that detonate in proximity of a player, spawn, or if shot. Payload is grenade type.
laser (grenade trip):
Sticks a custom grenade payload trip laser onto any surface, detonates if a player or monster trips the laser beam!
If you get a beacon, point your cross-hair in the sky where you want the airstrike to originate from and issue the command paint # with the number determining the type of airstrike, once done will hear a confirmation click. Now point where you want the strike to target and issue the same command again to hear an airman announce the strike incoming. Make sure a perfectly straight line could reach from the point of strike origin to the target point without obstruction or the strike will not occur! You can also just repeatedly issue the command while aiming at ground below sky for a straight down airstrike delivery without looking at the sky.
paint 0: Standard airstrike.
A cataclysm grenade style explosion once the nuclear missile impacts the target point.
paint 1: Meteor magnet.
devastating shockwave in addition to some flaming fragments.
paint 2: MIRV warheads.
A missile briefly flies along the target path then breaks into four separate seeker missiles with mini nuke style explosions!
paint 3: Cluster bomb.
A missile much like the MIRV only flies very briefly before deploying a rain of sub-munition cluster grenades all over the place.
paint 4: Napalm bomb.
A missile flies part of the way to painted location and then deploys numerous napalm grenade sub-munitions.
paint 5: Orbital deathray.
An enormous beam will zap the targeted area growing an energy ball that will engulf a huge radius!
paint 6: plasma strike.
Loved ball lightning? This will deliver more than dreamed of! But the light show is as deadly to you as it is beautiful.
paint 7: Starburst.
A star pattern line of explosions spreads travel, then end in nuclear explosions!
paint 8: Tactical mirv.
An alternative to the nuclear mirv which has a custom payload determined by your grenade type upon calling in!
paint 9: Sea World?.
Drops either a huge whale onto your target splattering with blubber or kamikaze dolphins that will crash into players.
paint 10: Airliner.
Symbolically flies a Trump airliner into the map accompanied by a motivational speech. ;).
Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 04:40:59 PM by NIN-IceWolf
Jr. Member
Posts: 87
Re: WOD-X 1.7 documentation
Reply #1 on:
March 30, 2015, 10:50:15 PM »
Scout: Pay very close attention warriors, this tool at your disposal is of paramount importance to understand! Portals have countless uses that can give you the edge in just about any environment! You can use them to go through walls and obstacles, create long distance shortcuts, make quick escapes, or even to ensnare and give your opponents the most humiliating deaths possible!
There are two primary ways to deploy and make use of portals.
+portal: Binding a key or button to "+portal" is the quickest and easiest way to make use of this incredibly versatile technology, simply aim at a wall or obstacle and hold down said key or button and a blue portal being the one you enter, will appear on the wall followed by a red exit portal on the other side! Releasing the key or button will close the portals, but if you let go of the key or button while going through, you can leave the portals permanently open, cool isn't it? If you want to delete a permanent portal simply press again! You can also cast this on enemy players or monsters to trap them in a gap between portals, and telefrag them by going through! Just remember if a wall/obstacle is overly thick, or would go outside the map, you'll just be randomly dropped somewhere in the map.
portal: Binding a key or button to "portal" allows you to place the entrance and exit portals in a more manual manner exactly where you want in a map and otherwise works exactly the same as described above. The first push of the bind will place an exit portal where you are aimed at and then the second time will create an entrance portal where you aim next! This is extremely useful for shortcuts to say your favorite weapon or powerup in a map! Also be aware that using the teleport command will deliver you to your exit portal any time, and exit portals also serve as a destination for your banishment weapons victims if you have one active while using said weapons, just make sure you don't teleport into your own deathraps! use "portal off" or "+portal" to delete your active portals.
===Outer Artifacts and Zombies===
Outer Artifacts: In certain maps there can be found mysterious artifacts such as crystal formations, monoliths, ancient alien devices, and other objects with unknown purpose or creators. These are typically found in out of the way places on the outskirts of maps or deathtraps and sometimes require special means to access such as teleportation or portals, and also serve as a destination for weapons of banishment. These objects cause or attract a great deal of supernatural occurrences and tend to be swarmed by zombies of corrupted souls or other beings, and offer healing for those who get close to them, just make sure no hostiles are nearby first! Walk directly into artifacts to be teleported back to the main play area.
Zombies: Resurrected souls of infamy! These are almost always bound to be nearby if you find an outer artifact, keep an eye on your messages during gameplay to learn when infamous souls join the game so you can search for and hunt them down for soul credits and powerup drops!
Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 04:49:44 PM by NIN-IceWolf
Jr. Member
Posts: 87
Re: WOD-X gameplay documentation
Reply #2 on:
August 08, 2017, 02:36:11 PM »
This is the legacy in depth guide, atm currently deprecated in favor of the simpler format in the posts above, may or may not be brought up to date, but the simpler guide is a lot easier for me to work with and keep up to date.
Major: Welcome to Weapons Of Destruction Xtreme, warriors! You'll be fighting fellow competitors in arena's of all kinds across many different universes, timelines, alternate realities and more! You'll be fighting with the most advanced, deadliest, and extreme weapons to ever exist! This will also be the greatest competition to ever exist as your opponents will be from all different sorts of universes and realities you can imagine, and they are all competing for renown as the greatest and toughest fighters to ever exist! So prepare and arm yourself with knowledge warrior, you are going to need it!
While you need not fear death in these apocalyptic arena's thanks to supernatural and belief defying technologies that allow you to resurrect endlessly during matches, the pain is still real, and you are here to show all of existence that YOU are of the strongest and most unrelenting, unbreakable fighters to ever exist! Make your home world, galaxy, universe, or wherever you hail from, proud!
===Table of contents===
Use the tags on the table to quickly jump to the sections using ctrl + f.
[S-1] Binds
[S-2] Techs/Runes
[S-3] Hooks
[S-4] Spawns
[S-5] Misc info
[S-6] Slot 1 weapons
[S-7] Slot 2 weapons
[S-8] Slot 3 weapons
[S-9] Slot 4 weapons
[S-10] Slot 5 weapons
[S-11] Slot 6 weapons
[S-12] Slot 7 weapons
[S-13] Slot 8 weapons
[S-14] Slot 9 weapons
[S-15] Slot 10 weapons
[S-16] Grenades
[S-17] Trips and IED's
[S-18] Airstrikes
[S-19] Portals
[S-20] Outer Artifacts and Zombies
===The Binds=== [S-1]
Recon: Where can we possibly start? For being the inter-universe and dimension hopping warriors you all are in these matches, you know there is going to be a huge need for a wide selection of tools and tactics available to you for ensuring proper readiness to tackle any environment you face your opponents in! But don't feel daunted, you won't need absolutely every tool available to you depending how you choose to fight and navigate, choose what is most relevant for tactics you find the most effective!
Below is a list with descriptions of the binds / console commands unique to WOD-X. Other binds with complex uses are described in their own sections of the guide.
Opens the WOD-X help menu which lists common binds, WOD-X website and other helpful info while ingame. Alternatively you can bring this up by hitting the tab key twice (default bind: inven).
Cycles two different zoom levels with an alternative cross-hair. Useful for getting an up close look when sniping or need to see something more clearly at range. Also causes some weapons shots to originate from the bottom center of your view.
Emits light on whatever you are aimed at and yourself.
Emits a red dot. A potentially more accurate alternative to the default cross-hair since this takes obstruction into account and becomes brighter when shone onto a hostile player.
An AOE energy melee attack. Emits a small shockwave from you heavily damaging players. You will take damage from this if you hit no one! Uses cells.
Displays a radar-like view indicating player positions relative to your direction as colored diamond shapes. Players and their status is indicated with different diamond colors. Green for normal, red for invulnerable and blue for quad. If detected players are above or below your current horizontal plane a yellow mark will appear above or below their diamonds indicating such. If players are far their distance cannot be judged and if very far they'll not be detected at all. Makes an audible sound to others when activated/deactivated. Uses lots of cells during use!
smiley 0 through 17:
Use to display smileys, common text bubbles and other icons above you that all other players can see.
Initiates a countdown to self detonation. Costs a frag since you suicide, but has a large explosion that can clear a small room of weakened players. If killed before the time is up the blast will not occur. Costs cells.
Once toggled the name of players you target will appear onscreen. Will also indicate if a monster spawn is friendly or hostile.
Turns player invisible with a particle flare in place. You will lose your cloak upon firing or taking damage. Uses cells during use.
Enters spectator mode. Use [ or ] keys to cycle players. To enter freecam, enter the camera mode via the menu and then enter chasecam in console or via a bind.
push or pull:
Emit a tractor beam that violently throws objects or players towards or away from you. For even more power you can generally stack the commands up to three times like pull;pull;pull for example. There is a limit of 20 tractor beam uses against players per life but unlimited on everything else.
sonic or sonic2:
Lunge yourself forwards or backwards at great speed. Use to close your distance, escape players, or get around a map fast. Uses cells.
This command will instantly teleport you to a respawn pad. Where you end up works the same as a respawn. Extremely handy for escapes, but you only have one teleport every 30 seconds. Use wisely.
teleport 1:
Works the same as teleport except your destination will be an outer artifact! See the section on them for more info. (please note the function is currently bugged and will be fixed)
hover 1 to 9:
Instead of jumping you can now levitate while this command is active! use higher numbers for higher speed. But watch your cells usage if you don't want to drop like a bag of dirt! Use "hover off" to disable this.
firemode 0 through 2:
Changes how certain weapons function and increases timer of grenades (including siege cannon grenades), and slows down bazooka shots. It is advisable to combine this command with a weapon bind, such as bind key "firemode 1;use saber" to use and turn your saber weapon into it's secondary form the icicle at the same time! See the descriptions of individual weapons to learn about their available firemodes.
Sacrifice some cells to fuel temporary usage of flight, upon running out of fuel repeat the command to use more cells and refuel the jetpack. Using the command before running out of fuel toggles the jetpack on or off.
This command gives you a vintage brick phone that's able to detonate any traps you've laid, grenades, bazooka round, and certain monsters such as shamblers, decoys, and even the paint 10 airliner!
===Techs/Runes=== [S-2]
Pointman: You'd better keep your eyes peeled for these supernatural and or technological treasures that come and go from the arena's! Choosing the right ones to boost your tactics of choice is crucial if you plan to dominate your opponents in battle or just simply need to survive a bit longer than you would otherwise. However these will no longer respond to you if you're a leading competitor in a match so don't become over-reliant and overconfident in their powers!
There are various powerups or techs available granting you different benefits. With the exception of airstrike, once a tech is picked up you needn't do anything, they take effect automatically. No two rune powerups may be carried at one time but you can swap them by dropping the one you currently have by binding a key to "drop tech".
disruptor shield:
Cuts all damage received in half. also protects and makes you immune to damage from slime and lava! Swim in either like it's harmless water! But remember to come up for air periodically. Grants immunity to banishment as well.
power amplifier:
Simply doubles the damage of all your weapons. Like half a quad but permanent. Also allows you to place greater numbers of ieds, trips.
time accel:
Doubles your rate of fire. Compared to power amplifier this uses ammo like there's no tomorrow but seriously increases hit probability.
Constantly regenerates your health and any armor type up to 150 points! Perfect if long-term survival is needed. If you are regenerating both health and armor at the same time it will take longer for both to reach the peak of 150. This also disables the loss of 1 hp per second that happens with mega-health.
suicide vest:
An infamous apparel! When a player is killed this is dropped and explodes like mini nuke after a few seconds (See grenades section) .Can drop it with a "drop tech" bind to bomb. But whether you died or intentionally drop it, if a player is fast enough they may grab this vest and take it for themselves before it blows.
Allows you to fly. Navigate the skies much like you would water. Jet packers are very vulnerable to seeker weapons. Bind a key to "jetpack" to turn off/on.
See airstrikes section for details. Exempt from leader denial and can be held when possessing another rune/tech
empathy shield:
Causes some of the damage inflicted upon you to also be inflicted on the attacker! Beware if shooting an opponent with this, extremely high damage weapons that do hundreds or even thousands of HP in damage are your guaranteed doom! Damage done by monsters and airstrikes also can be transferred!
Looks like a stake. Damaging your opponents by any means heals you.
Allows you to hover for free alike to hover command, and also move ultra fast through water.
invisibility ring:
Renders you partially invisible. Take care to consider how well your translucent player skin blends in with certain surroundings.
===The Hooks=== [S-3]
It is absolutely a must to become familiar with the available hooks if one wishes to compete in the speedy mayhem of WOD-X multiplayer. Listed below are the hooks available according to bind.
This is the standard most used hook of WOD-X. Emits a green beam that latches onto any surface or object and pulls you to it extremely fast in a straight line. If you latch onto a player it will do a jolt of damage and then steadily drain health from them giving it to you! A vital skill to master with the hook is using it to throw yourself up walls by doing series of quick latch-ons and releases at point blank range while aiming upward, Learn to use the inertia! Hook can also save you from fall damage if you latch onto something before impact.
The non-beam Quake II CTF grapple only without the need to select it as a weapon. Slower, doesn't prevent fall damage, nor damages players. But it can be used to bring them to you or to tow them, monsters or other objects! Otherwise there are no advantages to this hook over the standard beam hook aside from utility.
This is a non-beam swing hook. This hook has a limited reach but once grappled you can rappel up or down using the +grow or +shrink binds. This hook can be tons of fun in large maps with something high like a tower or ceiling as you can swing back and forth or around in circles like a daredevil and be very difficult to hit! If out of ammo try grabbing players with +hook3 while swinging to slam them violently! To deploy more than one swing hook after you've already placed your first one as you normally would, you need to bind another key or button to exactly "hook4 action" and press that once for each extra hook you want up to a limit of 4 and pressing your primary +hook4 bind when you desire will retract them all. Most often you would only use this trick to suspend yourself midair in areas without a ceiling by using two or more hooks in between two pillars as an example.
This is identical to +hook2 except even faster. While +hook2 is very fast, this is for the true ninjas who have the reflexes to master the full potential of the art of hooking, and especially melee with hooking!
===Spawns=== [S-4]
Pointman: Ranging from demons and beasts, helpful spirits and infernal contraptions, you can summon fearsome entities to aid you in your battles and do your bidding! However, summoning from realms beyond mortal knowledge can be very risky business and some beings can turn against you if not careful!!!
If you have enough credits from dropped packs or items use "spawn next" command to choose a monster and then just "spawn" to summon it. Use "spawn off" to remove a spawn when you no longer desire it's presence.
These beasts from Quake 1 have great endurance against all but the most powerful weapons. Shamblers most often use their high speed to get up close and tear you apart with their fearsome claws, but if they are unable to reach you they will shoot lightning through their teeth at you from fairly far away and they don't miss! Can be self destructed with the detonator in a lethal explosion of blubber!
The souped up psycho cybernetic leader of the Strogg in Quake II is back and ready for payback! He is generally not as fast in his attacks as the Shambler but has some additional surprises to his original weapons! Virus has about twice the endurance of a Shambler but provided you don't stay in one spot too long you should be able to take him down without too much trouble, and if you do, clearing the area would be a good idea! Use "spawn 1" to summon virus instead of the shambler. Can be self destructed with the detonator via a nuclear blast!
These are at no cost and used a little differently than other spawns, simply issue the decoy command to spawn a fake holographic player that takes on the model & skin of your player. A decoy has all the behavior and attack attributes of a Quake II shotgun guard. Dies in one hit by almost any weapon with the exception of some low damage weapons which can actually cause them to turn against you! These have many uses that would just be impossible to list. Simply experiment and use them all you want, there's no restrictions! Repeat decoy cmd to remove it. Can be self destructed in deadly manner with the detonator but costs cells in this case to do so.
There now exists a random rotation of separate monsters from the currently existing ones that have different credit costs
===How to use the strogg===
3 different Strogg are available each map ranging from tier I, tier II, and tier III in strength.
spawn class info
see current rotation of monsters available
spawn class 1
Tier 1 monsters such as Guards and Enforcers at 15 credit cost
spawn class 2
Tier 2 monsters such as Gunners and Gladiators at 30 credit cost
spawn class 3
Tier 3 (Boss) monsters such as Tanks and Guardians at 60 credit cost
===Misc=== [S-5]
Every player that kicks the bucket drops one of these packs that is surrounded by flies which make a sound you can hear from a short distance. Always contains a minimum of 5 credits (See spawns section) and whatever ammo a player had at death. Remains for about 20 seconds before disappearing if not collected. You cannot pick up packs from your own death.
Players always spawn with 50 cells in their inventory.
Players start with 5 of these in their inventory.
It's possible to score headshots which are announced by voice and text with certain weapons such as sniper gun, etc.
leader glow:
The leader glows green and emits a blue light that shows even through thin walls thus betraying their location to observant players.
Most weapons and ammo pickups now come with extra supply for the ammo hungry weapons of WOD-X and some types such as slugs have an increase above the old maximum ammo limit.
In most cases falls and other zones that would have meant instant death in vanilla QII now usually teleport any players or objects/monsters the same way as would the teleport command. However, you can still take damage falling into a pit if you fall too far before hitting the bottom!
WOD-X has a voting feature available allowing you to call up a vote for changing to another map available on the server. Enter "vote map mapname" (no .bsp extension) in the console and then other players can enter "vote yes" into their console. If enough players vote yes the map will change instantly. "Vote no" to vote against it.
Score frags that annihilate your opponents with extreme damage to hear a random announcement from Duke Nukem and in future, other announcers!
===The Weapons===
A most important fact to understand about the main weapons of WOD-X with few exceptions, is that picking up a single stock QII weapon such as a hyperblaster which you would select on weapon slot 8 gives you several weapons at once in a group that can be cycled to on slot 8. Listed below are the weapons according to slot and cycle order. The weapon names listed are the names you would bind for using them without needing to cycle to them (Such as, bind b use hand cannon). As of later versions of WOD-X, players will spawn with a random weapon of any kind in addition to their default slot 1 weapons, supplied with the required ammo as well. Certain maps can also have a default weapon you'll always spawn with.
Major: Listen up warriors! I know you're always drooling over that railgun, BFG, or even a solid good ol' shotgun, but don't you dare fail to take your group one weapons seriously! Learn em', love em' master em'! Your life will constantly depend on them, and they are not to be underestimated in the hands of a competent warrior, and don't you dare think any of them are inferior to each other! Each has a different role, different style and a different time for it's use! You are supplied both with melee and ranged options and if it comes down to it, they are ALL that a trained warrior needs to bring down an opponent no matter how big his gun! Make me proud and show me what you can do with your standard issue weapons!
Slot 1 weapons:
(You always spawn with the slot 1 weapons in inventory). Default cycle bind "bind 1 use blaster" [S-6]
A fast firing laser blaster that's quite an upgrade to the old vanilla blaster! Each shot travels much faster and much deadlier than before, but it's still a good idea to look for a bigger gun than rely on this.
super blaster:
Much more powerful than standard blaster. Fires at a slower pace with flaring crimson red projectiles capable of killing a freshly spawned unarmored player in a couple hits.
The most rapid fire blaster option, fires a lot of incendiary high speed projectiles that stick to players and monsters when hit and doing minimal damage at first, but then burn them and finally explode! Deals less immediate damage than other blasters but does more potential damage over time than those blasters could do and is a fairly decent long range and anti-air option due to speed and fire rate of the energy projectiles. Melt em'!
This deadly weapon of medieval origin has been upgraded with future engineering to have automatic fire and shoots arrows loaded with explosive charges that explode shortly after lodging into a surface or target!
A legendary weapon! Sabers are very short laser beams projected in front of the player in random colors which do great damage to anything they contact without the need to push the attack button although can be swung by doing so. The true potential of the saber can only be achieved by skillful use of the hook and push and pull commands to close distance! Mastering this weapon will take down any opponent no matter how big his/her choice of gun. Can penetrate transparent walls and nail players too close. Saber also prevents you from being frozen by any freeze weapons which is a great way to counter those that make heavy use of such weapons. "firemode 1" Will turn the saber into the icicle! Will reduce the damage of this weapon in exchange for being able to freeze anything it touches in ice! If your opponents aren't heavily armored and shielded this can be a very good mode to use!
magnetic saw:
This is an alternative melee option which can have advantages over the saber in certain situations. Unlike the saber it does not do continuous damage but is used to strike with well timed slash attacks that can kill instantly or with little as two or three swipes for heavily armored opponents potentially faster than the saber can. The range is also longer and works in water. As a little bonus kills with this can be more satisfying with hilarious death screams it results in! If your cross-hair is over a target at any range which can include monsters, IED's and players they can be pulled/thrown towards you with each swipe, hence the name magnetic saw! Another use is to climb walls. Aim upwards at a wall while pushing on it and striking it with swipes and then jump while not releasing the jump key to be pulled upwards.
Slot 2 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 2 use shotgun" [S-7]
Fires incendiary pellets. Hitting a player or target often results in it being engulfed explosively in flames that stick on doing damage for a few seconds before burning out or the player quickly enters water putting it out. Be careful not to be too close to anyone you hit or you will light yourself like a candle too!
Fires blue bolts that freeze impacted players or monsters briefly in ice. The bolts deflect off surfaces making it useful for shooting in tight quarters.
sniper gun:
Fires extremely fast deadly black projectiles but will need to be good at leading the motion of players, A great way to hone marksmanship. Many will not see the jet black projectile coming after it's fired so you can avoid revealing a hidden sniping spot, and it can deflect off many surfaces allowing indirect fire into tight areas! Can score headshots.
Works alike to sniper gun except a devastating unstable green glowing energy bolt that also deflects off surfaces and will last a LONG duration, if you're hilariously lucky you'll have the round indirectly go down many corridors and through many rooms and kill a player on the far end of a map. The light show and laughs are well worth it!
explosive shotgun:
Fires a scatter of black projectiles leaving a highly visible trail. Upon impact with a surface or target they stick for about a second then detonate explosively.
Weapon with a slow rate of fire but blows away any nearby players like a leaf blower, knocking the foox out of them! Great for area denial like tower tops and self defense for those that don't want anyone getting too close. But If someone can be cornered with the smasher in a small space they have little chance of escape from it's wrath. A secondary use it has due to extreme kickback is to be used as a means of propulsion like a rocket thruster to make super high or long jumps or even briefly flying around a map with it by using a time accel rune!
hand cannon:
Powerful dual barreled shotgun that's an alternative to the stock super shotgun. Has the large spread common to such weapons limiting it's range but damage delivered is high. Usually can blow players away with as much force as the smasher if lucky to survive a close blast from this weapon!
Slot 3 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 3 use super shotgun" [S-8]
super shotgun:
The stock QII super shotgun upgraded with incendiary pellets.
Same bolts as the freezer except this fires three in a triangular formation that parts over distance and do not deflect off surfaces.
Fires same way as trident except three green disintigrator bolts instead of ice bolts and do not deflect off surfaces.
explosive super shotgun:
Fires a couple more tracers than the explosive shotgun with a potentially greater spread.
Launches blades moving extremely fast and ricochet off any surface at perfect angles until they dissipate after an amount of flight time. It's very effective fired directly at players like the sniper gun and can be treated just like it.
Works like buzzsaw, potentially nastier. Fires projectiles that have the same effect as lightning grenades (See grenades section) and fly slightly longer! Unlike buzzsaw however, this weapon is a two edge sword that can be just as deadly to you as the opponent if it's projectile comes back to you!
Fires a scatter of 3 instant hit explosive shotgun pellets that explode like a grenade on whatever is hit dealing good damage in short and medium range combat.
Fires a scatter of 4 rail slugs, though each rail is much less damaging than standard rail shots, it can be devastating in short range combat!
siege cannon:
Launches a cluster of 4 incendiary hand grenades with flaring red trails in their wake flying in a ballistic arc similar to the grenade launcher but farther and faster. use "firemode 1" to allow usage of different grenade types!
Slot 4 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 4 use machinegun" [S-9]
rocket machinegun:
Unleashes a rapid stream of roaring rockets that cause moderate damage per impact with small blasts not really large enough to hurt those nearby. Lead the targeted player well with these rockets and he/she may be disoriented by the violence of the explosions in the face so returning fire may be difficult until it's too late. Be careful about firing point blank.
standard machinegun:
The stock QII machinegun upgraded with incendiary bullets. Can fire in deadlier bursts with "firemode 1" command.
Projectiles are non-explosive and have a slower rate of fire than machine rockets, but the razor spikes do more damage each and are harder to see coming.
Fires explosive tracers identical to those of the shotguns. Unlike the shotguns these are fired in series of quick repeated bursts of 3 tracers perfectly straight.
Fires accurate instant-hit green laser beams in rapid bursts of pulses doing enormous damage, being effective at any range.
Slot 5 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 5 use chaingun" [S-10]
The stock QII chaingun.
Chaingun with a slower rate of fire but firing multiple shells per second makes it even more devastating!
Very useful not only as a weapon but also as a tool for stealing health from players or monsters! If you gain enough health from this you'll be granted short duration quad damage! Become a true predator of your opponents!
Stops competition cold by dishing out freezer bolts at a rapid rate of fire! Good way to make anyone deplete their teleport or force them to consider switching to saber allowing you to quickly switch to something else to hammer them once they expect another freeze attack. Can have a high fear factor!
Fires the bouncing projectiles of the sniper gun although with a touch less lethality but at rapid rate.
The most powerful of the sweepers if used properly. Being effective at all ranges and massive damage can more than make up for it's potential to grab everyone's attention with it's sound and trail.
Firehoses a stream of glowing supercritical plutonium tracers with a significant spread and irregular trajectory which deflect off surfaces.
Slot 6 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 6 use grenade launcher" [S-11]
grenade launcher:
The stock Quake II grenade launcher but able to fire many different grenade types available in WOD-X with different ammo costs. See grenades section for details on choosing grenades.
An alternative to grenade launcher but should prove many magnitudes more useful in most combat and likely the most flexible of all weapons due to many grenade types. Launches grenades without a timer or spin and fly like mortar shells in a longer range ballistic arc and detonate upon impact rather than bounce. Can be used to launch artillery attacks over walls and from high places to reach very long distances. Most often however this is useful for directly engaging players up close with highly damaging grenade types by either hitting directly or nearby, just don't blow yourself up! Take note of the whoosh sound it's slow incoming rounds make that could give you enough warning to evade or teleport! See grenades section for info on what payload options are available.
Launches proximity triggered mines that stick to any surface. As with grenade launcher and bazooka, the current grenade type is used as the detonation payload when the mines are triggered. You can deploy up to two of these at any given time in a map.
Slot 7 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 7 use rocket launcher" [S-12]
flame rocket launcher:
Same as old launcher but has more powerful incendiary rockets.
speed rocket launcher:
Fires faster non-incendiary rockets with a blast more like the stock rocket launcher. Useful for fast, hard-hitting and ammo efficient sniping.
missile battery:
Launches a salvo of two moderate speed non-incendiary rockets to the left and right of your direction of aim which part over distance. Useful for heavy-hitting close engagement but not easy to aim at long range targets.
Launches enormous seeker missiles that lock-on to anything in their field of view from very far away! If you're targeted, try sidestepping slightly against it's direction of flight it to make it fly past as fast as possible. Also make use of spawns or IED's as counter-measures as it will lock on to anything destructible.
cruise missile:
The cruise missile is a slower moving manually flown missile with it's detonation payload being whatever your chosen grenade is! Just make sure you have enough ammo for the missile itself, and then the grenades for the payload type you want and just fire this off and your view will switch to that of the missile! Control is simple, just aim it the same way you would your player and ram into your chosen target or manually detonate it by pushing the fire button or key again. Manual detonation can be useful for strategic air bursts with some payloads that are more efficiently used that way, such as nukes. While in flight, the missile will emit a guidance laser pointing at targets of opportunity. Although this weapon is very powerful, you must be very skilled at hiding your player when using this as you will be completely vulnerable when using it! Make sure not to reveal your hiding place with the missile launch itself as well. Can fly for a duration of one minute, enough range to reach a target any place in any map.
guided rocket launcher:
This works much like normal rockets with a few interesting twists, you direct missiles to where your crosshair is pointed and the missiles will bounce off any and all surfaces until they hit a proper target such as a monster or player. Essentially you can guide a swarm of rockets wherever you look to overwhelm your opponent with many rockets! Use the firemode command to reverse their direction allowing them to be kept behind you until you wish for the swarm to go forward again by using the firemode command a second time.
Slot 8 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 8 use hyperblaster" [S-13]
The stock QII hyperblaster with a bit greater lethality.
plasma rifle:
Emits a continuous green laser beam of perfect accuracy! Just keep it on target to eat away at anyone's health and armor quite fast.
ir laser:
Works the same as plasma rifle except the laser is invisible, and can catch players on fire occasionally. One of the best stealth weapons and pretty quiet as well!
super nailgun:
Quake I weapon. Very similar to razorgun only less damaging but more rapid fire.
flechette rifle:
Nearly the same as nailgun only slower moving but more numerous projectiles.
plasma gun:
Doom nostalgia weapon reborn even more powerful. Rapid fire of fast moving large plasma balls that is lethal to anything in their path.
Fires heavy energy bolts at a slow rate of fire that stun and deal heavy AOE damage to players and eats away health after the initial jolt of damage.
tesla cannon:
Very similar in function to the plasma rifle in that it's a continuous beam attack, but has a stun capability.
Slot 9 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 9 use railgun" [S-14]
The railgun now with nearly twice the rate of fire! excellent for long durations of sniping in areas without ample ammo supply. Can score headshots!
The violator is slower in rate of fire and slightly more deadly than railgun and has the unique ability to go through any number of walls not much thicker than a typical crate (roughly 64 units) while producing a small blast at each point of penetration. Use to surprise those who think they are safe behind pillars, walls! To really add further use to this weapon use scanner to find the direction of camper locations and then all you need to do is calculate how high or low they are to nail them! Beware the slim but long lasting smoke trail this leaves behind for about 10 seconds, Players who are missed will be on to you! Also pay attention to glowing players who shine through walls that make easy targets for this weapon. Can score headshots.
Fires three rails at once in three directions, left, middle and right. The central rail is deadlier than the other two.
sonic railgun:
A little different in the way this is fired compared to other weapons. Hold the trigger and then release it to fire a rail that causes a very lethal explosion at the point of impact. If time permits you will want to hold down fire to charge up the weapon for even more damage! Note that charging makes an obvious loud beep sound alerting everyone! Can score headshots.
Emits a harmless green laser beam, But a moment after it's gone a quickly growing ball of fire will emerge from the impact point that will easily destroy anyone too close and then dissipate in about a second! Not easy to use on players who are moving fast but if they are careless you can time a shot ahead of them so they'll run right into their own doom, but fireball will form without delay if a target is hit directly by beam.
(weapon was pulled due to random crashes and may return someday if a fix is found)
Any player near the impact point will be hit by an EMP blast. Activates the self destruct of players and gives the shooter frags for deaths their blast results in.
Works identical to positron only with less damage but will freeze targets!
The violator with a twist! Teleports you to the exact coordinates and direction of whoever you kill with this! However, use with caution, hitting certain things can result in the most dreadful of transporter accidents!
Another cousin to the positron, same means of use only instead of much damage or freezing, has gravity manipulation properties on the impacted target or vicinity! Refer to gravity grenade in grenades section.
vector cannon:
Fires a rail with high damage that will deflect off 2 surfaces, similar behavior to buzzsaw and paralyzer but instant . This makes for a unique direct attack, indirect attack, or sniping weapon in multiple ways. Makes indirect railing down halls or behind things like crates possible without exposing yourself to any hostiles and has twice the likelihood of hitting those camping in corners or tight spots compared to normal railgun. When sniping long range, due to deflection off multiple surfaces it may be hard for a targeted player to know which direction a vector shot is coming from so that can also be an extra advantage. Be warned, Shooting a wall you are facing directly or shooting perfectly into a square rooms corner no matter the angle will get you killed every time by a slug coming right back at you!
This is a fun one! Works like the violator, but if you hit someone, they will be banished either to an outer artifact or an exit portal (or a random deathmatch spawn if neither is available) if you have one deployed! This is best used in combination with exit portals (see portals section for more info) to drop your opponents into traps such as crushers or lava and you'll be credited with their death! Use "firemode 1" to use a more ammo efficient means of firing that has a slower and trickier to use AOE splash but can potentially banish more than one target at a time! You will gain credits for successful banishment.
Slot 10 weapons:
Default cycle bind "bind 0 use bfg10k" [S-15]
The stock bfg, no differences except due to the easier access and more cells it see's increased use in WOD-X.
lightning gun:
Quake I weapon. Use like plasma rifle or ir laser. It's notable advantage is you can electrocute players without hitting them directly if they are in water by hitting the surface close to them. If you are in the water and fire this you will fry yourself (and everyone nearby in the drink as well)!
arc cannon:
Like an energy version of the stinger, principle is the same and damages players with lasers as the plasma ball flies near.
gauss gun:
The standalone parent weapon of the arc cannon, boom stick, and raygun. Shoots a fiery projectile at a very high speed that explodes with a good amount of flames engulfing the impact area. Projectiles disappear in water so don't bother firing them into any water.
boom stick:
Creates series of explosions that travel across the surface and try to reach where you aimed your cross-hair. Can travel over many obstacles but will usually only go as far as what the cross-hair was pointed at. This is extremely damaging to those that are in the blasts relentless path but cannot usually hit targets well above the ground.
Use like a railgun. This fires an energy beam that creates the same explosion as the gauss gun.
===The Grenades===
Listed below are the grenades available in WOD-X by the name you'd bind them. Due to the number available, grenades are divided into two classes requiring separate cycle binds which are the following, grenade next (Default "Use grenades" g key bind does the same), grenade previous, grenade2 next, grenade2 previous. Choosing the grenade type that is used by launchers, ied's or trips is determined by the last selected grenade type by using either cycling or a direct bind.
Flak: They're small, humble looking, and you always got a few as part of your standard issue! Well soldier, they are the whole other half of your arsenal! Failure to master these amazing gifts in small packages is not an option! Upgraded with transmutation technologies from all over the multi-verse, you'll find those humble grenades capable of doing all sorts of unbelievable things that includes more than just making big explosions or planet cracking kabooms!
---Class 1 grenades---
standard grenade/fire grenade:
(no bind exists for this, can only be cycled to): Incendiary grenades having a deadly blast producing flames that can catch players on fire.
cluster grenade:
Results initially in a moderate blast that sends out in all directions a cluster of six normal grenades that detonate in a couple or so seconds.
lightning grenade:
Does a ton of damage, can zap through walls, fry all cells any player has instantly as well as paralyzing movement, including hook! And that isn't all! throw these nasty things into a body of water and any players who have even so much as a foot in the water will be fried from incredibly far away! Devastating in watery arena's.
plasma grenade:
Has a pretty hefty blast radius and will emit multiple unstable plasma bolts that will deflect about tight quarters to lethal effect!
napalm grenade:
Detonates and spreads red gobs of napalm all over the place that detonate repeatedly killing anyone straying into it!
shrapnel grenade:
Akin to the infamous Bouncing Betty mine, blasts shrapnel 360 degrees outwards from an upper height above the nade itself dealing hefty damage.
mini nuke:
The power of E = mc2 now fits in your hand! Detonates with a brilliant flash and shake of your view and a speaker cracking loud noise creating a rapidly expanding ring of nuclear fire that falls with gravity (making it most useful as a cruise missile payload) and does unspeakable damage to those who are in it's vicinity. Detonating above floor level helps it effect farther away just like in reality.
freeze grenade:
Grenades that explode with a cryogenic blast freezing anyone just like other freezer weapons.
smiley grenade:
Deploys a bouncing smiley that taunts enemies and tries to impact by bouncing after them and exploding.
nerve gas grenade:
Releases a deadly vapor in the immediate detonation vicinity that if players are caught in will have nasty disorientation and loss of health that can result in death quickly if no health pickups are found in time!
---Class 2 grenades---
voodoo grenade:
low cost but has a good radius and moderate damage, most notably these will trap your victims in a roaring paralyzing darkness!
kamikaze grenade:
Same affect as kamirail. Initiates self destruct of a player caught in it's blast radius and gives the grenade owner frags for any players it kills.
vampire grenade:
This has a rather small blast radius, but it hurts opponents like hell and heals you like heaven!
ninja grenade:
Emits a large cloud of smoke after a crippling explosion with flash-bang effect that blinds and disorients your opponents movement, with you being made invisible until the smoke dissipates!
sentinel grenade:
Blows open unleashing tiny flying droid-like objects that will hover for several seconds looking for players to pursue and then ram into them!
bubble grenade:
Used much like sentinels, deploys 3 bubbles which are much slower moving which entrap players or monsters making them vulnerable to your fire. If not fired upon and killed, an entrapped player must try to cut out of these with a saber before suffocating or being dropped from great heights as the bubble rises! Can also use tractor beam to move around inside one in worst case scenarios to evade before slicing out.
trap grenade:
The deadly Xatrix trap, now in WOD-X! Deploys a trap which opens and emits a flaring vertical emission of sparks and sucks in any players or monsters that get too close and emulsifies them!
gravity grenade:
Moderate initial damage, but sends anyone near the detonation soaring sky high and then slamming back into the ground at extreme speed! If the ceiling or sky is really high, when players come crashing down at 0.9c they will create a nuke blast to wipe out anyone near the impact area! There is no way to escape a fall when lifted by one of these, but if you are good with your timing you might survive even the highest of falls with a well timed decoy spawn below you to break the fall.
black hole grenade:
Grenade grande! This grenade will collapse it's core into a singularity of darkness which at first will be harmless for a few seconds, and then grow into a full fledged room clearing black hole which will darken the nearby environment and suck anything nearby into dark oblivion! you are limited to one deployed black hole at any given time.
teletrap grenade:
Creates a trap that instead of emulsifying will banish! See banisher in the weapons section for more info.
teleport grenade:
Creates a blast that will banish players and monsters caught in it! See banisher in the weapons section for more info.
===IED's and Tripwires===
Howitzer: Always remember warrior, part of your standard issue gear is a pack of five grenades and cells! This means right off the bat you have the tools necessary to lay a trap or two to cover your tracks, don't fail to make use of this amazing resource, but be intelligent about how you do it! One should take care to both ensure it would be hard for an opponent to see explosive traps in time before stumbling into them, and also be in such placements that disarming them would mean considerable risk! Oh and, don't forget your own traps and stumble into them later, it's you know, very embarrassing when you do that...
The "ied" command can drop up to two explosive backpacks that detonate in proximity of a player, spawn or if damaged. Type of detonation is determined by your last chosen grenade. such as a nuke blast if you had mini nuke. Typically should be deployed as out of sight around bends in halls, behind doors that one may come rushing through or anywhere else a player may pass close to without seeing these in time. If you need to clear ied's quickly a decoy pushed with a tractor beam into them is usually the best option if your weapon is not up to the job, or even beaming the devices directly with stacked tractor beams at a risk. It's most dangerous detonating other players ied's anywhere near you, never know what sort of grenade is in them! Become familiar with the differences between ied's and dropped packs to not mistake one for the other! Unlike packs these emit yellow light and have no flies or sound. Lasts 80 seconds, costs cells plus grenades depending on type for cost.
laser (grenade trip):
Use the "laser" command after choosing your grenade type to stick a randomly colored laser beam emitting grenade on any surface! This beam when crossed by anything from a player to monsters will detonate the grenade. These have no duration limit so can act as a long-term booby trap in many places! As you would ied's, place them low around bends and areas like doors where people may rush in. In this case with doors it's best to place them just barely above the floor so they aren't easily seen and so the door closes on them, making them completely hidden from both sides potentially surprising anyone going through! In addition to their visible laser, certain nade types cause these to shine like lamps removing door surprise for more aware players. These also make a faint hum/droning sound that alert players may hear before running into them. Defuse with decoy or direct fire, but they will still detonate! Uses cells plus grenades depending on type for cost.
Recon: The greatest friend of a warrior like yourself is in the sky, the inter-universe Space Force! If you get your hands on an airstrike beacon and have an unobstructed sky no matter where the map is in all of existence, you are not alone in your battle! We'll shove whatever payload and attack you want into a wormhole, time warp, starship, whatever it takes, we will deliver each and every time for your needs on the ground! Of course, we deliver for your opponents too, it wouldn't be fair otherwise, and keeping an eye on the sky for trouble while fighting below should be skill any elite warrior like yourself ought to have down an art!
A beacon looks like a square white computer monitor with a large antenna. Point your cross-hair in the sky where you want the airstrike to originate from and issue the command paint # with the number determining the type of airstrike, once done will hear a confirmation click. Now point where you want the strike to target and issue the same command again to hear an airman announce the strike incoming. Make sure a perfectly straight line could reach from the point of strike origin to the target point without obstruction or the strike will not occur! However depending on certain situations and the type of airstrike you call in, You may not need to bother with aiming the strike and just repeatedly press your bind in one spot in the sky and the strike should just come straight down.
paint 0: Standard airstrike.
A loud siren goes off and a large missile speeds to the targeted area and explodes into a ring of fire that can spread as far as some maps are big which will vaporize anyone caught in it!
paint 1: Meteor magnet.
Works alike to the standard airstrike, but has multiple more devastating flaming shockwaves in addition to some fragments that breaks away from the massive meteor upon arrival that litter the area with many explosions for several seconds!
paint 2: MIRV warheads.
A blaring siren sounds upon arrival and a missile briefly flies along the target path then breaks into four separate seeker missiles much like stingers but nuclear! Evade as you would stingers, your own will come after you too! Likely the most dependable airstrike in open areas where a good lock-on can be achieved, having a very high probability of nuking many players.
paint 3: Cluster bomb.
A missile much like the MIRV only flies very briefly before deploying a rain of sub-munition cluster grenades all over the place! This can lodge many explosives into tight areas no other strike may be able to, but the danger zone it has is only local at best.
paint 4: Napalm bomb.
Like MIRV and Cluster bomb a missile flies part of the way to painted location and then deploys numerous napalm grenade sub-munitions turning the area into a chaotic hellfire!.
paint 5: Orbital deathray.
An enormous beam will zap the targeted area growing a huge energy ball that will engulf even the largest of areas for a few seconds killing absolutely everyone directly exposed to it! The downside is many will have warning to escape when the beam slowly begins the energy ball.
paint 6: Space spore.
Sends a meteor through a warp which is apparently infested with, sentinels! Upon arrival the area pulses with darkness along with an alarm blaring and the whole area will shake with an earthquake! The meteor after floating in will break apart into pieces that fly all over the place littering the area with sentinels making this airstrike pure chaos in more ways than one! Unlike the other strikes this one is relatively safe for the calling player to be around when arriving.
paint 7: Starburst.
The target zone will erupt five boomstick-like explosion streams going in five separate directions like a star shape for as far as they can go before ending in nuclear blasts! This is useful when you'd like the nuclear option in an area you cannot get a MIRV into like the tight deep areas in Q2DM2 or Q2DM8.
paint 8: Tactical mirv.
An alternative to the nuclear mirv which has a custom payload determined by your grenade type upon calling in! The spread and number of warheads is variable and determined by the grenade type.
paint 9: Sea World?.
Drops either a huge whale onto your target splattering with blubber or intelligent kamikaze dolphins that will hunt players down and ram with devastating explosions!
paint 10: Airliner.
Symbolically flies a Trump airliner into the map accompanied by a motivational speech.
Last Edit: July 07, 2019, 09:07:08 PM by NIN-IceWolf
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Posts: 238
Re: WOD-X gameplay documentation
Reply #3 on:
August 13, 2017, 10:35:56 PM »
Great work kits, nice and in-depth. What's next... a wodx/strogg novel?
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Re: WOD-X gameplay documentation
Reply #4 on:
August 18, 2017, 06:48:57 AM »
wow awesome! i have always wondered about this mod.. easy to play but so much to learn, I've been missing out! def be coming back to read through some or most of this later.
I play on WHALE server every once in a while, all those crazy maps to compliment the mod lots of fun! I like that you can bind key +hook2 and use the green lazer hook on whale server. I barely know the weapons but most of them are fun and powerful enough i can be happy with whatever i picked up and get to fragging! played on gumbys a few times and enjoyed that one too. LOX mod has a gaming night going on wednesdays that ive managed to make it to a few times also. seen a few other variations of WOD servers pop up here and there every once in a while.
There was a WODX CTF server up for a while only had a chance to play on it a few times before it disappeared wish that one would come back online, or maybe you could help me setup a WHALEWARZ CTF server some of the Railwarz guys might like it... and maybe some WODX people might too would make a cool hybrid
would be cool to see a WOD / WODX discord server to bring together all the players from the many variations weapons mod offers and stimulate more growth back to the mod(s).
post a link if you ever make a WHALE or wodx/wod discord id love join!
Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 07:57:28 AM by beaver{KEA}
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
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Re: Official WOD-X Gameplay guide!
Reply #5 on:
December 05, 2021, 05:45:46 PM »
Happy Holidays Everyone!
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Posts: 238
Re: Official WOD-X Gameplay guide!
Reply #6 on:
December 12, 2021, 11:26:19 PM »
Hey Merry Christmas!
Long time no see!
Btw we're still rocking it at the whale server, so stop by some time:
Whale's Eye - WODX 3.0
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Official WOD-X Gameplay guide!
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I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.
February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last
February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp ✟
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Fixed the image for you =)
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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}
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