w forwards backwardsa moveleftd moverightshift - walk/runr scoreboardtab inventorymouse 5 machinegun;shotgun;hyperblaster;supershotgun;grenadelauncher;chaingun;railgun;Rocketlaunchermouse 4 zoommouse 2 shootmouse 1 jumpMouse 3 throw grenadeq railgune rocketlauncherr Chaingun1 blaster;hyperblaster;bfg2 shotgun;supershotgun3 Grenadelaunchercl_maxfps 120fov 106zoomfov 30. = kill, say :Pm say :]Mouse accel off Mouse sensitivity 2.0intensity 2set gl_picmip "150"set gl_coloredlightmaps "0"You are also welcome to throw in some other shit which i should consider whilst playing online etc! :)
unbindallset name "Kots"// ---Player Settings---set gender "male"set skin "female/voodoo"set fov "106"set hand "2"set crosshair "1"set s_volume ".35"// --- Resolution---set vid_fulscreen "1"set r_customheight "900"set r_customwidth "1440"set gl_mode "13"// ---Sensitivity--set sensitivity "2.0"// ---Movement---bind w "+forward"bind s "+back"bind a "+moveleft"bind d "+moveright"bind c "+movedown"bind shift "+speed"bind mouse1 "+moveup"// ---Fire---bind mouse2 "+attack"// ---inventory---bind f2 "inven"bind enter "invuse"bind [ "invprev"bind ] "invnext"bind backspace "invdrop"// ---scoreboard---bind tab "score"// ---menu toggles---bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"bind ~ "toggleconsole"// ---menu binds---bind F1 "cmd help"alias rup "ready; bind f3 urup"alias urup "unready; bind f3 rup"bind F3 rupbind F4 "menu_keys"bind F12 "screenshot"bind PAUSE "pause"// ---Demo Recording---alias startdemo "record ${$date}-${$time}-${$mapname};bind F5 stopdemo"alias stopdemo "stop;bind F5 startdemo"bind F5 "startdemo"// ---use specific item binds---bind 3 "use bfg10k"bind 1 "use blaster"bind 2 "use shotgun"bind q "use super shotgun"bind "use machinegun"bind r "use chaingun"bind z "use grenade launcher"bind e "use rocket launcher"bind x "use hyperblaster"bind q "use railgun"bind mouse3 "use grenades"// ---weapon scrolling binds---bind mwheeldown "weapnext"bind mwheelup "weapprev"// ---Chat binds---bind space "say :)"// ---team chat and public chat, respectively---bind t "messagemode2"bind y "messagemode"// ---ZoomTool---set zoomfov "30"set zoomsens ".5"alias +zoom "set storesen $sensitivity;set storefov $fov;set sensitivity $zoomsens;set fov $zoomfov"alias -zoom "set sensitivity $storesen;set fov $storefov"bind mouse4 "+zoom"// ---double jump bind---alias w8 "wait; wait; wait; wait"alias +dj "+moveup; w8; -moveup; w8; +moveup"alias -dj "-moveup"bind mouse4 "+dj"// ---Smoothness---set bob_pitch "0"set bob_roll "0"set bob_up "0"set run_pitch "0"set run_roll "0"// ---Network---set cl_protocol "35"// ---r1gl config settings---set vid_ref "r1gl"set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"set gl_hudscale "2.5"set gl_coloredlightmaps ".05"set gl_polyblend "0"set gl_modulate "4"// ---r1q2 config settings---set cl_async "1"set cl_maxfps "125"set r_maxfps "1000"set m_directinput "1"set m_fixaccel "1"set in_dinputkeyboard "1"set cl_drawfps "1"set cl_cmdcomplete "2"set cl_smoothsteps "3"set cl_defermodels "0"set cl_autorecord "0"set cl_railtrail "0"set cl_beginmapcmd ""set cl_endmapcmd ""set net_maxmsglen "0"set s_ambient "0"set s_initsound "1"set s_openal_device "DirectSound3D"set fs_cache "7"// --- Downloads ---set allow_download_maps "1"set allow_download_models "0"set allow_download_others "0"set allow_download_pics "1"set allow_download_players "0"set allow_download_sounds "0"set allow_download_textures "1"// ===TDM BINDS===alias shotty "use shotgun;use super shotgun"alias mgchain "use machinegun;use chaingun"alias rox "use rocket launcher"alias nadeL "use grenade launcher"alias nadeH "use grenades"alias rail "use railgun"alias hyperb "use hyperblaster"alias bshotty "bind q shotty"alias bmgchain "bind f mgchain"alias brox "bind e rox"alias bnadeL "bind z nadeL"alias bnadeH "bind g nadeH"alias brail "bind r rail"alias bhyperb "bind x hyperb"alias useweps "bshotty;bmgchain;brox;bnadeL;bnadeH;brail;bhyperb"alias dshotty "drop shotgun;drop super shotgun;drop shells;say_team DROPPED SSG/SG < ${$loc_here} >"alias dmgchain "drop machinegun;drop chaingun;drop bullets;say_team DROPPED CG/MG < ${$loc_here} >"alias drox "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;say_team DROPPED RL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeL "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;say_team DROPED GL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeH "drop grenades;say_team DROPED NADES < ${$loc_here} >"alias drail "drop railgun;drop slugs;say_team DROPPED RAIL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dhyperb "drop hyperblaster;drop cells;say_team DROPPED HB < ${$loc_here} >"alias bdshotty "bind q dshotty"alias bdmgchain "bind f dmgchain"alias bdrox "bind e drox"alias bdnadeL "bind z dnadeL"alias bdnadeH "bind g dnadeH"alias bdrail "bind r drail"alias bdhyperb "bind x dhyperb"alias dropweps "bdshotty;bdmgchain;bdrox;bdnadeL;bdnadeH;bdrail;bdhyperb"alias normalspace "bind space say :)"alias statusspace "bind space say_team IM AT < ${$loc_here} > WITH %h/%a"alias +tdmbinds "dropweps;statusspace"alias -tdmbinds "useweps;normalspace"bind 2 "say_team ENEMY SPOTTED AT < ${$loc_there} >"bind 3 "say_team ITEM AVAILABLE < ${$loc_there} >"bind c "say_team AREA CLEAR < ${$loc_here} >"bind mouse5 +tdmbindsuseweps// == Restart Video ==vid_restart//The End
unbindallset name "Kots"// ---Player Settings---set gender "male"set skin "female/voodoo"set fov "106"set hand "2"set crosshair "1"set s_volume ".35"// --- Resolution---set vid_fulscreen "1"set gl_mode "-1"// ---Sensitivity--set sensitivity "2.0"// ---Movement---bind w "+forward"bind s "+back"bind a "+moveleft"bind d "+moveright"bind c "+movedown"bind shift "+speed"bind mouse1 "+moveup"// ---Fire---bind mouse2 "+attack"// ---inventory---bind f2 "inven"bind enter "invuse"bind [ "invprev"bind ] "invnext"bind backspace "invdrop"// ---scoreboard---bind tab "score"// ---menu toggles---bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"bind ~ "toggleconsole"// ---menu binds---bind F1 "cmd help"alias rup "ready; bind f3 urup"alias urup "unready; bind f3 rup"bind F3 rupbind F4 "menu_keys"bind F12 "screenshot"bind PAUSE "pause"// ---Demo Recording---alias startdemo "record ${$date}-${$time}-${$mapname};bind F5 stopdemo"alias stopdemo "stop;bind F5 startdemo"bind F5 "startdemo"// ---use specific item binds---bind 1 "use blaster;hyperblaster;bfg10k"bind 2 "use shotgun;super shotgun"bind r "use machinegun;chaingun"bind 3 "use grenade launcher"bind e "use rocket launcher"bind q "use railgun"bind mouse3 "use grenades"// ---weapon scrolling binds---bind mwheeldown "weapnext"bind mwheelup "weapprev"// ---Chat binds---bind , "say :]"bind m "say :P"// ---team chat and public chat, respectively---bind y "messagemode2"wbind t "messagemode"// ---ZoomTool---set zoomfov "30"set zoomsens ".5"alias +zoom "set storesen $sensitivity;set storefov $fov;set sensitivity $zoomsens;set fov $zoomfov"alias -zoom "set sensitivity $storesen;set fov $storefov"bind mouse4 "+zoom"// ---double jump bind---alias w8 "wait; wait; wait; wait"alias +dj "+moveup; w8; -moveup; w8; +moveup"alias -dj "-moveup"bind space "+dj"// ---Smoothness---set bob_pitch "0"set bob_roll "0"set bob_up "0"set run_pitch "0"set run_roll "0"// ---Network---set cl_protocol "35"// ---r1gl config settings---set vid_ref "r1gl"set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"set gl_hudscale "2.5"set gl_coloredlightmaps ".05"set gl_polyblend "0"set gl_modulate "4"// ---r1q2 config settings---set cl_async "1"set cl_maxfps "125"set r_maxfps "1000"set m_directinput "1"set m_fixaccel "1"set in_dinputkeyboard "1"set cl_drawfps "1"set cl_cmdcomplete "2"set cl_smoothsteps "3"set cl_defermodels "0"set cl_autorecord "0"set cl_railtrail "0"set cl_beginmapcmd ""set cl_endmapcmd ""set net_maxmsglen "0"set s_ambient "0"set s_initsound "1"set s_openal_device "DirectSound3D"set fs_cache "7"// --- Downloads ---set allow_download_maps "1"set allow_download_models "0"set allow_download_others "0"set allow_download_pics "1"set allow_download_players "0"set allow_download_sounds "0"set allow_download_textures "1"// ===TDM BINDS===alias shotty "use shotgun;use super shotgun"alias mgchain "use machinegun;use chaingun"alias rox "use rocket launcher"alias nadeL "use grenade launcher"alias nadeH "use grenades"alias rail "use railgun"alias hyperb "use hyperblaster"alias bshotty "bind q shotty"alias bmgchain "bind f mgchain"alias brox "bind e rox"alias bnadeL "bind z nadeL"alias bnadeH "bind g nadeH"alias brail "bind r rail"alias bhyperb "bind x hyperb"alias useweps "bshotty;bmgchain;brox;bnadeL;bnadeH;brail;bhyperb"alias dshotty "drop shotgun;drop super shotgun;drop shells;say_team DROPPED SSG/SG < ${$loc_here} >"alias dmgchain "drop machinegun;drop chaingun;drop bullets;say_team DROPPED CG/MG < ${$loc_here} >"alias drox "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;say_team DROPPED RL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeL "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;say_team DROPED GL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeH "drop grenades;say_team DROPED NADES < ${$loc_here} >"alias drail "drop railgun;drop slugs;say_team DROPPED RAIL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dhyperb "drop hyperblaster;drop cells;say_team DROPPED HB < ${$loc_here} >"alias bdshotty "bind q dshotty"alias bdmgchain "bind f dmgchain"alias bdrox "bind e drox"alias bdnadeL "bind z dnadeL"alias bdnadeH "bind g dnadeH"alias bdrail "bind r drail"alias bdhyperb "bind x dhyperb"alias dropweps "bdshotty;bdmgchain;bdrox;bdnadeL;bdnadeH;bdrail;bdhyperb"alias normalspace "bind space say :)"alias statusspace "bind space say_team IM AT < ${$loc_here} > WITH %h/%a"alias +tdmbinds "dropweps;statusspace"alias -tdmbinds "useweps;normalspace"bind 2 "say_team ENEMY SPOTTED AT < ${$loc_there} >"bind 3 "say_team ITEM AVAILABLE < ${$loc_there} >"bind c "say_team AREA CLEAR < ${$loc_here} >"bind mouse5 +tdmbindsuseweps// == Restart Video ==vid_restart//The End
I FIXED IT!Now i would like to make it so i can have lefty hands and the game fit on my screen(a 15,6")and open up in fullscreen!EDIT: i also need it to go straight to menu so i wont have to press ESC for the menu!
// ---Player Settings---set gender "male"set skin "female/voodoo"set fov "106"set hand "0"set crosshair "1"set s_volume ".35"// --- Resolution---set gl_mode "4"set vid_fullscreen "1"set vid_forcewidth "768"set vid_forceheight "1366"// ---Sensitivity--set sensitivity "2.0"// ---Movement---bind w "+forward"bind s "+back"bind a "+moveleft"bind d "+moveright"bind c "+movedown"bind shift "+speed"bind mouse1 "+moveup"cl_run "1"// ---Fire---bind mouse2 "+attack"// ---JumpMod---bind . killbind z storebind x recall// ---inventory---bind f2 "inven"bind enter "invuse"bind [ "invprev"bind ] "invnext"bind backspace "invdrop"// ---scoreboard---bind tab "score"// ---menu toggles---bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"bind ~ "toggleconsole"// ---menu binds---bind F1 "cmd help"alias rup "ready; bind f3 urup"alias urup "unready; bind f3 rup"bind F3 rupbind F4 "menu_keys"bind F12 "screenshot"bind PAUSE "pause"// ---Demo Recording---alias startdemo "record ${$date}-${$time}-${$mapname};bind F5 stopdemo"alias stopdemo "stop;bind F5 startdemo"bind F5 "startdemo"// ---use specific item binds---bind 1 "use blaster;hyperblaster;bfg10k"bind 2 "use shotgun;super shotgun"bind r "use machinegun;chaingun"bind 3 "use grenade launcher"bind e "use rocket launcher"bind q "use railgun"bind mouse3 "use grenades"// ---weapon scrolling binds---bind mwheeldown "weapnext"bind mwheelup "weapprev"// ---Chat binds---bind , "say :]"bind m "say :P"// ---team chat and public chat, respectively---bind y "messagemode2"bind t "messagemode"// ---ZoomTool---set zoomfov "30"set zoomsens ".5"alias +zoom "set storesen $sensitivity;set storefov $fov;set sensitivity $zoomsens;set fov $zoomfov"alias -zoom "set sensitivity $storesen;set fov $storefov"bind mouse4 "+zoom"// ---double jump bind---alias w8 "wait; wait; wait; wait"alias +dj "+moveup; w8; -moveup; w8; +moveup"alias -dj "-moveup"bind space "+dj"// ---Smoothness---set bob_pitch "0"set bob_roll "0"set bob_up "0"set run_pitch "0"set run_roll "0"// ---Network---set cl_protocol "35"// ---r1gl config settings---set vid_ref "r1gl"set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"set gl_hudscale "2.5"set gl_coloredlightmaps ".05"set gl_polyblend "0"set gl_modulate "4"// ---r1q2 config settings---set cl_async "1"set cl_maxfps "125"set r_maxfps "1000"set m_directinput "1"set m_fixaccel "1"set in_dinputkeyboard "1"set cl_drawfps "1"set cl_cmdcomplete "2"set cl_smoothsteps "3"set cl_defermodels "0"set cl_autorecord "0"set cl_railtrail "0"set cl_beginmapcmd ""set cl_endmapcmd ""set net_maxmsglen "0"set s_ambient "0"set s_initsound "1"set s_openal_device "DirectSound3D"set fs_cache "7"// --- Downloads ---set allow_download_maps "1"set allow_download_models "0"set allow_download_others "0"set allow_download_pics "1"set allow_download_players "0"set allow_download_sounds "0"set allow_download_textures "1"// ===TDM BINDS===alias shotty "use shotgun;use super shotgun"alias mgchain "use machinegun;use chaingun"alias rox "use rocket launcher"alias nadeL "use grenade launcher"alias nadeH "use grenades"alias rail "use railgun"alias hyperb "use hyperblaster"alias bshotty "bind shotty"alias bmgchain "bind mgchain"alias brox "bind rox"alias bnadeL "bind nadeL"alias bnadeH "bind nadeH"alias brail "bind rail"alias bhyperb "bind hyperb"alias useweps "bshotty;bmgchain;brox;bnadeL;bnadeH;brail;bhyperb"alias dshotty "drop shotgun;drop super shotgun;drop shells;say_team DROPPED SSG/SG < ${$loc_here} >"alias dmgchain "drop machinegun;drop chaingun;drop bullets;say_team DROPPED CG/MG < ${$loc_here} >"alias drox "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;say_team DROPPED RL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeL "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;say_team DROPED GL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeH "drop grenades;say_team DROPED NADES < ${$loc_here} >"alias drail "drop railgun;drop slugs;say_team DROPPED RAIL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dhyperb "drop hyperblaster;drop cells;say_team DROPPED HB < ${$loc_here} >"alias bdshotty "bind dshotty"alias bdmgchain "bind dmgchain"alias bdrox "bind drox"alias bdnadeL "bind dnadeL"alias bdnadeH "bind dnadeH"alias bdrail "bind drail"alias bdhyperb "bind dhyperb"alias dropweps "bdshotty;bdmgchain;bdrox;bdnadeL;bdnadeH;bdrail;bdhyperb"alias normalspace "bind space say :)"alias statusspace "bind space say_team IM AT < ${$loc_here} > WITH %h/%a"alias +tdmbinds "dropweps;statusspace"alias -tdmbinds "useweps;normalspace"bind "say_team ENEMY SPOTTED AT < ${$loc_there} >"bind "say_team ITEM AVAILABLE < ${$loc_there} >"bind "say_team AREA CLEAR < ${$loc_here} >"bind +tdmbindsuseweps// == Restart Video ==vid_restart//The End
Quote from: kots on August 20, 2011, 11:32:43 AMI cant do it :/ my resolution is still weird Code: [Select]set vid_forcewidth "768"set vid_forceheight "1366"You have these settings mixed-up. It should read:set vid_forcewidth "1366"set vid_forceheight "768"
I cant do it :/ my resolution is still weird Code: [Select]set vid_forcewidth "768"set vid_forceheight "1366"
set vid_forcewidth "768"set vid_forceheight "1366"
unbindallset name "KOTS"// ---Player Settings---set gender "male"set skin "female/voodoo"set fov "106"set hand "0"set crosshair "1"set s_volume ".35"// --- Resolution---set gl_mode "4"set vid_fullscreen "1"set vid_forcewidth "1366"set vid_forceheight "768"// ---Sensitivity--set sensitivity "2.0"// ---Movement---bind w "+forward"bind s "+back"bind a "+moveleft"bind d "+moveright"bind c "+movedown"bind shift "+speed"bind mouse1 "+moveup"cl_run "1"// ---Fire---bind mouse2 "+attack"// ---JumpMod---bind . killbind z storebind x recall// ---inventory---bind f2 "inven"bind enter "invuse"bind [ "invprev"bind ] "invnext"bind backspace "invdrop"// ---scoreboard---bind tab "score"// ---menu toggles---bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"bind ~ "toggleconsole"// ---menu binds---bind F1 "cmd help"alias rup "ready; bind f3 urup"alias urup "unready; bind f3 rup"bind F3 rupbind F4 "menu_keys"bind F12 "screenshot"bind PAUSE "pause"// ---Demo Recording---alias startdemo "record ${$date}-${$time}-${$mapname};bind F5 stopdemo"alias stopdemo "stop;bind F5 startdemo"bind F5 "startdemo"// ---use specific item binds---bind 1 "use blaster;hyperblaster;bfg10k"bind 2 "use shotgun;super shotgun"bind q "use machinegun;chaingun"bind 3 "use grenade launcher"bind e "use rocket launcher"bind r "use railgun"bind mouse3 "use grenades"// ---weapon scrolling binds---bind mwheeldown "weapnext"bind mwheelup "weapprev"// ---Chat binds---bind , "say :]"bind m "say :P"// ---team chat and public chat, respectively---bind y "messagemode2"bind t "messagemode"// ---ZoomTool---set zoomfov "30"set zoomsens ".5"alias +zoom "set storesen $sensitivity;set storefov $fov;set sensitivity $zoomsens;set fov $zoomfov"alias -zoom "set sensitivity $storesen;set fov $storefov"bind mouse4 "+zoom"// ---double jump bind---alias w8 "wait; wait; wait; wait"alias +dj "+moveup; w8; -moveup; w8; +moveup"alias -dj "-moveup"bind space "+dj"// ---Smoothness---set bob_pitch "0"set bob_roll "0"set bob_up "0"set run_pitch "0"set run_roll "0"// ---Network---set cl_protocol "35"// ---r1gl config settings---set vid_ref "r1gl"set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"set gl_hudscale "2.5"set gl_coloredlightmaps ".05"set gl_polyblend "0"set gl_modulate "4"// ---r1q2 config settings---set cl_async "1"set cl_maxfps "125"set r_maxfps "1000"set m_directinput "1"set m_fixaccel "1"set in_dinputkeyboard "1"set cl_drawfps "1"set cl_cmdcomplete "2"set cl_smoothsteps "3"set cl_defermodels "0"set cl_autorecord "0"set cl_railtrail "0"set cl_beginmapcmd ""set cl_endmapcmd ""set net_maxmsglen "0"set s_ambient "0"set s_initsound "1"set s_openal_device "DirectSound3D"set fs_cache "7"// --- Downloads ---set allow_download_maps "1"set allow_download_models "0"set allow_download_others "0"set allow_download_pics "1"set allow_download_players "0"set allow_download_sounds "0"set allow_download_textures "1"// ===TDM BINDS===alias shotty "use shotgun;use super shotgun"alias mgchain "use machinegun;use chaingun"alias rox "use rocket launcher"alias nadeL "use grenade launcher"alias nadeH "use grenades"alias rail "use railgun"alias hyperb "use hyperblaster"alias bshotty "bind shotty"alias bmgchain "bind mgchain"alias brox "bind rox"alias bnadeL "bind nadeL"alias bnadeH "bind nadeH"alias brail "bind rail"alias bhyperb "bind hyperb"alias useweps "bshotty;bmgchain;brox;bnadeL;bnadeH;brail;bhyperb"alias dshotty "drop shotgun;drop super shotgun;drop shells;say_team DROPPED SSG/SG < ${$loc_here} >"alias dmgchain "drop machinegun;drop chaingun;drop bullets;say_team DROPPED CG/MG < ${$loc_here} >"alias drox "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;say_team DROPPED RL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeL "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;say_team DROPED GL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dnadeH "drop grenades;say_team DROPED NADES < ${$loc_here} >"alias drail "drop railgun;drop slugs;say_team DROPPED RAIL < ${$loc_here} >"alias dhyperb "drop hyperblaster;drop cells;say_team DROPPED HB < ${$loc_here} >"alias bdshotty "bind dshotty"alias bdmgchain "bind dmgchain"alias bdrox "bind drox"alias bdnadeL "bind dnadeL"alias bdnadeH "bind dnadeH"alias bdrail "bind drail"alias bdhyperb "bind dhyperb"alias dropweps "bdshotty;bdmgchain;bdrox;bdnadeL;bdnadeH;bdrail;bdhyperb"alias normalspace "bind space say :)"alias statusspace "bind space say_team IM AT < ${$loc_here} > WITH %h/%a"alias +tdmbinds "dropweps;statusspace"alias -tdmbinds "useweps;normalspace"bind "say_team ENEMY SPOTTED AT < ${$loc_there} >"bind "say_team ITEM AVAILABLE < ${$loc_there} >"bind "say_team AREA CLEAR < ${$loc_here} >"bind +tdmbindsuseweps// == Restart Video ==vid_restart//The End