you would be suprised how many people get upset if they are having a bad game. how many people do you see rage quit during a game out of sheer frustration? it happens to everyone. all you have to do is watch the TDM scene. I have seen alot of good players chuck a hissy fir and rage quit, why? because they r competetive and get frustrated when they aren't doing so well
If you play well you can say that was me. If you get beaten badly you don't let anyone know it was you.
i have to contend with stupid dumb shitbags like sm4ckd4b and co(e)
now i know why someone like daelmun would alias if he was actuyally still playing, although he was pretty popular, but i could imagine people wouldn't leave him alone, wanting him to do shit all the time ect ect. I can totally understand someone wanting to dissapear for a bit, come back aliased just to get some peace while playing
are we sure this alpha guy isn't vae with a proxy?
Am I correct to add that e on the end? If so, please elaborate on how "Coe" attacked you without provocation.
using racially or otherwise overly offensive names of course.