rofl. I didn't drop out because vital did, I haven't even talked to him in a couple days. I dropped because when i join these events, i know i'm going to lose yet i join anyway just to play. In these events I always have a match against someone a lot better than me. I don't really mind this but the least you could do is actually try. during the sg cup i dueled adren. he got a couple frags and then fucking afk'd.. is it really that hard to actually try?
maybe you should get better so they have to try
during the sg cup i dueled adren. he got a couple frags and then fucking afk'd.. is it really that hard to actually try?
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you
My second one on one game ever, during one of the first tastyspleen tourneys, haunted ran around the last 5 minutes with grenades.It's just something he does if he has a set win and some time to kill.Could have been worse, could have been a player that drops weps for ya
Exactly Derv The best part about it is watching the same maps you lost that bad on played by much more capeable player in the playoffs, I am very interested in seeing some high end aerowalk and ptrip play by someone against adren personally...will give great insight exactly how to defend/attack/frag a capeable player, i'm sure him and slugs will have some good games with both of them having plain stunning railgun work.
I don't pick them up, period. Doesn't piss me off when they do though, I just like getting my own guns.