Author Topic: ah vs some euro guys  (Read 16035 times)

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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2010, 08:45:17 AM »
Now that's not nice of you to write ah! The thing is that this whole forum is full of flame and childish comments. All I do is adept to this. Do you think I am going to write only serious comments here? Even if I'd write something nice and perfectly normal I would still be flamed, cause I am european? Someone will find some reason to flame. There is no sense in any message I read here, so I can admit there isn't always sense in mine either, sorry!

First off, you are necroposting just to swing on playboy's dick.

Second, you don't seriously think you get to whine about people responding to you with what you call "childish comments" and try to claim they are caused by some sort of anti-euro bias, when in fact you're just a fucktard and this is how everyone responds to you because it's all you deserve.

In case that dick swining terminology doesn't work out so well for people who don't speak english as their primary language, I am implying that you suck, you know he's way better than you at q2, and you just run your lip to and about him at every chance you get to make yourself feel better about this fact and how you will probably never feel the warmth of a vagina other than the gaping one between your legs.

BTW, I made the following statement, and it makes perfect sense, unlike your rambling bullshit. Why are you quoting it?

Quote from: dervish
"I'd bet you that randy, playboy, deft, hang, naym, kickro and a couple others could do so with ease.

Not to mention scooby.

Sadly, they all joined the last NADL, and he didn't. BIG SURPRISE.


Great and all... But what I am saying is that when I write a normal message I get the same shit from the same people. If you would write a message that makes sense, then I'd also be nice, though I don't mind it being like this. I can get along with most usa ppl actually :P The ones that I play with on servers. I never even seen dervish on a server, yet he seems to know a lot about me ^^ I asked ppl on the servers about him, and nobody ever heard of him. That was kind of a surprise for me... You only write on forums? Or do you only play ro/ffa or smth?
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #46 on: January 15, 2010, 08:49:10 AM »
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2010, 09:11:33 AM »
I get more intelligent responses by screaming into a well than I do by posting to arch.

His ego makes it impossible to respond to anything I said, so he tries the "Oh you don't even play q2" line, AGAIN in this thread, where I already showed him how to read the little userbar below my post and realize that in fact I've played more than 1000 hours of q2 in recent years.

Then he spouts off with anecdotal evidence (which is probably just a lie, like most of his posts) as if it means jack shit to anyone that he was unable to find anyone who'd talk to him that knows of me.

"OHHH I talked to players and they've never played you!"

Newsflash: anyone I'm willing to play with probably thinks you're a fucking douche too.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 09:15:39 AM by Whirlingdervish(Q2C) »
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #48 on: January 15, 2010, 10:49:20 AM »
I don't really get most of what you wrote, but what mods exactly do you play? I dno what is so weird about me writing that ppl dont know you. I have played probably around 2-3 years in total in usa and can't remember ever seeing you. And the ppl I asked don't know you no. So what is your point? I don't know you, you don't know me... yet you seem to know how all usa players rape me etc :p I find that a bit weird.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 10:57:16 AM by arch »
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #49 on: January 15, 2010, 11:26:44 AM »
How about this:

I find you to be fucking illiterate if you can't understand what I just wrote.

I probably should not bother continuing to post words to someone who can't read, even though it is hilarious to watch you completely ignore every point that someone posts (probably because you're too fucktarded to understand them) and respond with complete idiocy.

Ah fuck it.

Here's a breakdown of the points you are not "getting":

1: You talk trash on NA players and say you can beat them, but you don't play against them in tournaments, even when other euros do (who actually are good, unlike you)

2: Nobody cares if you talked to a random player in the middle of the night and they said they don't know who I am.

3: Anyone I regularly play with (because I choose to not play retards) has more sense than to talk to a complete idiot like you with anything other than 100% contempt.

4: You swing on playboys dick constantly. (this means you regularly talk about him and post in threads about him, even when nobody was talking about him or gives a shit about what you have to say)

5: You're still trying to undermine my 100% correct argument, by attempting to portray me as some guy who doesn't play q2, which as we can all tell, I am not. ( 8 hours this week.. :dumbass: )

6: You are trying to do the same by repeatedly implying that I play some "lesser" mod than tdm, and as such I must not know anything about q2 and am in no position to question you, even though you're a fucking retard and a monkey could pulverize you in a debate.

7: You're the epitome of the euro elitist gamer stereotype, even down to not being anywhere near as good as you try to pretend you are, and constantly felating the ones that are and bringing them up every time there is any arguement regarding a player's skill level.

8: Playboy would school your ass with even pings.

9: If I hadn't played in the last NADL, and seen you posting a bunch of trash all over the match comments (while not having the balls to play in the tournament) I would have no idea who the fuck you even are.

10: I would bet that most NA players do not know or care who the fuck you are, and that they never will.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 11:38:22 AM by Whirlingdervish(Q2C) »
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2010, 11:45:26 AM »
Ehm I said that playboy and metal don't know the rules that are used in eu leagues. That was pretty much all I wrote :P I haven't even looked here for 6 months so.. The reason I ask if you play tdm is cause I have never seen you, yet you seem to know a lot about me. I am just wondering how? But instead of anwering my simple question you come with more insults/flaming. I don't know what is so weird about my reasoning. That it is to 'undermine your 100% correct argument' is your own conclusion.

'8: Playboy would school your ass with even pings.' Well that isn't really true. I dunno where you got this?

I am pretty sure i asked playboy in a server who you are. I believe even he doesn't really know who you are. Though I should ask him again, cos it was a long time ago...

Some of your points are definately true, like the tenth one :P Most eu players also don't care who I am tbh, we just play some quake2! But why are you writing it?

You know what the big difference between me and you here is? I actually played a lot with all the ppl that you guys mention here. I know how good they are or how bad they are. I know ah! pretty well. I have just never seen you, so it doesn't really make sense what you write to me about my skill? Have you asked the players that I play with about it? How do you form your opinion? I am just curious. And why do you even care so much about how bad I am? :(

To me it seems that you go mental cause someone from europe 'attacks' one of your heroes (ah!).  So that could have been your only arguement, why did you write the other 9? Might it be to try to offend me? :( Well you are really good at it, I understand why you use this gift of yours :bravo:

« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 12:12:45 PM by arch »
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #51 on: January 15, 2010, 12:20:37 PM »
Ehm I said that playboy and metal don't know the rules that are used in eu leagues. That was pretty much all I wrote


Apparently you can't even read what you posted in this thread.

I am pretty sure i asked playboy in a server who you are. I believe even he doesn't really know who you are. Though I should ask him again, cos it was a long time ago...

BTW, I'm pretty sure that you are full of shit, that playboy has heard of me, and that "a long time ago" you didn't even know I existed or have any reason to be trying to find people to support your little "you don't play q2 so you're wrong" routine.

I've seen your demos on multiple websites. They were pretty much  :zzz:

Go fucking lie to someone else.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 12:22:51 PM by Whirlingdervish(Q2C) »
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2010, 12:35:50 PM »
You have got an answer to anything dont you? You get better and better with your lines. I can tell, you are a very intelligent person.
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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #53 on: January 15, 2010, 12:52:59 PM »
10: I would bet that most NA players do not know or care who the fuck you are, and that they never will.

This statement is only 66% correct.

I don't know who he is.

I don't care who the fuck he is.


By February 11th, I will make an honest effort to care who the fuck he is.


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Re: ah vs some euro guys
« Reply #54 on: January 16, 2010, 01:38:48 PM »
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I wish haunted would RTFM


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