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Re: Traps
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2009, 07:19:47 AM »
I vote only quad traps and no other weapons except blaster.  :lolsign:  That might actually be fun.
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Re: Traps
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2009, 08:50:01 AM »
How is it that an unaimed trap on the floor which negates whatever health and armor you have picked up (no matter how much) is somehow considered an "equalizer" when compared to a railgun in the hands of certain players?

If you have 1 unit of armor I have to hit you twice with well aimed railgun shots, between which there is a time delay for you to shoot me. If you have armor and the mega it's more like 3 shots.

Add a PS and you can run from a railer all fuckin day.

Currently, all you can do against a single trap on the floor in a tight hallway, is not go there if you know it is down, because it will kill you regardless of your health and armor state. If you cant hear it or are being chased, you're instantly screwed and nobody even had to aim at you long enough to click once.

That's not equal at all.

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Re: Traps
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2009, 10:47:25 AM »
How is it that an unaimed trap on the floor which negates whatever health and armor you have picked up (no matter how much) is somehow considered an "equalizer" when compared to a railgun in the hands of certain players?

If you have 1 unit of armor I have to hit you twice with well aimed railgun shots, between which there is a time delay for you to shoot me. If you have armor and the mega it's more like 3 shots.

Add a PS and you can run from a railer all fuckin day.

Currently, all you can do against a single trap on the floor in a tight hallway, is not go there if you know it is down, because it will kill you regardless of your health and armor state. If you cant hear it or are being chased, you're instantly screwed and nobody even had to aim at you long enough to click once.

That's not equal at all.

Well, I don't recall ever seeing you on the Xatrix server, but perhaps you are one who changes names.  You DO sound like a railer, so I have to ask; what draws you to XATRIX?  Don't tell me it's the Phalanx or Ripper gun, and I can only assume it's not for your the love of traps.  Is it because Xatrix players are typically easy pickens for railers? :)

I don't deny the railers special aiming skill; hell I like the rail gun too, but the trap adds a different element of fun to the game that some railers just don't get.  Sure, too many traps can make it a bore, I understand that. However,  as explained in previous posts, there is an element of skill involved in both placing a trap, as well as surviving one.  I think Pantaloons mentioned earlier that he gets many kills while held in the grasp of a trap, and I get many this way too.  There is NOTHING in XATRIX that thrills me more than railing, rocketing, or nading a trapper who comes back for the kill, except for perhaps the perfect placement of a trap that sucks you off your feet to your demise.

"Add a PS and you can run from a railer all fuckin day."

Yeah, that what I want from run from "fuckin" railers all game.  Truth be told, when someone with rail skills, like savage, enters the Xatrix server, they usually win by a margin of 3-1, despite a "newbie" trappers best efforts.  Sorry. My heart doesn't bleed for the player who stumbles into XATRIX looking for a rail match, who is met with the dreaded trap...

Bottom line is, the trap in XATRIX is a wonderfully fun weapon which allows newer players like hitme, PAT, palin2012 and yes not so long ago, Spawn Girl, the opportunity to get a few frags as they hone their other weapon skills.   I suspect if these new players tried to learn the game on the rail server, they would already be gone.

To lessen the effect of the trap would be to lessen the appeal of the XATRIX mod - at least for me personally.


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Re: Traps
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2009, 11:06:38 AM »
I've played on xatrix many times over the span of multiple years, under various names. Usually during the day, but occasionally in the evenings.
I stopped doing so when the rotation got completely screwy with custom maps (full of traps and with a shit ton of resources that I had to download) and haven't had much time since to play some xatrix, or much of anything for that matter.

I dont really care what you want and what draws you to whatever. Xatrix isn't some training server. (we have one of those and nobody uses it) It's a DM server with extra weapons. DM means DEATH MATCH. That would imply that you're going to get killed. If you're a newbie and you cannot take getting killed repeatedly by someone actually AIMING one of the basic q2 weapons, you are not fit to play any DM based mod including xatrix.

The reason I am posting is to get a point across. The point is that because of certain code changes to the mod, and the placement of way too many item spawns on certain maps, the traps are currently the most powerful, least skill based, and most easy to abuse weapon in the custom xatrix mod that tastyspleen uses.

This makes them an unbalanced weapon and as such the gameplay of the mod has suffered.
It has gone from DM with extra maps and weapons, to a chatroom with hiding and trap spamming.

People crying about railguns like they are some sort of justification for having a super overpowered weapon that requires no aim to use, and which has no effective countermeasure, just fucking suck at this game. The railgun is in almost every deathmatch mod. It's high killing power is balanced by it's slow reload speed, the fact that it's usually only found in one hard to reach spot, it's limitted ammo, and the fact that you HAVE TO AIM IT. You should be used to it by now if you've played any DM mod.

Crying about the RG is like crying about healthpacks.

If you don't want to run from railguns, get better and learn how to shoot people with one of the guns or pickup a single armor shard instead of spamming traps and camping and hiding and dying like 75% of the players on xatrix and xrazy do.

The reason this is even being discussed is that so many players DID NOT get better, as you have assumed that they did.
Instead they got enabled with all of these extra trap maps, so now they just run around spamming traps and still sucking ass with the other weapons and they make the experience less enjoyable for anyone who expects player skill, movement ability, and aim to decide who wins a match. I like using traps and I like many of the new maps, but I dont do much playing on xrazy or xatrix because of the way that the gameplay has shifted from a skilled deathmatch mod with a few extra weapons to one that requires very little skill to get kills.

I dont want to be handed free kills. I enjoy earning them BY AIMING AND SHOOTING.

If traps could be destroyed from a distance, had a limitted time, did not completely negate all of your health and armor, or had some sort of effective countermeasure other than getting lucky or suiciding your player to escape, this debate would not be occuring.

As it stands the combination of their overuse and inability to be countered make the mod into something it was never meant to be.

This can be fixed with slight balancing of the mod, say by adding a countermeasure that doesnt require you to kill your player every time to avoid a trap. Another method would be taking all your pretty little maps with extra traps and very little thought about item balance, and trashcanning or fixing them.

It would be easier to fix the mod.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 01:02:11 PM by Whirlingdervish(Q2C) »
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Re: Traps
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2009, 11:25:09 AM »
I guess I'm a railer? Sure, why not. I was not suggesting removing them completely, nor was anyone else. The NUMBER of available traps is the complaint. It's pretty ridiculous to have more than 2 on any map. If it's a map big enough to facilitate more than 2, then the map is probably too damn big anyway. Make them fucking quad traps, I don't give a good god damn. I just hate wasting half the fucking game sitting in one spot and waiting for it to disarm. It is BOW-RING!
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Offline pantaloons

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Re: Traps
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2009, 01:16:09 PM »
I dont really care what you want and what draws you to whatever. Xatrix isn't some training server. (we have one of those and nobody uses it) It's a DM server with extra weapons. DM means DEATH MATCH. That would imply that you're going to get killed. If you're a newbie and you cannot take getting killed repeatedly by someone actually AIMING one of the basic q2 weapons, you are not fit to play any DM based mod including xatrix.

 :lolsign: I have to laugh because your lecturing EXTERMINADER about xatrix seems about as sensible as him lecturing you about IRTDM...

But then I do share EX' affinity for traps.......

People crying about railguns like they are some sort of justification for having a super overpowered weapon that requires no aim to use, and which has no effective countermeasure, just fucking suck at this game. The railgun is in almost every deathmatch mod. It's high killing power is balanced by it's slow reload speed, the fact that it's usually only found in one hard to reach spot, it's limitted ammo, and the fact that you HAVE TO AIM IT. You should be used to it by now if you've played any DM mod.

Crying about the RG is like crying about healthpacks.

I don't cry about railgun, but it's one of the least satisfying FFA weapons to me.

Traps are a unique element of xatrix... if I were forced to choose I'd rather see railgun removed from xatrix than traps. :nana:

However I know we're not talking about eliminating traps but modifying them a bit.

Just sayin' ........
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use trap

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Re: Traps
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2009, 01:25:42 PM »
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on July 22, 2009, 05:35:08 AM
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on July 22, 2009, 05:35:08 AM
provided you have enough room behind you, you can back out of any trap before it expires.
limiting the trap time because of whiners is the same as people selecting maps and leaving out the bfg.
it's usually railers or better players who can't stand playing a map when an equalizer is present.

god forbid the "equalizer" being your own aim or anything.  :frustration:
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Re: Traps
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2009, 02:48:28 PM »


ALL THE RAILERS GOTO RAILZ  :raincloud: :raincloud: :raincloud:


Traps are cool, and Folcalor I repeat this because some people repeat the other crap too
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Re: Traps
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2009, 02:54:16 PM »
Another possible solution to the poisonous monkey cat's complaint about traps.  Make them ALL quad traps, and he won't have to be held captive by them for more than a second. :nana:
I notice that those who hate traps, typically gravitate towards the rail gun, and don't even use the ripper or phalanx all that much.  So... why not play Vanilla.  I'm sure the 'newbs' aren't as bothersome over there.  :LAME:
I like the Xatrix mod and the community of players who choose to play it regularly.  The added overrides have helped keep me interested too.
Those that see no skill in traps, simply have no imagination.
Leave the traps BE! :)

To make all the traps quad traps is a COOL IDEA!!!

YESSSS  :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Curiosly all the players of xatrix are agree with play with traps!!!
I see ex or slailer always playing in xatrix

Rarely i see Whirlingdervish(Q2C)  or Folcalor... so... mmm

You keep repeating the same shit over and over and over. WE GET IT. HEARD YA. Shut the hell up now. And consequently...

I play xatrix plenty. Maybe I don't use a name YOU recognize. You have your little xrazy server where you can make all your overrides and toss in a million traps in hidden places, where you can hide power armor for yourself, stick 3 or 4 red armors on one map, etc. No one is suggesting you change the format of YOUR server. Take a pill, calm down.

You Shut the hell up now blablahhh
 :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are coolTraps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool Traps are cool

Traps are cool

This post will appear first in google by the search "traps are cool"  :P
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Re: Traps
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2009, 02:59:15 PM »
Having to suicide when you have the mega and 2 sets of RA, just to get away from something that a newbie can pickup and throw down on the ground without aiming, when you aren't even in sight, is NOT fun.
It's stupid and overpowered.

Thats the idea!!!!!!

is a TRAP
Is like that, many things are nor funny, like a railgun camper with quad hidde in one dark corner all the time!!!

well without quad!!!!!!  :dohdohdoh: :dohdohdoh: :dohdohdoh: :dohdohdoh:
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Re: Traps
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2009, 03:08:14 PM »
I've played on xatrix many times over the span of multiple years, under various names. Usually during the day, but occasionally in the evenings.
I stopped doing so when the rotation got completely screwy with custom maps (full of traps and with a shit ton of resources that I had to download) and haven't had much time since to play some xatrix, or much of anything for that matter.

I dont really care what you want and what draws you to whatever. Xatrix isn't some training server. (we have one of those and nobody uses it) It's a DM server with extra weapons. DM means DEATH MATCH. That would imply that you're going to get killed. If you're a newbie and you cannot take getting killed repeatedly by someone actually AIMING one of the basic q2 weapons, you are not fit to play any DM based mod including xatrix.

The reason I am posting is to get a point across. The point is that because of certain code changes to the mod, and the placement of way too many item spawns on certain maps, the traps are currently the most powerful, least skill based, and most easy to abuse weapon in the custom xatrix mod that tastyspleen uses.

This makes them an unbalanced weapon and as such the gameplay of the mod has suffered.
It has gone from DM with extra maps and weapons, to a chatroom with hiding and trap spamming.

People crying about railguns like they are some sort of justification for having a super overpowered weapon that requires no aim to use, and which has no effective countermeasure, just fucking suck at this game. The railgun is in almost every deathmatch mod. It's high killing power is balanced by it's slow reload speed, the fact that it's usually only found in one hard to reach spot, it's limitted ammo, and the fact that you HAVE TO AIM IT. You should be used to it by now if you've played any DM mod.

Crying about the RG is like crying about healthpacks.

If you don't want to run from railguns, get better and learn how to shoot people with one of the guns or pickup a single armor shard instead of spamming traps and camping and hiding and dying like 75% of the players on xatrix and xrazy do.

The reason this is even being discussed is that so many players DID NOT get better, as you have assumed that they did.
Instead they got enabled with all of these extra trap maps, so now they just run around spamming traps and still sucking ass with the other weapons and they make the experience less enjoyable for anyone who expects player skill, movement ability, and aim to decide who wins a match. I like using traps and I like many of the new maps, but I dont do much playing on xrazy or xatrix because of the way that the gameplay has shifted from a skilled deathmatch mod with a few extra weapons to one that requires very little skill to get kills.

I dont want to be handed free kills. I enjoy earning them BY AIMING AND SHOOTING.

If traps could be destroyed from a distance, had a limitted time, did not completely negate all of your health and armor, or had some sort of effective countermeasure other than getting lucky or suiciding your player to escape, this debate would not be occuring.

As it stands the combination of their overuse and inability to be countered make the mod into something it was never meant to be.

This can be fixed with slight balancing of the mod, say by adding a countermeasure that doesnt require you to kill your player every time to avoid a trap. Another method would be taking all your pretty little maps with extra traps and very little thought about item balance, and trashcanning or fixing them.

It would be easier to fix the mod.

GOTO XATRIX and enjoy!!!

nobody forces you to go to xrazy
Xrazy is not for all
No all the people enjoy my work and movie atmosphere or even NEW maps that I and X7 are making for the server and with HUGE SOUNDS and HUGE TEXTURES
that you can download of my website in a ZIP

if the people fall in the vagrancy is not my fault... I always uploaded the zips
Only a lazy person decide not download the zips and cry later with the downloads in quake
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Re: Traps
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2009, 03:17:58 PM »
"spamming traps and camping and hiding and dying like 75% of the players on xatrix and xrazy do"


The 75 % ???

What are you talking about?
maybe language barrier?

I dont understant XATRIX HAVE TRAPS
The Reckoning have traps
Are part of the game....

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Re: Traps
« Reply #42 on: July 22, 2009, 04:00:21 PM »

ALL THE RAILERS GOTO RAILZ  :raincloud: :raincloud: :raincloud:


SpawnGirl's frags: 3058 (3176 frags minus 118 suicides)
total(3176) rg(1235) trap(538) rl(518) phalanx(288) cg(249) ripper(126) gl(93) ssg(61) hb(35) mg(12) grenade(10) telefrag(7) blaster(4)

Take your own advice and try railz since you like the railgun so much. You'll get schooled without traps to throw in enclosed spaces while you run away from a player who can actually shoot.

PS: Replying to your own posts is not useful to anyone.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 05:36:01 PM by Whirlingdervish(Q2C) »
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Re: Traps
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2009, 06:01:33 PM »
I've played on xatrix many times over the span of multiple years, under various names. Usually during the day, but occasionally in the evenings.
I stopped doing so when the rotation got completely screwy with custom maps (full of traps and with a shit ton of resources that I had to download) and haven't had much time since to play some xatrix, or much of anything for that matter.

Xatrix rotation hasn't changed as long as I can remember.  Certainly no overrides that me or Spawny have done are in the XATRIX server rotation.  All of Spawnys maps are on her own server at XRAZY.  Perhaps you should give Xatrix another try when you have time.

I dont really care what you want and what draws you to whatever. Xatrix isn't some training server. (we have one of those and nobody uses it) It's a DM server with extra weapons. DM means DEATH MATCH. That would imply that you're going to get killed. If you're a newbie and you cannot take getting killed repeatedly by someone actually AIMING one of the basic q2 weapons, you are not fit to play any DM based mod including xatrix.

I don't consider myself a newbie, and traps kill too.  I'm plenty fit to play DM and do so quite regularly.  I'm also plenty good enough with all the weapons, but certainly there are better players out there - maybe even you!  Who said it was a training server? You twist my words.  It takes aim to hit players with a blaster too, but I don't see many self-richeous blasters in here complaining about traps.

The reason I am posting is to get a point across. The point is that because of certain code changes to the mod, and the placement of way too many item spawns on certain maps, the traps are currently the most powerful, least skill based, and most easy to abuse weapon in the custom xatrix mod that tastyspleen uses.

And to those who know why they play Xatrix, they are one of the most fun weapons the mod has to offer.  The changes to the code only enhanced the fun for those of us who know why we play Xatrix.  Again, I ask you.  What draws you to the Xatrix mod?

This makes them an unbalanced weapon and as such the gameplay of the mod has suffered.
Perhaps for the fool who chooses to try to make it into something it is not - a rail server.
It has gone from DM with extra maps and weapons, to a chatroom with hiding and trap spamming.

People crying about railguns like they are some sort of justification for having a super overpowered weapon that requires no aim to use, and which has no effective countermeasure, just fucking suck at this game. The railgun is in almost every deathmatch mod. It's high killing power is balanced by it's slow reload speed, the fact that it's usually only found in one hard to reach spot, it's limitted ammo, and the fact that you HAVE TO AIM IT. You should be used to it by now if you've played any DM mod.

Crying about the RG is like crying about healthpacks.
No... crying about traps in the XATRIX mod is like crying about railers on the rail server. After all, it's much harder and takes WAY more skill to win a game tossing grenades. But I don't see naders complaining about the imbalance of the rail gun to the grenade. And don't tell me it doesn't take aim and skill to hit someone with a grenade...
If you don't want to run from railguns, get better and learn how to shoot people with one of the guns or pickup a single armor shard instead of spamming traps and camping and hiding and dying like 75% of the players on xatrix and xrazy do.
I don't run from railguns.  I take my lumps when a pro shows up, and when I have had enough I leave.  You and I both know that a skilled railer will win out over the most skilled trapper.  And since it appears to be all about the win for the railer, why should traps bother them?
The reason this is even being discussed is that so many players DID NOT get better, as you have assumed that they did.
No, this is being discussed because the poisonous monkey cat thinks it's a burden to be held captive for up to 30 seconds by a trap.  Although, it's easy to lose one's train of thought wading through this thread...  And the players I mentioned have gotten better, but then you haven't been playing Xatrix as often as I have, I don't believe. So you aren't likely to notice.
Instead they got enabled with all of these extra trap maps, so now they just run around spamming traps and still sucking ass with the other weapons and they make the experience less enjoyable for anyone who expects player skill, movement ability, and aim to decide who wins a match. I like using traps and I like many of the new maps, but I dont do much playing on xrazy or xatrix because of the way that the gameplay has shifted from a skilled deathmatch mod with a few extra weapons to one that requires very little skill to get kills.
I can't speak for XRAZY, but like I said, the rotation on Xatrix is the same as it has been for years.  Perhaps if you gave it another try, you might not be so discouraged.  If there's a map in Xatrix that you think has too many traps, and it's one that I created the override for, let me know.  I am open to changing my overrides, and have done so in the past.

I dont want to be handed free kills. I enjoy earning them BY AIMING AND SHOOTING.

If traps could be destroyed from a distance, had a limitted time, did not completely negate all of your health and armor, or had some sort of effective countermeasure other than getting lucky or suiciding your player to escape, this debate would not be occuring.

As it stands the combination of their overuse and inability to be countered make the mod into something it was never meant to be.
Yeah, fun sux!  Do you think that railers overuse the rail gun in Xatrix?  Be honest now...

This can be fixed with slight balancing of the mod, say by adding a countermeasure that doesnt require you to kill your player every time to avoid a trap. Another method would be taking all your pretty little maps with extra traps and very little thought about item balance, and trashcanning or fixing them.
I can't speak for others, but I do put thought into the overrides I choose to do.  Some are better than others I admit.  And I am always open to specific requests for changes that might enhance the maps game play.
It would be easier to fix the mod.
Well, there's always the rail server...


« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 06:04:31 PM by EXTERMINADER »
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Re: Traps
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2009, 06:10:40 PM »
These railers just don't get it do they :beer:...IS XATRIX
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February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


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December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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