1. straight up fights arent the best in quake2 but they are very do-able just dont make stupid strategy mistakes such as fighting rail vs rail, while a lot of players do it from a strategy stand point its a bad choice because a rail v rail fight can really be up in the air and if your opponent lands the first hit you may get frustrated and allow them to land 2 or 3 more for a kill when you had the advantage... just be careful with your weapon choice and straight up fights will do fine if that is your style otherwise you can try to play the ninja and just rely mostly on spam rockets or be quiet to get in close to use the distance to your advantage such as a chaingun vs rail fight2. you dont really need to be a rail heavy player to do well however it helps A LOT a player with a good chaingun or sweet rockets can do equally as well, but being able to rail does help... with that said there is a few things that will help you improve your aim, i got my railgun accuracy up by playing a lot of instagib on the railz and irtdm server, players like goatkilla who also played a lot of railz doing well claim that the jump server helped them improve their finer mouse movements to help their aim out one of the biggest things to help your accuracy is just knowledge, knowing how the netcode works, ie knowing that if you have 30ms ping you are pretty close to point and shoot but still have to lead just a tad or if you are on 90ms ping you have to lead 90ms ahead which ends up being about a model and a half or two model widths, and also knowing which angles to play, you dont really need to rail gun super hero like 187slugs does but being able to line up some easy rail shots off a jump pad or at the end of a hallway where you just have to pull the trigger as they come into your cross hairs will significantly help your play3. both mouse and strafe will work, strafing will work a bit better though, treat it kind of like the lightning gun from quake3/live only remember you have to lead because of the netcode, its ideal for short range and mid range fights and will work at long range but the spread just makes that more of a waste of ammo and shouldnt be used too often unless you just need some chip damage to kill some one who is almost dead or something... its easiest to use chain if you can line up a good line of your opponent running such as if you can get them to run straight away the chain will have nearly 100% accuracy right into their back, just try to find different situations that work well and the chaingun can be THE most deadly weapon even beating out the railgun 4. quake2 is very cool in that it supports a very wide variety of styles, rail whores tend to do well just because the railgun is very powerful, but i wouldnt say they are "ideal", even a rail heavy map such as q2rdm2 you can just control the railgun which respawns every 30 seconds and they will end up kind of useless... same on dm1, just listen really carefully and try to make sure they never get out of the water with a rail alive the position when they pop out of the water isnt that great for fighting due to it being a much lower position than the ground around it, and they are in a predictable spot once they do, so if you have any sort of stack to take at least one rail you can kill them with ssg rockets or chain and have a railgun for yourself... JUST MAKE SURE YOU DONT DROP IT! and also what barton said is true... if you are taking too many rails then you are just setting easy rails up for your opponent, try to avoid open areas and if need be try to get a rocket launcher and land some damage with spam rockets before you try to put up any sort of fight... even on dm1 there is closed in areas that allow you to close in the distance on a player who is trying to rail whore, if you can land a rocket or two of spam you can sneakily close the distance and use the chain for a kill while they are helpless with the rail out5. i think its that if a rocket lands on a stair above you the way the ledges work out you wont take splash damage, so on a stair set like the aerowalk red armor stairs or on the arena spiral up to ya on dm1 you might some times be better off going for splash damage off the wall or a direct rocket... rockets arent the ideal weapon on stairs just because of the difficulty getting splash damage with all the different ledges... as far as general splash damage goes though, rockets overall do 100 damage + 0-20 random damage, so a rocket can do 100 damage all the way up to 120 damage and the splash tapers off just like quakelive except with much less bounce... also if it helps, the rockets in quakelive travel at 1000 ups where the rockets in q2 travel at 500 ups with the delayed firing due to the netcode, they arent ideal for anything but spam past close and medium range and even at medium range youd be much better to use a hitscan weapon some times.... rocket launcher in q2 isnt like the rocket launcher of quakeworld and quakelive, its better to be used as a tactical weapon but you can still put up a really good fight with it if needs be 6. in a long distance vs a railgun... get away without taking a rail that doesnt mean run as fast as you can to the nearest exit, delaying your movement even a fraction of a second may cause them to fire their shot ahead allowing you to get away without taking damage... when dodging a rail try to think about how they are aiming it, the netcode forcing people to lead their rails allows you to dodge them a bit easier as long as you can get in their head and think about your dodging from their perspective... if you HAVE to put up a fight vs a rail at long range, a scanning weapon may do better than ssg, ssg's spread and fire rate kinda makes it useless at a long range where if you use machine gun or chain or even hyper blaster spam, you are firing out enough shots that they are constantly pressured by damage and might make more aiming mistakes7. if an enemy is above you with rocket launcher you really have to try and get out of there unless there is a good way to do damage back against them... such as if you are on the ground level on ztn2dm3 and they are at the upper ssg, firing rockets up at the ceiling will actually cause splash damage to hit them... other than that, pretty much anything will do in this situation, if you do hyper blaster spam along the edge of the ledge they are on you may get some good damage when they go over to fire another rocket, chaingun might run out of ammo too fast but with chaingun spamming the edge it will deter them from launching another attack for a moment giving you time to get away... ssg can do pretty well also but you need to wait for them to poke their head out so you better have quick reaction time... grenade launcher can spam some nades up on the ledge forcing them to change position, and if you want to cook a hand grenade you can toss it up in the air having it explode right next to them for some solid damage but while its cooking you are completely exposed8. if you do the math chaingun does more damage... but thats if every bullet hits, overall they are fairly equal because hyper does more per shot but chain does damage much faster, with good aim the chaingun SHOULD come out on top but there is other factors... the hyper blaster is really great because mostly on a map like dm1 its an under estimated weapon, but the beauty of the hyper blaster is it treats armor as one class lower, so if they have a stack of red armor it will treat it like yellow, if they have yellow green, and it will go right through green armor... so if your opponent has a heavy armor stack but little health the hyper blaster can be a good option of you can aim it 9. try to use distancing and position to make your choice... after that try to think about how much health your opponent has... such as if they spawn and pick up some health shards at a distance you can rail them, they will only have a couple health left... why land another rail? just pull out chain because even though it isnt great at a long distance you dont need to do much damage just try to use common sense with weapon choices and you will learn with practice... i could break them all down but i dont feel like typing that much already got a page here... 10. q2 spawn system is avoid nearest spawn i believe, but its pretty much random, just know your spawns so you can spam for a spawn frag whenever you get a kill Other thoughts.... sound is crazy important, i suggest some good headphones if you dont already use some try to pick up what different distances sound like and try to find patterns in item pickups such as if you hear a weapon pickup, ammo pickup, fall sound then you know they are going to come from this direction, or if you hear some health shards, a double jump, and an item pickup, you know they got this spawn... just small things like that will give you a huge advantage try to keep track of how much stack your opponent has and estimate how much damage you have done... if you bring them down to screaming almost dead and they run off to the other side of the map, how many health pickups are there over on that side? what armors can they pick up there? just practice watching demos can help ya pick up some cool tricks to do on some maps, perhaps a new rail angle or a different sound cue you never picked up on before, but you wont be able to implement anything into your game unless you practice
PS: i used 15 smileys in that post
shit.. really? looks like your screenshots. learn to sum some shit up...
Quote from: VaeVictis on December 13, 2010, 02:56:42 PM1. straight up fights arent the best in quake2 but they are very do-able just dont make stupid strategy mistakes such as fighting rail vs rail, while a lot of players do it from a strategy stand point its a bad choice because a rail v rail fight can really be up in the air and if your opponent lands the first hit you may get frustrated and allow them to land 2 or 3 more for a kill when you had the advantage... just be careful with your weapon choice and straight up fights will do fine if that is your style otherwise you can try to play the ninja and just rely mostly on spam rockets or be quiet to get in close to use the distance to your advantage such as a chaingun vs rail fight2. you dont really need to be a rail heavy player to do well however it helps A LOT a player with a good chaingun or sweet rockets can do equally as well, but being able to rail does help... with that said there is a few things that will help you improve your aim, i got my railgun accuracy up by playing a lot of instagib on the railz and irtdm server, players like goatkilla who also played a lot of railz doing well claim that the jump server helped them improve their finer mouse movements to help their aim out one of the biggest things to help your accuracy is just knowledge, knowing how the netcode works, ie knowing that if you have 30ms ping you are pretty close to point and shoot but still have to lead just a tad or if you are on 90ms ping you have to lead 90ms ahead which ends up being about a model and a half or two model widths, and also knowing which angles to play, you dont really need to rail gun super hero like 187slugs does but being able to line up some easy rail shots off a jump pad or at the end of a hallway where you just have to pull the trigger as they come into your cross hairs will significantly help your play3. both mouse and strafe will work, strafing will work a bit better though, treat it kind of like the lightning gun from quake3/live only remember you have to lead because of the netcode, its ideal for short range and mid range fights and will work at long range but the spread just makes that more of a waste of ammo and shouldnt be used too often unless you just need some chip damage to kill some one who is almost dead or something... its easiest to use chain if you can line up a good line of your opponent running such as if you can get them to run straight away the chain will have nearly 100% accuracy right into their back, just try to find different situations that work well and the chaingun can be THE most deadly weapon even beating out the railgun 4. quake2 is very cool in that it supports a very wide variety of styles, rail whores tend to do well just because the railgun is very powerful, but i wouldnt say they are "ideal", even a rail heavy map such as q2rdm2 you can just control the railgun which respawns every 30 seconds and they will end up kind of useless... same on dm1, just listen really carefully and try to make sure they never get out of the water with a rail alive the position when they pop out of the water isnt that great for fighting due to it being a much lower position than the ground around it, and they are in a predictable spot once they do, so if you have any sort of stack to take at least one rail you can kill them with ssg rockets or chain and have a railgun for yourself... JUST MAKE SURE YOU DONT DROP IT! and also what barton said is true... if you are taking too many rails then you are just setting easy rails up for your opponent, try to avoid open areas and if need be try to get a rocket launcher and land some damage with spam rockets before you try to put up any sort of fight... even on dm1 there is closed in areas that allow you to close in the distance on a player who is trying to rail whore, if you can land a rocket or two of spam you can sneakily close the distance and use the chain for a kill while they are helpless with the rail out5. i think its that if a rocket lands on a stair above you the way the ledges work out you wont take splash damage, so on a stair set like the aerowalk red armor stairs or on the arena spiral up to ya on dm1 you might some times be better off going for splash damage off the wall or a direct rocket... rockets arent the ideal weapon on stairs just because of the difficulty getting splash damage with all the different ledges... as far as general splash damage goes though, rockets overall do 100 damage + 0-20 random damage, so a rocket can do 100 damage all the way up to 120 damage and the splash tapers off just like quakelive except with much less bounce... also if it helps, the rockets in quakelive travel at 1000 ups where the rockets in q2 travel at 500 ups with the delayed firing due to the netcode, they arent ideal for anything but spam past close and medium range and even at medium range youd be much better to use a hitscan weapon some times.... rocket launcher in q2 isnt like the rocket launcher of quakeworld and quakelive, its better to be used as a tactical weapon but you can still put up a really good fight with it if needs be 6. in a long distance vs a railgun... get away without taking a rail that doesnt mean run as fast as you can to the nearest exit, delaying your movement even a fraction of a second may cause them to fire their shot ahead allowing you to get away without taking damage... when dodging a rail try to think about how they are aiming it, the netcode forcing people to lead their rails allows you to dodge them a bit easier as long as you can get in their head and think about your dodging from their perspective... if you HAVE to put up a fight vs a rail at long range, a scanning weapon may do better than ssg, ssg's spread and fire rate kinda makes it useless at a long range where if you use machine gun or chain or even hyper blaster spam, you are firing out enough shots that they are constantly pressured by damage and might make more aiming mistakes7. if an enemy is above you with rocket launcher you really have to try and get out of there unless there is a good way to do damage back against them... such as if you are on the ground level on ztn2dm3 and they are at the upper ssg, firing rockets up at the ceiling will actually cause splash damage to hit them... other than that, pretty much anything will do in this situation, if you do hyper blaster spam along the edge of the ledge they are on you may get some good damage when they go over to fire another rocket, chaingun might run out of ammo too fast but with chaingun spamming the edge it will deter them from launching another attack for a moment giving you time to get away... ssg can do pretty well also but you need to wait for them to poke their head out so you better have quick reaction time... grenade launcher can spam some nades up on the ledge forcing them to change position, and if you want to cook a hand grenade you can toss it up in the air having it explode right next to them for some solid damage but while its cooking you are completely exposed8. if you do the math chaingun does more damage... but thats if every bullet hits, overall they are fairly equal because hyper does more per shot but chain does damage much faster, with good aim the chaingun SHOULD come out on top but there is other factors... the hyper blaster is really great because mostly on a map like dm1 its an under estimated weapon, but the beauty of the hyper blaster is it treats armor as one class lower, so if they have a stack of red armor it will treat it like yellow, if they have yellow green, and it will go right through green armor... so if your opponent has a heavy armor stack but little health the hyper blaster can be a good option of you can aim it 9. try to use distancing and position to make your choice... after that try to think about how much health your opponent has... such as if they spawn and pick up some health shards at a distance you can rail them, they will only have a couple health left... why land another rail? just pull out chain because even though it isnt great at a long distance you dont need to do much damage just try to use common sense with weapon choices and you will learn with practice... i could break them all down but i dont feel like typing that much already got a page here... 10. q2 spawn system is avoid nearest spawn i believe, but its pretty much random, just know your spawns so you can spam for a spawn frag whenever you get a kill Other thoughts.... sound is crazy important, i suggest some good headphones if you dont already use some try to pick up what different distances sound like and try to find patterns in item pickups such as if you hear a weapon pickup, ammo pickup, fall sound then you know they are going to come from this direction, or if you hear some health shards, a double jump, and an item pickup, you know they got this spawn... just small things like that will give you a huge advantage try to keep track of how much stack your opponent has and estimate how much damage you have done... if you bring them down to screaming almost dead and they run off to the other side of the map, how many health pickups are there over on that side? what armors can they pick up there? just practice watching demos can help ya pick up some cool tricks to do on some maps, perhaps a new rail angle or a different sound cue you never picked up on before, but you wont be able to implement anything into your game unless you practiceshit.. really? looks like your screenshots. learn to sum some shit up...