please change the railz maps back the way they were. the new maps suck major ass!!!!
nope something has changed cause we have all had to download all these new maps.
Alright :/ after playing on railz a bit yesterday i have to say... all the mymaps lately SUCK ASSEveryone is mymapping like every single map, so the normal rotation is hardly seen until those people leave, and they mymap terrible maps too :/ I dont care if people mymap a bit here and there, but lately it has been WAY too much on terrible maps... Putting some restrictions down is seeming like a very good idea
Quote from: VaeVictis on June 04, 2010, 01:20:02 PMAlright :/ after playing on railz a bit yesterday i have to say... all the mymaps lately SUCK ASSEveryone is mymapping like every single map, so the normal rotation is hardly seen until those people leave, and they mymap terrible maps too :/ I dont care if people mymap a bit here and there, but lately it has been WAY too much on terrible maps... Putting some restrictions down is seeming like a very good ideaI don't think some of those maps last night were too bad. Definitely too many players to enjoy those maps.
I've noticed a couple people under aliases I don't recognize mymapping stuff constantly the last week or so.Seems like every map change they are managing to skip the actual rotation.
1on1 2am 2box4 2box6 2dlady 3box 4box6 aerowalk amoeba anotherrailmap aodm1 areaf arena asylum backup baddm2 base1 beethoviana beta2dm bfgarena2 biggun blevel blood1 border boss2 bound_ni1 bsol carena cath change chapter4 cir clownfish clrail1 clrail15 cmdm3 cnest cold colour confess cremorse crisis crush ctr_lot d2m7 dckdm2 dducksrails14 demonrail1a dm1sol dm4ishq2 dm7mod drails2a dspace e1m7ish ecdm1 ecdm2 ehboss2 ehbridgeofpain ehcrtyard ehfortbadass ehicebox ehrailfun ehstudentpalace ehwpit ehx1 endgame experon fact3 fbdm5 figure8 fishrail fixed1 fph fraghack frdm3 fubar funksky furiosity fwq2dm4 fy01 fy02 geikdm5 gladdm1 gladdm2 gladdm5 glug! goukirail1 gr_fire greenday gym hehe hhxrail2 hockey homers10 homers14 homers15 homers16 hvnnhell hyperdm8 ikdm6 ikdm7 in2obl instakilla intimon iroq1 jabbar jabs jex2dm2 joyride jsos kod6 komit koth1 koth2 koth3 koth6 kr07 lag laurail1 laurail2 laurail3 levels m1 marics1 marics100 marics17 marics18 marics21 marics23 marics27 marics30 marics31 marics34 marics35 marics39 marics40 marics42 marics43 marics_con2 marics_con3 marics_d1 marics_d2 marics_d4 marics_ds marics_insta5 marics_ra1 marics_ra2 marics_ra3 marics_ra5 marics_ra6 marics_ra7 marics_space match1 meadow3 nastybox ohmdm3 painklr2 pandm8 paradm4 perspex poodm3 prelude pretzrail pstain01 ptrip pynapple q2a52 q2dm1 q2dm1inv q2dm1nc q2dm1nh q2dm2 q2dm3 q2dm4 q2dm5 q2dm6 q2dm7 q2dm8 q2dmd q2e1m7 q2rm1-zthr r41l12 r41l6 rail rail1 rail101md railasnail railbox railcity railmap railwar1 raingod rcdm11 rec redarena2 redlightdistrict redyard rene16 rene24 rene34 rene35 rene40 rene42 rene45 rene46 rene47 rene48 rene51 rene53 rings3 rk104a rockrail room1a rqmarena3 rqmarena4 rqmarena5 ruiner s8n1 s8n2 shiro2 slapdunce slug smell smo7v3 snowdm1 spacerat spasmo3 spasmo5 spasmo6 spasmo8 spasmo9 spec8dm spogdm2 spoon square srq53 stadium stahcontest2 stdxtour2 stdxtour3 stimpy stone strike strongdm sventourney1a sventourney2 syn tga1dm05 tga2dm10 tga2dm2 tga2dm9 tga2n2_1 tga3dm1 tga3dm5 tga3dm6 tga6dm1 tga6dm2 tgadm2 tgadm999 tgarail1 tgarg01 tgarg02 tgarg03 thegym therails tltf tower tqm trdm04a trdm05a triopa u2 umbriel uultrav ven_dm2 ven_dm4 ware2 wddm05 wdrail01 wdrail02 wdrail03 wdrail04 wild1 woodsdm1 wtf! wtf!2 xarena xldm5 zackwos zethersra1 zorius4thleray zthrail00 zthrail01 zthrail02 ztn2dm2 ztn2dm3
Also, I've changed the config so it works like vanilla... At least two rotation maps are slotted between off-list maps.
were you still around for the one that was just walk ways over lava? :/