Author Topic: a fairytale....  (Read 1817 times)

Offline MaGiCaL PiG!

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a fairytale....
« on: February 01, 2005, 11:22:45 AM »

cheaters suck! this guy was caught red handed and tried like hell to cover it up...

if and when the post gets removed and/or I get banned fomr the forums I would be happy to c&p it here but I think the more views on their own forum will hit home a tad more...please visit...  :twisted:
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"There's an old saying in Tennessee...I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee...that says, fool coldflo once...shame on...shame on coldflo. You fool coldflo...coldflo can't get fooled agai

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a fairytale....
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 05:37:35 PM »
Either the topic already got taken down, or the link doesnt work.

Maybe it's one of coldflo's alter egos...
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Offline The Dreaming Dragon

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a fairytale....
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2005, 07:23:46 PM »
Does Coldflo cheat?

I thought he was just perpetually angry from losing too often. And that he organizes his thoughts in writing the way some chimpanzees throw feces.

But if he did cheat,I doubt that he'd be here accusing every one else of doing it.But humanity tends to surprise me in things like this...

So WAS he ever caught cheating? I almost care to find out!
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Offline MaGiCaL PiG!

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a fairytale....
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2005, 08:48:52 PM »
yeah it was deleted by the clan leader, who it just so happens was the cheater - the post i made started a complete flame war..until ultimately it was removed by him...

here is the original post text- written by Snake[PSC]


A long time ago, in a well respected clan not that far away, there was a captain named Clawtooth, who owned that clan's quake2 server. Now, Clawtooth used to be a decent quake2 player, but then he hurt his claw. Time passed, and the claw slowly got better, but his quake2 skills did not return. Until one day... Suddenly he was back at the top. The population was in awe, for it was a truly amazing recovery, and all rejoiced.

But, as things go in an experienced crowd, doubt crept into the minds of the other captains of the well respected clan. And one of them, Broker, spoke to Clawtooth in a private conversation, and told him that he suspected that Clawtooth was not completely honest about his truly amazing recovery that had awed the population of the well respected clan. He asked Clawtooth if he was committing the ultimate sin, namely using a bot..

Clawtooth was furious! How dared Broker even think such horrific thoughts? And then Clawtooth did commit a sin, instead of dealing with Brokers worries in private, he posted the entire private conversation in a public forum, for all to see! And the well respected clan was torn in anger. And another captain, we shall name him Monster, became very angry with Clawtooth, because he should have dealt with this in private first.

And the population saw this, and more anger followed. And Clawtooth had some of the population behind him, because they simply could not believe that Clawtooths awesome truly amazing recovery was not kosher. And Broker and Monster had part of the population behind them, because they said that regardless of what the accusation was, the conversation should have been kept private. And more private conversation was published, without any regard for the context, of course.

Serpent, a mere underling in the well respected clan, noticed all this, and tried to calm things down. It did not work. Clawtooth picked up his toys and left. He took his quake2 server and started a moderately respected clan. And some of the population who adored Clawtooth, or abhorred Monster, went with him. And peace returned in the well respected clan. And HugeFella lost his mind and made Serpent a captain too. And Serpent snickered, as he often does.

And the moderately respected clan made a beautiful website. And they decided upon a great name for a moderately respected clan, Murderers Ltd. And on their website they said: "No Cheating - Of ANY kind!", and also they said: "If you do not follow this simple "Code of Conduct", you will be Tortured, Burned at the Stake, and then Eaten Alive by Yours Truly! - Clawtooth". And Serpent snickered a little more.

And the moderately respected clan grew and grew. And they attracted many from the well respected clan, and other well respected clans from the continent of Backstabbia. All joining in awe of the great Clawtooth, who had become again, in the moderately respected clan, a well respected Highly Intelligent, Very Quake2 Skilled, Leader. And there was much snickering.

And then the moderately respected clan lost their quake2 server, and the world lost the best server in the world, according to Clawtooth. And Clawtooth and his fellow moderately respected clan members returneth to the quake servers of Backstabbia. And all was well. But now other people in Backstabbia had the same suspicions as Broker had, in the start of this tale.

And Backstabbia, and the well respected clan, kept silent, for they could not believe that the Highly Intelligent Clawtooth could be so stupid to make the same mistake he did before. And all was well, and there was moderate fun on the highly respected quake2 servers. But the nagging worries remained.

And then the cheat detection tools on the highly respected quake2 servers were upgraded to the latest version, by Serpent and PeeLad (who is another well respected captain in a moderately laffed-at clan). And Serpent snickered. And then the new software caught Clawtooth cheating with the much-spit-at Frankenstein bot. And there was no doubt about this, since this bot was specifically being tested for in the new cheat detection tools.

And Clawtooth started to try to weasel his way out of it. And Serpent megasnickered. And Clawtooth lied some more, and everyone in Backstabbia ubermegasnickered. Nay, they laffed their butts off.

Clawtooth has not been seen since, and one can only assume that he was Tortured, Burned at the Stake, and then Eaten Alive by himself. And Backstabbia was filled with laughter, for days and days. And the population skinned and seasoned the Monster, and covered him with honey, garlic and cloves, and slow grilled and roasted and ate the Monster. And all was well.

And there remained much snickering about Clawtooth, that utter loser, that incredible idiot who, as clanleader, betrayed all his clanmates, by soiling the name of his Murderers Ltd. with the Tag Of The Cheater.

[AI] is the clan with the cheatin leader....
 if you want an ip to ban i can get it but i don't think he plays without runes or hook LOL
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"There's an old saying in Tennessee...I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee...that says, fool coldflo once...shame on...shame on coldflo. You fool coldflo...coldflo can't get fooled agai


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