Rates Received - quadz

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Jokes / Pseudoscientific Audiophile Reviews
Obvious Troll Is Obvious Obvious Troll Is Obvious
on July 11, 2015, 04:14:12 AM by Th0m@s29

"Pseudoscientific wank from the pages of audiophile magazines."


weapons / Re: New WOD-X original maps!
Rock On Rock On
on June 01, 2015, 11:05:19 PM by Tails Butt
Nice work, are you still using TrenchBroom?

tastyspleen.net / Re: Is anticheat worthless these days?
Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion
on April 29, 2015, 10:08:52 AM by haunted
I have actually taken the initiative to contact r1ch and try and get a response to this thread, to either update the anticheat database or hand it to quadz who is more active on the quake 2 scene

Hm.  I never asked to be in charge of it.

Quake / Re: High resolution 32 bit texture pak compilation
Insightful Insightful
on April 22, 2015, 05:44:37 PM by ImperiusDamian

So it would seem.

(The info in my prior post was targeted as much at those who might find the thread via google search for "quake2 torrent", as directly to Capt. Cranial Vacancy.)

Quake / Per-map FPH stats
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on March 29, 2015, 03:27:23 PM by ppoint432
Finally wrote a parser to pull FPH stats from FFA server logs:


Currently these go back to 2008 (quirks in the logfile format prior to then require alternate parsing.)

/dev/random / Re: Funny Vids
Rock On Rock On
on February 28, 2015, 12:39:51 AM by Sigma
<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j0Uurhc3X-Q/hqdefault.jpg) 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/j0Uurhc3X-Q"></iframe></span></span><br /><a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/j0Uurhc3X-Q" target="_blank" class="new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/j0Uurhc3X-Q</a>
(Darth Vader reciting passages from The Bible)


Jokes / Re: Bogus IR Dirvish/MOUTH FACE
Rock On Rock On
on December 06, 2014, 07:09:50 AM by MCS_FaderJok0

match any of those models up with the files that were flagged for ac and avoid another 4 pages of bullshit

Good call. I scripted a search against every tris.md2 in baseq2/players, and they were indeed located:

modified players/male/tris.md2 [8416ef217117f28f97d6d0fc98f3dbc6d075f665]
modified players/female/tris.md2 [887a3513eda4c6420bd1e6dea736dac11ba6fcdd]
modified players/cyborg/tris.md2 [43d19bd953fc687c1dee2b1000c9111dc260c639]

8416ef217117f28f97d6d0fc98f3dbc6d075f665  baseq2/players/sjupiter/tris.md2
887a3513eda4c6420bd1e6dea736dac11ba6fcdd  baseq2/players/sailormoon/tris.md2
43d19bd953fc687c1dee2b1000c9111dc260c639  baseq2/players/babyboom/tris.md2


(1) I've removed the WallFly-global forced AC that was added to beaver{KEA} earlier today. (Though: as noted earlier, this particular action of forcing AC had been taken by me more in response to what seemed at the time to be a pattern of evasiveness, than on the question of the modified files themselves.)

(2) It would be nice to automate these cross-checks somehow, going forward. Either we'll need to generate a gargantuan AC hash file that allows every model on the server to be swapped in place of male/female/cyborg without triggering an AC unknown-file violation; or maybe some sort of admin tool that will search all of baseq2/players for a matching hash value. But it would help to be able to resolve a lot of modified file reports more quickly and more painlessly...

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: Re: Razor vs Lejionator - [Razor Discussion]
Frag Hall of Fame Frag Hall of Fame
on November 21, 2014, 07:32:06 PM by ppoint432
it's not right for anyone to want to prove that a server is not protected enough by using hack, even if you're the administration. But still Razor did, showing the failure. If not for him, another hacker might well do.

Lejionator: Sorry, someone's feeding you a line of nonsense here. With over 25 years having developed software professionally, and a decade of that in game development (Amiga and Atari ST through Sega Saturn and Playstation), and as someone who discussed AC with r1ch while it was being engineered, I can tell you Razor did not discover a damned thing about AC.

We knew how AC worked. We don't discuss its mechanisms for the same reason people don't talk about how Valve Anti-Cheat and BattleEye work today:
Because if you do, "you are literally telling hackers how to avoid being detected."

What Razor did was to make persistent nuisance of himself, connecting to our servers with cheats via VPNs and proxies, and worse, actively spreading cheats around to other players. (And note that as recently as six months ago I've had admins contact me about how to ban Razor from their servers, and Razor was still at that time using flood scripts to block their rcon, and connecting to their servers via VPN. So have you known Razor for over six months? Because if so, he was doing that shit while you knew him.)

It's possible Razor has recently changed his attitude about distributing cheats. He tells me he's deleted all links to hax he had previously posted. Maybe so, it's impossible for me to verify. But let's not rewrite the past by pretending Razor did something useful by attempting to circumvent AC and by spreading hacks around. He didn't discover anything new about AC. Again: We understood how AC worked from the time it was being engineered.


mutant / Re: New maps for Mutant (or DM) - q2e1m2 and hipdm1!
Flamebait Flamebait
on October 19, 2014, 02:21:19 AM by X7

Hey, what do you think of giving ANY NEWS about the map rotation to mutant or dm server? I thought of two suggestions ...
q2e1m2: To bring nostalgia and fun, this map is very fun and definitely a classic(q1 remake)! It is a beautiful conversion, created in late 98.

hipdm1: The design of this map(map of q1 mission pack#1) is as creative as q2dm1. I rembro which was formerly very popular in dm matches, then I believe that is correct bring it back!

hipdm1 and q2e1m2 were already available via 'mymap' on mutant, however hipdm1 has now been added to vanilla as well.

As for mutant in general, I think not just a fresh map rotation but also a cleaning out of some of the least playable maps from 'mymap' on that server would be helpful.


weapons / Re: TrenchBroom - Make Q2 Maps the Fast and Easy Way!
Rock On Rock On
on August 27, 2014, 05:28:21 AM by Tails Butt
And some screens of progress on my first map thanks to trenchbroom

Sayyy, that actually looks legit. :thumbsup: Nice work!

BTW -- out of curiosity, how would you describe the characteristics of Quark that make it more convenient for lighting the map?

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