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Messages - RailWolf

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Quake / Seattle FFA Frag Night In Memory of Pepp
« on: February 07, 2025, 10:43:58 PM »
Long time Quake II player pepp has passed away on Feb 5th, 2025 after some health battles in the hospital.

He managed the Seattle FFA server which been around for many years. Come by Seattle FFA server Saturday night 2/8/25 to frag and chat in memory of our quake buddy, pepp.

Rest In Peace Pepp

Quake / Holiday E-Greeting for Mrs. Quadz 2024
« on: December 12, 2024, 04:54:32 PM »

We have a group holiday card for Mrs. Quadz from the tastyspleen community.
If you'd like to wish her a happy holidays, head over to this link and sign the card:


Quake / turns 20!
« on: October 17, 2024, 02:07:55 PM »

The domain turns 20 years old today! Happy Birthday tastyspleen!

quadz created such an awesome place for everyone to be able to play, contribute and make friendships.
There's a lot of history with tastyspleen for many of us. We've known this name for as long as it has been around, and it's just home to quake for us.

A few of us will be on mutant and discord this evening for some casual fragging starting around 4pm Pacific.

So much thanks goes to MrsQuadz for keeping the server up for us all. Long live tastyspleen!

Quake / quadz's Birthday Hootenanny 2024
« on: July 20, 2024, 04:11:53 PM »

Come join us on Aug 18th for Bill's Brobdingnagian Birthday Shivoo on the mutant server.
Bill "quadz" Kelly was born on August 18th, 1971 and passed away on July 4th, 2021. He would be turning 53 years old this year.
Bill was an outstanding person who was greatly loved by the community, his friends, his coworkers, and his family. He is sorely missed by all.
Let's celebrate his birthday by remembering the good times we had with him, and of course, get some fragging in!

Action and stream should pick up around 3:30PM Pacific.
TastySpleen TV

Quake / Re: Hootenanny?
« on: June 10, 2024, 01:48:46 PM »
We're planning another one for this August.  :heart:

/dev/random / Re: I'm back for better or worse...
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:54:31 PM »
Howdy and welcome back!

Thanks, I'm actively looking into it and see what's wrong. Will fix it asap.

Quake / Re: Back after many years
« on: October 27, 2023, 08:28:54 PM »
Welcome back! I remember you :P

We have a quake2 starter at
The client in the download is a little out of date, if you want to update it you can hit up

Quake / Re: DUST 2 Finally complete with the help of Panjoo!!!
« on: September 01, 2023, 09:34:46 PM »
I have the files on the tastyspleen server to copy over but there are some name conflicts I'm looking into with existing dust2 maps. It's in the works for ts ;)

Quake / Re: invite! spam
« on: August 28, 2023, 03:46:33 PM »
Well speak of the devil, he's on right now!  :beer:

Quake / Re: invite! spam
« on: August 28, 2023, 03:42:46 PM »
I've been trying to catch him on to give him a last warning but I keep missing him. Actually makes me want to add some code to tastybot so I can get Discord alerts when certain people connect  :lolsign:

No, invite! is not meant to be used that way.

12 / Re: TS500 2023
« on: August 06, 2023, 11:34:38 PM »
An Instagib 500 was in the works recently. Quake II King of the Hill was always fun. We can find something to organize next :righteous:

13 / Re: does ts have mirc?
« on: August 06, 2023, 08:47:50 PM »
Been keeping an eye on it for a few months, but I think it's safe to say EnterTheGame IRC is officially gone :( Their servers went offline on that last day of May. 

14 / TS500 2023
« on: August 06, 2023, 03:39:35 PM »
TS500 returns!

Join us for a 500 fraglimit FFA frenzy during QuakeCon 2023. No signups, just show up and start fragging on the server! We will run 2 maps if time allows, so frag fast ;) Current map pool is predm1 and campcity.

To join from a quake2 client, type connect in console, or if you are already connected to a tastyspleen server then type goto ts500

Date: 8/10 6PM Central

You can also check out our full schedule of tastyspleen events for QuakeCon 2023 at

15 / Re: remove dm5
« on: July 05, 2023, 11:00:55 AM »
I have to chuckle at the Subject you decided to go with "remove dm5"

In another thread you said "Dm is dm1 to dm8." and "we want dm1 to dm8!"

My point is if you are going to skip over a map simply due to low numbers then be consistent. Dm5 is absolutely feral and BTW why is tltf STILL in my map? IT NEEDS TO GO ASAP

Just to clarify as I've seen some confusion lately, the dm4 minclient skip is not a new change to the server and it has been set that way for over 7 years. There just wasn't a console message about it.

Some people probably don't remember it skipping dm4 when quadz was with us because they were never aware it was happening. Previously only admins received the Skipping message, but now I've tweaked it so the server can see. Sometimes a mymap gets skipped for not enough clients, and now it tells people why. I was getting reports that it was confusing sometimes. There was also an inconsistency with the minclient count that I cleaned up where quadz was implementing a sigmoid but it wasn't complete. That just added to the confusion for the players before I cleaned it up. Anyway, dm4 just happens to have a minclient setting too.

quadz first pushed the minclient feature to dm on 2015-10-03 and it included the 6 minclients for dm4. Logs are also showing it hasn't changed.
Code: [Select]
2015-10-03 Sat 19:22:39 quadz: wf exec map_settings.cfg
2015-10-03 Sat 19:22:40 wallfly: "maps/q2dm4/minclients" => 6

He mentioned the minclients feature a few months later on the forums:

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