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Messages - Bibi

Pages: [1] 2
Quake / Re: Quake 2 remastered discussion - news and rumors
« on: September 09, 2023, 12:08:46 PM »
I'm pretty sure I never actually purchased Quake 2 (I've been playing, off and on, since 1999). I decided to purchase Q2 on Steam to right that wrong a bit and to try out the remaster. I like that the railgun (and all hitscan weapons, I presume?) has updated code where you don't need to lead the shot based on ping. It's weird getting used to that though after you've been playing by leading a bit for so long. It was running really herky jerky for me though - not like really low fps, but just didn't look smooth. I presume it's some setting that I don't know how to fiddle with yet. I'm glad it's getting some attention again.

First thing I want to say is welcome back Punk.  Good to see you again.  I happen to really like the Q2 remaster.  I believe the net code is actually much better.  For me it is still playable up to 200 ping.  At 130 ping in old Q2, it was pretty unplayable for me.  I never knew you had to lead your shot for the rail in the old Q2.  I guess that is why I can't rail anyone.  I did notice railing seemed easier in the remaster though.  I can't wait until they have dedicated servers.  The P2P stuff leads to so many disconnects.  Microsoft Playfab has the connection issues according to "Paril".

Quake / Re: Quake 2 remastered discussion - news and rumors
« on: August 14, 2023, 03:32:47 PM »
I don't know if anyone has the answers yet, but I have a few questions about the re-release that I was hoping to get some info on:

1)  Is OpenGL supported with the re-release or only software mode?

2)  Can you use an autoexec.bat on the re-release?

3)  Is there a listing of the new console commands anywhere?

Thanks for any information.

No list of console commands there yet, but a little more info .There does seem to be support for dedicated servers for other enhance Q2  clients I'm guessing.

You can type "cvarlist" in console and it will list all commands (you probably know this already) but no description of what they do, though you can usually figure it out.

I believe it is D3D11 and Vulkan. No software mode :(

It's an interesting remake. I like it.

Thanks for the link man.  Appreciate it.

Quake / Quake2 Remaster Servers
« on: August 13, 2023, 06:30:27 PM »
Will there be any Tastyspleen Quake2 Remaster servers in the future?

dm / Possible Impersonation?
« on: August 13, 2023, 03:10:51 PM »
I do not have proof at this point just a hunch, but I believe someone was impersonating Tom Servo a few minutes ago.

I do not know how admins feel about impersonation on this server but here is a condump.

This surely did not seem like the Tom Servo I have played for quite sometime now.

Tom Servo: bibi
Bibi was blown away by PeeWee's super shotgun
Prototype13 was shredded by stfu's shrapnel
Bibi: yo
stfu was squished.
Tom Servo: bow before me
Bibi was railed by PeeWee
buddy entered the game
Bibi was railed by b00b
[ : ] r: as in whack offer
PeeWee was railed by KiM
Mty Wty entered the game
[anticheat] Mty Wty is not using anticheat.
ComeGetSum() was popped by [ : ] r's grenade
Tom Servo: i have arrived
Mty Wty was popped by [ : ] r's grenade

Tom Servo: ooob how is he winning
b3n was popped by KiM's grenade
Mty Wty was railed by b00b
MaX_MaXelL disconnected
Prototype13 was railed by [ : ] r
Out of item: Rocket Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Bibi almost dodged buddy's rocket
PeeWee was squished.
Tom Servo: i would put boob under
Mty Wty was railed by [ : ] r
Tom Servo: easy
stfu was popped by Bibi's grenade
Out of item: Railgun
Tom Servo: im the best here

Maybe I am wrong, but that does not seem like Tom's style.

Quake / Re: Quake 2 remastered discussion - news and rumors
« on: August 11, 2023, 02:38:03 PM »
I don't know if anyone has the answers yet, but I have a few questions about the re-release that I was hoping to get some info on:

1)  Is OpenGL supported with the re-release or only software mode?

2)  Can you use an autoexec.bat on the re-release?

3)  Is there a listing of the new console commands anywhere?

Thanks for any information.

Bot Drop / Re: Spamming private messages
« on: August 27, 2022, 04:02:57 PM »
PM spambot is back sending PMs under the the name rcon now:

Karpov was melted by Unclewad's hyperblaster
MfWolfgang was blown away by moc's super shotgun
TwisTbanG was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
(rcon)(private message) hello
MfWolfgang was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
TwisTbanG was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
Karpov was railed by Unclewad
MfWolfgang was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
TwisTbanG was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from skullduggerry's BFG
zoddy was railed by moc
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
No Rockets for Rocket Launcher.
Out of item: BFG10K
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
No Rockets for Rocket Launcher.
Out of item: BFG10K
zoddy was popped by Raffa [NL]'s grenade
Raffa [NL] tripped on his own grenade.
MfWolfgang couldn't hide from skullduggerry's BFG
Karpov was railed by Unclewad
Bibi was railed by Unclewad
MfWolfgang was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
Bibi was railed by moc
skullduggerry was railed by moc
Karpov was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
Bibi: mymap corn2 -pu
(private message) Sorry, corn2 has been played too recently. Try again in 2 min.
(private message) The following maps are unavailable for (N) minutes: corn2(2)
Raffa [NL] was railed by Unclewad
Bibi: mymap bugdm5 -pu
Karpov was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
Raffa [NL] was railed by Unclewad
console: nextmap => bugdm5(-pu) mymap q2dm1-roofquad(+pu) q2dm2(+pu) q2dm3(+pu) q2dm4(+pu) q2dm5(+pu) q2dm6(+pu)
q2dm7(+pu) q2dm8(+pu) ...
moc almost dodged skullduggerry's rocket
Unclewad was gunned down by MfWolfgang
MaD|man!pulat0r was blown away by TwisTbanG's super shotgun
skullduggerry was railed by Karpov
MaD|man!pulat0r was railed by moc
MfWolfgang was railed by Karpov
moc was railed by Bibi
MaD|man!pulat0r was blasted by MfWolfgang
moc was railed by Bibi
Unclewad was blasted by MfWolfgang
Karpov was railed by Bibi
Bibi was blown away by TwisTbanG's super shotgun
MfWolfgang almost dodged moc's rocket
MaD|man!pulat0r ate Karpov's rocket
TwisTbanG ate Raffa [NL]'s rocket
Karpov ate Raffa [NL]'s rocket
MaD|man!pulat0r ate Bibi's rocket
Unclewad was cut in half by psylence's chaingun
TwisTbanG ate Karpov's rocket
MfWolfgang ate Karpov's rocket
A entered the game
[anticheat] A is not using anticheat.
Karpov almost dodged Bibi's rocket
MaD|man!pulat0r almost dodged A's rocket
A ate TwisTbanG's rocket
TwisTbanG ate Bibi's rocket
Karpov almost dodged Bibi's rocket
Bibi almost dodged Karpov's rocket
MfWolfgang was railed by Unclewad
Raffa [NL] was melted by moc's hyperblaster
A was railed by Unclewad
MfWolfgang was railed by Unclewad
MaD|man!pulat0r couldn't hide from skullduggerry's BFG
A was railed by Unclewad
Unclewad was blasted by MfWolfgang
TwisTbanG almost dodged Karpov's rocket
MaD|man!pulat0r saw the pretty lights from skullduggerry's BFG
MfWolfgang saw the pretty lights from skullduggerry's BFG
moc almost dodged Karpov's rocket
Karpov was machinegunned by Bibi
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Bibi was railed by Unclewad
Unclewad was blown away by MaD|man!pulat0r's super shotgun
Karpov was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
MfWolfgang almost dodged skullduggerry's rocket
moc was melted by A's hyperblaster
Bibi was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
psylence: purple fox
A couldn't hide from zoddy's BFG
Bibi couldn't hide from zoddy's BFG
moc was melted by Karpov's hyperblaster
..::Vegeta::.. entered the game
[anticheat] ..::Vegeta::.. is not using anticheat.
Bibi was cut in half by MfWolfgang's chaingun
TwisTbanG was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
MaD|man!pulat0r was blown away by Karpov's super shotgun
MaD|man!pulat0r was railed by Unclewad
MfWolfgang didn't see moc's handgrenade
Bibi was railed by skullduggerry
Unclewad was railed by skullduggerry
..::Vegeta::.. couldn't hide from psylence's BFG
Mystery entered the game
[anticheat] Mystery is not using anticheat.
Bibi was railed by skullduggerry
Unclewad was shredded by moc's shrapnel
Karpov was blown away by MaD|man!pulat0r's super shotgun
MfWolfgang was blasted by A
A was blasted by MfWolfgang
(rcon)(private message) I know your name
..::Vegeta::.. was popped by moc's grenade
Unclewad was melted by Karpov's hyperblaster
Karpov was melted by Bibi's hyperblaster
moc was railed by MaD|man!pulat0r
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from skullduggerry's BFG
..::Vegeta::.. was disintegrated by zoddy's BFG blast
MfWolfgang couldn't hide from zoddy's BFG
A was railed by Mystery
Out of item: Shotgun
Out of item: Super Shotgun
Out of item: Machinegun
Out of item: Chaingun
Out of item: railgun
Karpov almost dodged Unclewad's rocket
Bibi couldn't hide from skullduggerry's BFG
A was railed by Mystery
TwisTbanG blew himself up.
skullduggerry was blown away by MaD|man!pulat0r's super shotgun
Fraglimit hit.
  MaD|man!pulat0r   379      4.75      30
          Mystery   367      0.33       2
         Unclewad   266      4.74      21
           Karpov   241      4.74      19
    skullduggerry   190      4.74      15
Bibi: gg

dm / Re: DM server suggestions: max players, new maps
« on: August 27, 2022, 06:43:38 AM »
From the shoutbox:

Today at 07:28:57 AM
Please remove tltf from dm server. why is it even on there? worse map in quake history.its a server clearer

It's not so bad. It's "unusual" for a Q2 map. I've played it a few times and never really noticed that many people leaving because of it. But verily I say unto thee, as the great Dalton hath spoken in the movie Road House, the greatest movie of all time...

The other Q3 map on there (I forget the name, the one with the really tall bounce pad jump up to the RL where people always want to camp) seems to be pushing the limits of what the game can handle, especially in large crowds. I sometimes get disappearing rocket projectile models, disappearing explosion models, etc.

Having played this map on the dm server, I can tell you I have never seen this map clear the server when I am playing.  In fact it is usually close to a full house if not a full house and everyone seems to be fragging their hearts out.  I believe this is originally a Quake3 map converted to Quake2.  I don't mind the map.  It is something different.

Quake / Re: A Hootenanny for quadz's Birthday
« on: August 17, 2022, 02:40:11 PM »

We will be joining the voice channel #hootenanny on discord.

You'll likely want to enable downloads so you can pull down any custom maps that you don't have.
Try these settings.

Code: [Select]
set allow_download "1"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_textures "1"
set allow_download_others "1"
set allow_download_pics "1"

I would say 4pm pacific is a good time for things to pick up.

Thanks.  I will make sure I have those set.

Quake / Re: A Hootenanny for quadz's Birthday
« on: August 17, 2022, 04:30:46 AM »
I think this was your text...

Does anything special need to be downloaded to play on the mutant server?  I primarily play on the dm server so if I need to download anything, I will do it ahead of time.

Looks like you quote-sharted. It's okay, happens when you get old. :-[

Well... you see, what the Mutant server is... is pretty much EVERY SINGLE little bitty teeny weeny largey margie Q2 map in the universe... or at least every map in the ALLMAPS.ZIP.

Depends on how much disk space you wanna devote to Quake2. If you download the, it's 1.6 gigs. Then you also need to download the, the, and the That's another probably 1.8 gigs, plus the 1.6 for the maps. So if disk space is limited, maybe just download the maps from the server while playing.

I dunno that I'd recommend downloading the That's all the player models. I tried using them all once, and I was browsing through them in the multiplayer setup. They're obviously in there in alphabetical order, and theres VERY MANY MUCHES of them. I think I got to somewhere around the L's or the M's when the client crashed because it was using too much memory to load all the models. :dohdohdoh:

I'll look into that. Thanks!

Quake / Re: A Hootenanny for quadz's Birthday
« on: August 16, 2022, 08:55:59 PM »

Come join us on Aug 18th for Bill's Brobdingnagian Birthday Shivoo on the mutant server.
Bill "quadz" Kelly was born on August 18th, 1971 and passed away on July 4th, 2021. He would be turning 51 years old this month.
Bill was an outstanding person who was greatly loved by the community, his friends, his coworkers, and his family. He is sorely missed by all.
Let's celebrate his birthday by remembering the good times we had with him, and of course, get some fragging in!

Several admins from tastyspleen's history will be there. If you haven't had a chance to meet the team, come say hello!

Does anything special need to be downloaded to play on the mutant server?  I primarily play on the dm server so if I need to download anything, I will do it ahead of time.

Expect some goofy surprises from a new feature that might knock you off your feet, plus WallFly[BZZZ] has some tricks up his wings ;)

The action should pick up in the evening as people start to get off work. If there is a stream we will post the time of the stream.

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 16, 2022, 02:09:19 PM »
I was thinking R1Q2 had a command to block messagemode2/private messages. Any TDM'ers reading this confirm/deny this?

AFAIK, there is no blocking specific to a direct message. Direct messages are a feature of q2admin and it exists mainly so WallFly can send you the server list when you use the goto command.

I suppose WallFly could be setup to enable direct messages only when he needs to and close the door behind him to prevent this kind of abuse.
This could be investigated.

R1q2 has the ignore command. (ignore <text>) It looks at the chat text and discards it completely if it matches the text. It's a 'greedy' match so incoming "sicko" will match if "sick" was the ignored text. The list is output if no text follows the ignore command. The unignore <text> command removes the matched item from the list.

Q2pro has 'ignoretext' and 'ignorenick' and they operate in the same way as above and ignorenick discards messages matching the nick or any variant.

It all comes down to how easily one can be distracted by tactics like taunts and direct messages. If one is easily upset and impared when someone sends you a message repeatedly, then he wins.

Hi Qwazy,

I wanted you to know that ignorenick does not stop direct messages.
You will notice in the condump there are no public messages from Pasta. 
This is because ignorenick is being applied to him.

I am not upset by it.  I rather choose not to see it.

That's why I said there's no blocking a direct message.

Beav's suggestion of con_notifylines 0 will work with q2pro/q2rtx but I don't see the equivalent in r1q2.
The nice part of that setting is you get the sound of the message, if you have message sounds enabled, but you don't need to see it in console unless you pull it down.

I understand.  Thanks.

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 14, 2022, 09:44:45 AM »
I was thinking R1Q2 had a command to block messagemode2/private messages. Any TDM'ers reading this confirm/deny this?

AFAIK, there is no blocking specific to a direct message. Direct messages are a feature of q2admin and it exists mainly so WallFly can send you the server list when you use the goto command.

I suppose WallFly could be setup to enable direct messages only when he needs to and close the door behind him to prevent this kind of abuse.
This could be investigated.

R1q2 has the ignore command. (ignore <text>) It looks at the chat text and discards it completely if it matches the text. It's a 'greedy' match so incoming "sicko" will match if "sick" was the ignored text. The list is output if no text follows the ignore command. The unignore <text> command removes the matched item from the list.

Q2pro has 'ignoretext' and 'ignorenick' and they operate in the same way as above and ignorenick discards messages matching the nick or any variant.

It all comes down to how easily one can be distracted by tactics like taunts and direct messages. If one is easily upset and impared when someone sends you a message repeatedly, then he wins.

Hi Qwazy,

I wanted you to know that ignorenick does not stop direct messages.
You will notice in the condump there are no public messages from Pasta. 
This is because ignorenick is being applied to him.

I am not upset by it.  I rather choose not to see it. 

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 14, 2022, 07:41:21 AM »
Condumps are worth their weight in gold, please cite specific behavior that should be brought to our attention. 'condump 888-strikes-again' in console. Paste it here and feel free to start a poll and encourage dm regulars to vote in it so we can get feedback from the community.

More PMs from everyone's favorite poo eating player.  SMH

b3n was railed by Bibi
TwisTbanG was cut in half by mustafa's chaingun
Depraved was railed by Bibi
Depraved couldn't hide from Darkness's BFG
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) hello
Depraved disconnected
b3n was railed by Bibi
b3n was railed by Boss!!
Boss!!: olss
b3n was railed by Bibi
TwisTbanG was blown away by Pasta Ssempa's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
Darkness couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Bibi almost dodged b3n's rocket
TwisTbanG was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Bibi was disintegrated by 888's BFG blast
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) how are you doing my friend?
mustafa should have used a smaller gun.
]spectator 1
Bibi has moved to the sidelines
Pasta Ssempa was railed by TwisTbanG
TwisTbanG cratered.
05:40    4   0 WallFly[BZZZ] (spectator)
05:40  191   6 Darkness
02:08   69   0 Bibi (spectator)
05:42   26   0 .QU33R{iKEA} (spectator)
05:41   42  14 888
05:41   61   0 Turd Ferguson (spectator)
05:41   22  16 Boss!!
03:34  151   7 Pasta Ssempa
02:42  191   2 mustafa
05:41  142  10 b3n
05:41   46   4 TwisTbanG
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Darkness was railed by Boss!!
TwisTbanG was shredded by Darkness's shrapnel
Chinese Flu entered the game
[anticheat] Chinese Flu is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from 888's BFG
TwisTbanG was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Darkness ate Chinese Flu's rocket
b3n was railed by TwisTbanG
b3n was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Boss!! blew himself up.
888 was railed by TwisTbanG
TwisTbanG: ns
b3n was railed by mustafa
Execing mute.cfg
TwisTbanG was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Out of item: Chaingun
.QU33R{iKEA}: yup, i saw that
.QU33R{iKEA}: ns twist
TwisTbanG: thanx
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from mustafa's BFG
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from Chinese Flu's BFG
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
b3n couldn't hide from mustafa's BFG
Chinese Flu was railed by Pasta Ssempa
mustafa was melted by b3n's hyperblaster
Darkness was melted by b3n's hyperblaster
b3n was railed by Pasta Ssempa
TwisTbanG was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Chinese Flu cratered.
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
Chinese Flu disconnected
Boss!!: nigga dowbn
888 almost dodged TwisTbanG's rocket
TwisTbanG blew himself up.
Darkness was railed by Boss!!
b3n was gunned down by TwisTbanG
888 ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
TwisTbanG almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
888 ate Darkness's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
DoubleKetel entered the game
[anticheat] DoubleKetel is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG was blown away by b3n's super shotgun
888 ate b3n's rocket
b3n blew himself up.
Darkness was squished.
TwisTbanG: ns 888
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
TwisTbanG caught 888's handgrenade
888 ate Boss!!'s rocket
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) how are you doing?
TwisTbanG was popped by mustafa's grenade
mustafa was gunned down by 888
TwisTbanG: he's black
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Pasta Ssempa was railed by TwisTbanG
.QU33R{iKEA}: hes mad
TwisTbanG: so am i,
b3n was railed by TwisTbanG
Hemo's grenade entered the game
[anticheat] Hemo's grenade is not using anticheat.
Hemo's grenade has moved to the sidelines
888 was railed by DoubleKetel
.QU33R{iKEA}: 888 frozen
DoubleKetel was railed by b3n
mustafa was railed by Pasta Ssempa
DoubleKetel disconnected
eray entered the game
[anticheat] eray is not using anticheat.
.QU33R{iKEA}: yaa
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
mustafa was railed by b3n
TwisTbanG was railed by b3n
mustafa almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
LetsGoBraindead entered the game
[anticheat] LetsGoBraindead is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG: someone has a railgun on quake 2
mustafa couldn't hide from Darkness's BFG
888 ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Pasta Ssempa blew himself up.
mustafa disconnected
TwisTbanG: brb
Pasta Ssempa ate 888's rocket
LetsGoBraindead ate eray's rocket
eray ate 888's rocket
888 blew himself up.
LetsGoBraindead almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Darkness ate Boss!!'s rocket
Boss!! blew himself up.
eray was machinegunned by Pasta Ssempa
b3n was blown away by LetsGoBraindead's super shotgun
LetsGoBraindead ate 888's rocket
Boss!! ate 888's rocket
LetsGoBraindead was railed by eray
Timelimit hit.
     Pasta Ssempa   153      7.86      20
              888   150      9.98      25
           Boss!!   132      9.99      22
             eray   131      0.92       2
  LetsGoBraindead   102      0.59       1
Boss!!: bossssssssssssssssssssss
Changing map...


Camp City
Bibi entered the game
[anticheat] Bibi is not using anticheat.
b3n entered the game
[anticheat] b3n is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG entered the game
[anticheat] TwisTbanG is not using anticheat.
Boss!! entered the game
[anticheat] Boss!! is not using anticheat.
Hemo's grenade entered the game
[anticheat] Hemo's grenade is not using anticheat.
Darkness entered the game
[anticheat] Darkness is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
[anticheat] WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
eray entered the game
[anticheat] eray is not using anticheat.
Pasta Ssempa entered the game
[anticheat] Pasta Ssempa is not using anticheat.
Darkness disconnected
Usage: connect <server> [34|35|36]
TwisTbanG was blown away by eray's super shotgun
Couldn't exec cfg/campcity.cfg: No such file or directory
.QU33R{iKEA}: guy was frozen in once place most of the map and still won
eray couldn't hide from 888's BFG
LetsGoBraindead was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Pasta Ssempa ate b3n's rocket
Hemo's grenade disconnected
eray couldn't hide from 888's BFG
LetsGoBraindead couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
LetsGoBraindead was disintegrated by 888's BFG blast
eray was railed by Boss!!
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) what have you been doing?
Hemo's grenade entered the game
[anticheat] Hemo's grenade is not using anticheat.
Hemo's grenade has moved to the sidelines
b3n was blown away by 888's super shotgun
b3n was railed by Boss!!
eray was railed by Pasta Ssempa
eray couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Hemo's grenade disconnected
Mortis entered the game
[anticheat] Mortis is not using anticheat.
]condump MorePms
b3n was railed by Bibi
TwisTbanG was cut in half by mustafa's chaingun
Depraved was railed by Bibi
Depraved couldn't hide from Darkness's BFG
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) hello
Depraved disconnected
b3n was railed by Bibi
b3n was railed by Boss!!
Boss!!: olss
b3n was railed by Bibi
TwisTbanG was blown away by Pasta Ssempa's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
Darkness couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Bibi almost dodged b3n's rocket
TwisTbanG was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Bibi was disintegrated by 888's BFG blast
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) how are you doing my friend?
mustafa should have used a smaller gun.
]spectator 1
Bibi has moved to the sidelines
Pasta Ssempa was railed by TwisTbanG
TwisTbanG cratered.
05:40    4   0 WallFly[BZZZ] (spectator)
05:40  191   6 Darkness
02:08   69   0 Bibi (spectator)
05:42   26   0 .QU33R{iKEA} (spectator)
05:41   42  14 888
05:41   61   0 Turd Ferguson (spectator)
05:41   22  16 Boss!!
03:34  151   7 Pasta Ssempa
02:42  191   2 mustafa
05:41  142  10 b3n
05:41   46   4 TwisTbanG
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Darkness was railed by Boss!!
TwisTbanG was shredded by Darkness's shrapnel
Chinese Flu entered the game
[anticheat] Chinese Flu is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from 888's BFG
TwisTbanG was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Darkness ate Chinese Flu's rocket
b3n was railed by TwisTbanG
b3n was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Boss!! blew himself up.
888 was railed by TwisTbanG
TwisTbanG: ns
b3n was railed by mustafa
Execing mute.cfg
TwisTbanG was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Out of item: Chaingun
.QU33R{iKEA}: yup, i saw that
.QU33R{iKEA}: ns twist
TwisTbanG: thanx
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from mustafa's BFG
TwisTbanG couldn't hide from Chinese Flu's BFG
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
b3n couldn't hide from mustafa's BFG
Chinese Flu was railed by Pasta Ssempa
mustafa was melted by b3n's hyperblaster
Darkness was melted by b3n's hyperblaster
b3n was railed by Pasta Ssempa
TwisTbanG was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Chinese Flu cratered.
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
Chinese Flu disconnected
Boss!!: nigga dowbn
888 almost dodged TwisTbanG's rocket
TwisTbanG blew himself up.
Darkness was railed by Boss!!
b3n was gunned down by TwisTbanG
888 ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
TwisTbanG almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
888 ate Darkness's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
DoubleKetel entered the game
[anticheat] DoubleKetel is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG was blown away by b3n's super shotgun
888 ate b3n's rocket
b3n blew himself up.
Darkness was squished.
TwisTbanG: ns 888
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
TwisTbanG caught 888's handgrenade
888 ate Boss!!'s rocket
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) how are you doing?
TwisTbanG was popped by mustafa's grenade
mustafa was gunned down by 888
TwisTbanG: he's black
Boss!! was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Pasta Ssempa was railed by TwisTbanG
.QU33R{iKEA}: hes mad
TwisTbanG: so am i,
b3n was railed by TwisTbanG
Hemo's grenade entered the game
[anticheat] Hemo's grenade is not using anticheat.
Hemo's grenade has moved to the sidelines
888 was railed by DoubleKetel
.QU33R{iKEA}: 888 frozen
DoubleKetel was railed by b3n
mustafa was railed by Pasta Ssempa
DoubleKetel disconnected
eray entered the game
[anticheat] eray is not using anticheat.
.QU33R{iKEA}: yaa
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
mustafa was railed by b3n
TwisTbanG was railed by b3n
mustafa almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
LetsGoBraindead entered the game
[anticheat] LetsGoBraindead is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG: someone has a railgun on quake 2
mustafa couldn't hide from Darkness's BFG
888 ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Pasta Ssempa blew himself up.
mustafa disconnected
TwisTbanG: brb
Pasta Ssempa ate 888's rocket
LetsGoBraindead ate eray's rocket
eray ate 888's rocket
888 blew himself up.
LetsGoBraindead almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Darkness ate Boss!!'s rocket
Boss!! blew himself up.
eray was machinegunned by Pasta Ssempa
b3n was blown away by LetsGoBraindead's super shotgun
LetsGoBraindead ate 888's rocket
Boss!! ate 888's rocket
LetsGoBraindead was railed by eray
Timelimit hit.
     Pasta Ssempa   153      7.86      20
              888   150      9.98      25
           Boss!!   132      9.99      22
             eray   131      0.92       2
  LetsGoBraindead   102      0.59       1
Boss!!: bossssssssssssssssssssss
Changing map...


Camp City
Bibi entered the game
[anticheat] Bibi is not using anticheat.
b3n entered the game
[anticheat] b3n is not using anticheat.
TwisTbanG entered the game
[anticheat] TwisTbanG is not using anticheat.
Boss!! entered the game
[anticheat] Boss!! is not using anticheat.
Hemo's grenade entered the game
[anticheat] Hemo's grenade is not using anticheat.
Darkness entered the game
[anticheat] Darkness is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
[anticheat] WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
eray entered the game
[anticheat] eray is not using anticheat.
Pasta Ssempa entered the game
[anticheat] Pasta Ssempa is not using anticheat.
Darkness disconnected
Usage: connect <server> [34|35|36]
TwisTbanG was blown away by eray's super shotgun
Couldn't exec cfg/campcity.cfg: No such file or directory
.QU33R{iKEA}: guy was frozen in once place most of the map and still won
eray couldn't hide from 888's BFG
LetsGoBraindead was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Pasta Ssempa ate b3n's rocket
Hemo's grenade disconnected
eray couldn't hide from 888's BFG
LetsGoBraindead couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Boss!!
LetsGoBraindead was disintegrated by 888's BFG blast
eray was railed by Boss!!
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) what have you been doing?
Hemo's grenade entered the game
[anticheat] Hemo's grenade is not using anticheat.
Hemo's grenade has moved to the sidelines
b3n was blown away by 888's super shotgun
b3n was railed by Boss!!
eray was railed by Pasta Ssempa
eray couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Hemo's grenade disconnected
Mortis entered the game
[anticheat] Mortis is not using anticheat.
]condump MorePms

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 14, 2022, 07:37:30 AM »
I was thinking R1Q2 had a command to block messagemode2/private messages. Any TDM'ers reading this confirm/deny this?

Can PMs on the DM server specifically be disabled by an admin?  We do not need PMs on the public DM server.  At least I don't feel we do.

A command to block PMs would also be great.

dm / Re: 888 needs to be muted
« on: August 13, 2022, 08:56:28 AM »
Condumps are worth their weight in gold, please cite specific behavior that should be brought to our attention. 'condump 888-strikes-again' in console. Paste it here and feel free to start a poll and encourage dm regulars to vote in it so we can get feedback from the community.

Here is a condump where Pasta Ssempa is giving me PM messages about his Quake God in the middle of playing today. 

Pasta Ssempa caught teeth's handgrenade
564 was blown away by 888's super shotgun
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) 888 IS QUAKE GOD
Yotematoi was railed by b0b{KEA}
Yotematoi disconnected
888 was blown away by Turd Ferguson's super shotgun
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
teeth was cut in half by 888's chaingun
teeth couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Pasta Ssempa almost dodged Ratchet's rocket
Bibi was cut in half by Turd Ferguson's chaingun
teeth caught 564's handgrenade
564 ate Turd Ferguson's rocket
Turd Ferguson was machinegunned by Pasta Ssempa
teeth almost dodged Ratchet's rocket
Pasta Ssempa ate 888's rocket
564 does a back flip into the lava.
888 blew himself up.
Bibi was melted by Turd Ferguson's hyperblaster
Pasta Ssempa does a back flip into the lava.
teeth: haha
Bibi couldn't hide from 888's BFG
tabass disconnected
888 was cut in half by 564's chaingun
888 caught Bibi's handgrenade
564 was blown away by teeth's super shotgun
Bibi was blown away by teeth's super shotgun
teeth caught Bibi's handgrenade
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by b0b{KEA}'s super shotgun
teeth was blown away by b0b{KEA}'s super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa almost dodged Bibi's rocket
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) 888 IS QUAKE GOD
teeth ate Bibi's rocket
BitcH entered the game
[anticheat] BitcH is not using anticheat.
564 was melted by Bibi's hyperblaster
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
No Rockets for Rocket Launcher.
Out of item: BFG10K
888 caught Bibi's handgrenade
Bibi tripped on his own grenade.
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
Pasta Ssempa was railed by teeth
BitcH was railed by teeth
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was cut in half by Ratchet's chaingun
b0b{KEA} couldn't hide from 888's BFG
BitcH was railed by teeth
teeth didn't see BitcH's handgrenade
888 ate Ratchet's rocket
Ratchet couldn't hide from 888's BFG
b0b{KEA} was cut in half by Turd Ferguson's chaingun
BitcH: eat
Ratchet caught 564's handgrenade
Pasta Ssempa almost dodged Bibi's rocket
564 ate Bibi's rocket
teeth was railed by b0b{KEA}
BitcH ate Bibi's rocket
Ratchet was cut in half by Turd Ferguson's chaingun
BitcH couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Bibi was blasted by Ratchet
teeth was railed by b0b{KEA}
564 couldn't hide from BitcH's BFG
Turd Ferguson couldn't hide from BitcH's BFG
Ratchet was railed by b0b{KEA}
564 was cut in half by 888's chaingun
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from teeth's BFG
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
b0b{KEA} didn't see BitcH's handgrenade
Ratchet was disintegrated by Pasta Ssempa's BFG blast
b0b{KEA} saw the pretty lights from teeth's BFG
BitcH couldn't hide from teeth's BFG
Out of item: Rocket Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
b0b{KEA} ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Out of item: Rocket Launcher
Out of item: Rocket Launcher
b0b{KEA} was railed by teeth
Out of item: Rocket Launcher
teeth: only chocolate
Ratchet was popped by Bibi's grenade
Pasta Ssempa saw the pretty lights from BitcH's BFG
Bibi caught 564's handgrenade
b0b{KEA} was railed by teeth
Ratchet caught 564's handgrenade
Pasta Ssempa was railed by teeth
teeth was blasted by b0b{KEA}
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by 888's super shotgun
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
teeth was railed by b0b{KEA}
Pasta Ssempa ate Ratchet's rocket
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
Ratchet was blown away by 888's super shotgun
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
b0b{KEA} was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from Ratchet's BFG
b0b{KEA} caught 564's handgrenade
Out of item: Shotgun
Out of item: Chaingun
BitcH saw the pretty lights from Ratchet's BFG
888 was disintegrated by Ratchet's BFG blast
564 was railed by Bibi
564 was railed by Bibi
Ratchet was cut in half by Turd Ferguson's chaingun
888 was railed by Bibi
Ratchet was cut in half by Turd Ferguson's chaingun
Bibi was cut in half by Pasta Ssempa's chaingun
Ratchet was disintegrated by Turd Ferguson's BFG blast
BitcH: run fag
888 was railed by BitcH
Pasta Ssempa was cut in half by Bibi's chaingun
Out of item: Super Shotgun
Out of item: Machinegun
Out of item: HyperBlaster
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: Rocket Launcher
888 was cut in half by Pasta Ssempa's chaingun
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Pasta Ssempa couldn't hide from 564's BFG
888 ate Ratchet's rocket
564 was railed by teeth
564 was railed by BitcH
888 ate Bibi's rocket
BitcH almost dodged Bibi's rocket
Bibi caught Pasta Ssempa's handgrenade
teeth ate Bibi's rocket
Turd Ferguson blew himself up.
Ratchet caught Pasta Ssempa's handgrenade
BitcH was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Bibi ate teeth's rocket
teeth blew himself up.
Turd Ferguson couldn't hide from 888's BFG
teeth was cut in half by 888's chaingun
888 didn't see 564's handgrenade
Bibi was machinegunned by BitcH
564 was machinegunned by BitcH
teeth caught Bibi's handgrenade
teeth was blown away by b0b{KEA}'s super shotgun
BitcH was railed by Pasta Ssempa
564 couldn't hide from 888's BFG
teeth was disintegrated by Ratchet's BFG blast
Pasta Ssempa didn't see Bibi's handgrenade
b0b{KEA} was cut in half by 888's chaingun
564 ate Ratchet's rocket
Pasta Ssempa caught Bibi's handgrenade
Bibi tripped on his own grenade.
teeth didn't see Bibi's handgrenade
teeth: haha
888 was machinegunned by 564
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
Pasta Ssempa was railed by b0b{KEA}
teeth was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
BitcH was machinegunned by teeth
teeth didn't see BitcH's handgrenade
b0b{KEA} was disintegrated by Pasta Ssempa's BFG blast
Bibi almost dodged Ratchet's rocket
564 was disintegrated by 888's BFG blast
888 should have used a smaller gun.
b0b{KEA} was blown away by Turd Ferguson's super shotgun
Bibi was cut in half by Ratchet's chaingun
teeth: no
b0b{KEA} was cut in half by Ratchet's chaingun
BitcH was railed by Pasta Ssempa
b0b{KEA} was disintegrated by 888's BFG blast
Bibi couldn't hide from 888's BFG
Ratchet caught teeth's handgrenade
b0b{KEA} was blown away by Turd Ferguson's super shotgun
teeth couldn't hide from 888's BFG
BitcH was blasted by Ratchet
Ratchet was cut in half by 888's chaingun
888 didn't see Ratchet's handgrenade
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Out of item: BFG10K
BitcH couldn't hide from Turd Ferguson's BFG
888 couldn't hide from Turd Ferguson's BFG
564 was cut in half by BitcH's chaingun
.B100D entered the game
[anticheat] .B100D is not using anticheat.
Out of item: grenades
Out of item: Grenade Launcher
Ratchet was shredded by b0b{KEA}'s shrapnel
Pasta Ssempa was railed by teeth
Ratchet couldn't hide from Bibi's BFG
Fraglimit hit.
             Bibi   200      8.98      30
              888   194      8.98      29
          Ratchet   148      7.71      19
         b0b{KEA}   141      8.94      21
            BitcH   138      4.79      11
Turd Ferguson: wtf
Ratchet: gg
Bibi: f*ck a 888
BitcH: god down
Changing map...


The Pits
Bibi entered the game
[anticheat] Bibi is not using anticheat.
Turd Ferguson entered the game
[anticheat] Turd Ferguson is not using anticheat.
.B100D entered the game
[anticheat] .B100D is not using anticheat.
564 entered the game
[anticheat] 564 is not using anticheat.
WallFly[BZZZ] entered the game
[anticheat] WallFly[BZZZ] is exempt from using anticheat.
b0b{KEA} entered the game
[anticheat] b0b{KEA} is not using anticheat.
Pasta Ssempa entered the game
[anticheat] Pasta Ssempa is not using anticheat.
teeth disconnected
Usage: connect <server> [34|35|36]
Ratchet was cut in half by BitcH's chaingun
.B100D: hahahahahaha
Couldn't exec cfg/q2dm5.cfg: No such file or directory
b0b{KEA} was blasted by Pasta Ssempa
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
b0b{KEA} was blown away by Pasta Ssempa's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
BitcH almost dodged Turd Ferguson's rocket
Turd Ferguson was railed by b0b{KEA}
Bibi was blown away by Turd Ferguson's super shotgun
888 didn't see Pasta Ssempa's handgrenade
BitcH was railed by b0b{KEA}
b0b{KEA} was blown away by Turd Ferguson's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by Turd Ferguson's super shotgun
Turd Ferguson was popped by Ratchet's grenade
BitcH was gunned down by Bibi
b0b{KEA} was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Turd Ferguson was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Out of item: Super Shotgun
Out of item: Machinegun
Out of item: Chaingun
Out of item: HyperBlaster
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by 888's super shotgun
564 was shredded by Pasta Ssempa's shrapnel
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Turd Ferguson was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Turd Ferguson ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Pasta Ssempa ate 564's rocket
564 was blown away by 888's super shotgun
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by 888's super shotgun
b0b{KEA} was blown away by 888's super shotgun
BitcH was railed by Bibi
b0b{KEA} almost dodged 888's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Bibi
Pasta Ssempa was popped by b0b{KEA}'s grenade
888 was shredded by Ratchet's shrapnel
b0b{KEA} was railed by Bibi
Darkness entered the game
[anticheat] Darkness has a modified sound/weapons/rg_hum.wav
[anticheat] Darkness has a modified players/crakhor/tris.md2
Ratchet: fu
Bibi was shredded by Pasta Ssempa's shrapnel
Pasta Ssempa was popped by b0b{KEA}'s grenade
BitcH was popped by b0b{KEA}'s grenade
564 was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Out of item: Shotgun
Out of item: Super Shotgun
Out of item: Machinegun
Out of item: Chaingun
Out of item: HyperBlaster
Bibi was shredded by Ratchet's shrapnel
b0b{KEA} was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
564 was popped by Pasta Ssempa's grenade
b0b{KEA} was popped by Ratchet's grenade
BitcH was popped by Pasta Ssempa's grenade
Turd Ferguson was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
564 was shredded by Ratchet's shrapnel
b0b{KEA} was railed by Pasta Ssempa
Pasta Ssempa was railed by BitcH
BitcH was cut in half by 888's chaingun
Ratchet was railed by Turd Ferguson
Ratchet ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
b0b{KEA} was cut in half by Bibi's chaingun
BitcH ate Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Bibi almost dodged Pasta Ssempa's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was cut in half by 564's chaingun
Bibi ate 564's rocket
Pasta Ssempa was shredded by Ratchet's shrapnel
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Darkness almost dodged Ratchet's rocket
BitcH blew himself up.
Darkness was popped by Pasta Ssempa's grenade
Out of item: Super Shotgun
Out of item: Machinegun
Out of item: Chaingun
Out of item: HyperBlaster
Ratchet was railed by Turd Ferguson
BitcH was blown away by 888's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Bibi
888 was railed by b0b{KEA}
888 almost dodged Turd Ferguson's rocket
Bibi was blown away by BitcH's super shotgun
888 was blown away by b0b{KEA}'s super shotgun
564 was blown away by Ratchet's super shotgun
Ratchet was blown away by b0b{KEA}'s super shotgun
BitcH was popped by Bibi's grenade
Out of item: Shotgun
Out of item: Super Shotgun
Out of item: Machinegun
Out of item: Chaingun
Out of item: HyperBlaster
Pasta Ssempa was railed by Bibi
b0b{KEA} was railed by Bibi
888 was railed by BitcH
Ratchet ate Darkness's rocket
888 ate Turd Ferguson's rocket
564 was cut in half by Pasta Ssempa's chaingun
Ratchet was railed by BitcH
564 was railed by Bibi
564 was railed by 888
Pvt.Parts entered the game
[anticheat] Pvt.Parts is not using anticheat.
b0b{KEA} was railed by Bibi
564 was railed by 888
Turd Ferguson was railed by BitcH
b0b{KEA} was railed by BitcH
Pvt.Parts was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
564 was railed by 888
b0b{KEA} was cut in half by Pasta Ssempa's chaingun
Pasta Ssempa was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
Pasta Ssempa was railed by BitcH
888 was blown away by Bibi's super shotgun
888 was popped by Turd Ferguson's grenade
b0b{KEA} was cut in half by 564's chaingun
Darkness almost dodged Ratchet's rocket
(Pasta Ssempa)(private message) 888 IS QUAKE GOD
Out of item: Chaingun
Out of item: HyperBlaster
Pasta Ssempa caught BitcH's handgrenade

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