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Messages - quakeulf

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: QueToo/Quake2 2017 Steam Green Light!
« on: February 05, 2017, 02:02:53 PM »
I upvoted this freest person shooter. :headbang:

DOWNLOAD MAPS HERE !! / Re: WIP Quake 2 singleplayer unit (2/3 done!) :3
« on: January 25, 2017, 06:05:17 AM »

I have FINALLY completed this unit!  :bravo:

You can check the details here:

And get a direct download-link here:

Please enjoy!  :welcome:

Wow, you are amazing for finding out this issue I have been thinking so hard about. I never knew there were such differences in the pak-files.

I will try to make a version without the Iron Maidens (since apparently their RLs need that sound), but I don't know if something will go wrong if the player returns to that map later with a rocket launcher (as one of the secrets is dependent on a rocket jump).

Thank you all for your feedback, and above all, help and insight so far! :rockon:

On the second map once I enter the control room, I get this error before the map crashes on me:

ERROR: Ran out of configstrings while attempting to add 'weapons/rockfly.wav' (288,256)
Dumping configstrings in use to 'configstrings.txt'...done.
ERROR: SV_FindIndex: overflow finding index for weapons/rockfly.wav
==== ShutdownGame ====
Which client did you use?

DOWNLOAD MAPS HERE !! / WIP Quake 2 singleplayer unit (2/3 done!) :3
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:41:58 PM »
Greetings.  :welcome:

This is my first singleplayer map unit for Quake 2. :yessign:

It is not done yet, I just need to finish the last map, but it is nearly there. However, this is taking time and I have so little time for this, so please be patient if you can. :bigcry:

You can check it out at my tumblr-post here:

Some screenshots:

Please enjoy and  :frag: some Strogg if you can! :biggungrin:

Also please let me know what you think so I can improve for the final version. :please:

Tastycast - / Re: Tastyspleen streaming request
« on: April 03, 2016, 05:21:24 PM »
More streams please.  :please:

Quake / Re: Quake 2 strimerinos on Twitch?
« on: April 03, 2016, 05:19:06 PM »
Feel free to start streaming yourself, if you can. I am sure some people might enjoy a non-singleplayer Q2 stream, like for FFA, CTF or TDM. Q2 should get more stream love online.
Well, there's that. I'm thinking of trying to stream my Nightmare run attempts. I'm going for a WR in Nightmare, but I might also see myself stream random singleplayer maps that I have gathered over the years. Some I haven't played in over 10 years.

My stream setup is a bit shit, though. No camera but I have a mic. I'll be using the OBS and I have also never streamed before. :help:

Quake / Re: Quake 2 in Europe, join the scene now
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:11:55 PM »
Oh lorde, I remember this from back in the days. I've not played this in 17-18 years I think. :ubershock:

I typed "map nyan" in console to start it. But as far as I could get was the door that says "shoot the big guy". There was no big guy to shoot.
Did you get the fish and the bars at the start? Was it started as a singleplayer map? Did you use q2pro?

Quake / Re: If Quake 2 was 2D
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:04:00 PM »
That is awesome!

Sad how this video has less than 1000 views for all that work he put in. 5 seconds of youtube tits yields more views than a billion hours of coding does.  :frustration:
I know, right. It's a shame.  :bigcry:

Quake / Quake 2 strimerinos on Twitch?
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:02:11 PM »
I wonder how many of you stream this magnificent game on Twitch. I know some of the speedrunners do which got me back into the scene again.  :rockon:

Ah I was wondering if that thing was just for decoration. I had to use my zoom bind to see it clearly
I can just barely make it out clearly at 2560x1440, but I can still manage to hit it on lower resolutions. I tested in 1280x720 mostly.

Found a few "shortcuts":
- In the area with the light guards, you can simply water-hop up to the platform with the exit
- In the area with the moving platform with the tank in the middle, you can squeeze into the pillars and take out the switches that way
- You can avoid the blaster barrage at the end without lowering the Carmack barrier by hugging the wall
The first two are intentional but the last one I thought I had fixed. :busted:

Did you find the first "first" shortcut with the first tank encounter? You don't have to shoot him.

Also I did modify some of the barrels to be more explosive than usual.

edit: The pillars were originally intended to squash you if you went in but I left that out for the end.

Single player maps? Damn, it's probably rare enough to find anyone putting forth the enormous effort to make deathmatch maps for Q2 anymore. I've, uh... NEVER seen anyone make individual single player maps. Cool shit, man. Haven't played it yet, but when I get a little time either later this weekend or next week I'll DEFINITELY download it and play it and tell you what I think.
The idea of an individual singleplayer map comes from spogsp1.bsp in 1998, which partly inspired me to do this.



This is my first Quake-related map in almost 14 years, and my first Quake 2 singleplayer map. Some of my old maps for the Quake 3 Arenas are here.  :lolsign:

It is designed after the Kaizo-maps for the Mario-games, so it is frustrating and not fun to play.  :frustration:

Be prepared to savescum.  :help:

I have only managed to complete it once.  :sorry:

Included in the ZIP is also the source .map-file.  :yessign:

Here are some screenshots:

Here is the download link: (1.7mb)

Enjoy, and please let me know if there is anything.  :ilysign:

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