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Messages - Patrol1985

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Phatman helped me (much appreciated!) on Tastyspleen Discord ( He discovered that only a 32-bit version of the mod is currently functional and compiling it in a 64-bit system takes some effort, so the alternative is to use the compiled version I found on OpenTDM site (

As I had written, I already tried using that version and it kept crashing my server, but upon a server restart I noticed a message stating that it is recommended to use updated server binaries (R1Q2 or possibly also Q2PRO) for proper functionality. I haven't tried that yet (I have only used the vanilla 3.20 Quake II server), but I'll leave this information here in case someone encounters a similar problem and would like to know which way to possibly go from there.


I would like to set up a Quake II server under linux and utilizing the OpenTDM mod, but I am having trouble. I will describe below what I did so far. If you know what the root of the problem is, I would appreciate help :)

As recommended on I wanted to compile OpenTDM from the source located at Andrey Nazarov's repo (skullernet): I couldn't find any explicit compilation instructions at the repo itself so I tried doing it on my own. Since the same developer also created Q2PRO, which does feature compilation instructions, I figured there would be some overlap and did the following:

1. I installed the following dependencies

Code: [Select]
sudo apt install meson gcc libc6-dev libsdl2-dev libopenal-dev \
                libpng-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev mesa-common-dev \
                libcurl4-gnutls-dev libx11-dev libxi-dev \
                libwayland-dev wayland-protocols libdecor-0-dev \
                libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev \
                libswresample-dev libswscale-dev

2. I downloaded the ZIP with the source from the master branch
3. I unzipped the source into a temp directory, entered it and followed compilation instructions from Q2PRO documentation:

Code: [Select]
meson setup builddir
meson configure builddir
meson compile -C builddir

4. As a result I received the "" file, with read, write and execute permissions on it
5. I created the "opentdm" directory in the Quake II server folder and put the file "" inside along with "q2server.cfg" (the server config file I have been using with the vanilla server)
6. I ran the Quake II server with the "+set game opentdm" parameter
7. I connected to the server, but it seemed it was still running in "vanilla" mode. I entered the "rcon game" command to make sure that the game folder was set to "opentdm" (it was).

Additionally, I did the following test:
1. I downloaded the for the mod from the OpenTDM site (, uncompressed it, set the "read / write / execute" permissions on it and put the file in the "opentdm" directory
2. I renamed the "" file (the one I had compiled) to "" so Quake II wouldn't "see" it
3. I ran the server with "+set game opentdm" and connected to it
4. The mod was running (I was greeted with the expected menu of choosing teams), but crashed a few seconds later

It seems then that I ran the server with the proper command line parameters, but there is something wrong with the .so I compiled. Please let me know if you know how to solve the issue.

1337 Frag Demos / Re: David.Q2 frag movie
« on: October 04, 2015, 04:24:46 PM »
CSE, may I ask what tools you used to make this movie? Is there a way one might capture footage from .dm2 files without using KeyGrip2 or any commercial program (like FRAPS)? Unfortunately, KeyGrip keeps crashing on my computer for some reason :(

Q2 Training Camp / How to turn demo into .avi with sound?
« on: October 04, 2015, 11:01:49 AM »
Hello guys. Are there some free tools available, which will allow me to convert .dm2 file into a movie clip with sound? I know there are some tools which allow dumping screenshots and splicing them to create a movie, but I'm not sure how to rip the audio track and include it in the movie. Is it possible without buying a program like FRAPS?

I found some info in the thread below, but it doesn't mention how to extract the audio track:

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