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Messages - R. Borlax

Pages: [1]
Discussion / sine nomine vs. Dork: sine nomine wins
« on: February 29, 2008, 07:40:26 PM »
Dork will be posting a thread soon of me spamming him via say_person. I fully understand that spamming is banworthy, I don't deny any of it, and will happily take the ban if necessary. It was so totally worth it to watch him get kicked over and over, and then beg and plead his e-friends to stop. I'll note that the reason for my actions was due to Dork attempting to vote kick me for no reason whatsoever, and that's the honest truth that can't be disputed. If I am to be punished, I hope that Dork can incur some sort of punishment as well for attempting to vote kick people without reason.

I apologize for wasting anyone's time with this childishness. I am, however, still giggling like a schoolgirl about Dork getting a taste of his own medicine. What flavor is that, Dork? Smells like FAIL to me.

see ya

edit: closing thread. No need for additional drama.

Discussion / Re: Give Cu--_fu-- another chance?
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:39:23 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present:




Discussion / Re: New admins... Please read and leave a comment.
« on: August 31, 2006, 08:10:24 AM »
Agreed. The jump server sucks ass because it's controlled by 3 little kids. Yesterday evening/last night was no exception. One would vote a map then leave (of course the vote would be successful and happen within ~5 minutes of the map starting). The rest of the time they would just vote and vote and vote. Enough is enough. Why do a couple of friggin 11 - 12 year olds control the jump server, when _everyone_ else is just there to play? They are not there to play. They are there to piss people off and babble incessantly.

Discussion / Re: Gross abuse of vote system (wetarded, xcessive)
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:44:03 AM »
I've noticed that if a player is voted to be silenced (it happens to me quite a lot deservedly and undeservedly) their ability to call votes is cancelled, even if they reconnect, until the next map comes on.

Yep, I like that how that works!

Try to silence them is one of the only solutions I can see.

Discussion / Re: Gross abuse of vote system (wetarded, xcessive)
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:16:29 AM »

I hear you. It's one thing to bitch and moan about a problem, and it's another thing entirely to come up with a reasonable solution. I definitely wouldn't want to see anyone banned, not my intent at all. It would be nice if there could be voting restrictions, but as you said that's not really an option. The only options I'm aware of are: 1. ban, 2. permasilence. Both are definitely a bit extreme and unnecessary. I've actually tried telling them both how annoying votespamming is, and I've seen others explain to them that the reason some people find them so annoying is because people are trying to finish a map, and don't want votes to come up all the time while they're trying to get their jump on =] But, they don't listen to anyone and continue to constantly vote for their own enjoyment, maintaining no interest whatsoever in completing maps, or even improving their game. Maybe one of the more well known, level header players who've been around for a while could help admin, and if things get out of control while they're on, they could warn votespammers that they need to stop, and if they don't they'll be kicked. Not like kicking prevents anyone from rejoining right away, but maybe the idea that some type of authority figure is around will make them more hesitant about their actions. Kicking is a temporary solution that I don't think is too harsh at all, and would (hopefully) teach them that their behavior needs to change. Just a thought off the top of my head. I realize there's no simple solution here, and I appreciate your time reading my rant as well as your reply.

Discussion / Gross abuse of vote system (wetarded, xcessive)
« on: August 29, 2006, 12:20:01 AM »

I just started playing jump about a week ago, and in my short time on the server, I have become quite frustrated at the players "}wetarded{" and "Xcessive" for abusing the vote system.

What happens is, }wetarded{ immediately uses "level 1" at the start of each map, completes the map with his little rocketpack or whatever, then pretty much immediately votes for a new map. I have never once seen him make an actual attempt at doing a single jump, no matter how big or small. If his vote doesn't pass, he votes again. And then again. If it still hasn't passed, he reconnects, and the cycle starts over again. This is extremely annoying, because usually pretty much everyone else is actually making an effort to either get better or get a good time. It is annoying because eventually enough people who suck as bad as I do will join, and think that by continually voting for new maps, they will find one they can do. If only jumpmod were really that easy.

Then there's Xcessive. He, much like }wetarded{, treats the server like a chatroom, and spends 99% of his time talking and also grossly abusing the vote system, and an extremely small amount of his time playing.

It is frustrating enough being new to jumpmod and trying to master all the different jumps. What is the most frustrating, however, is getting somewhere on a map, working towards finishing it, and then one of these guys votes for a new map, which winds up passing.

I'm not usually one to complain, at least not without what I feel is a reasonable gripe anyway. Is this how the jump server at tastyspleen usually is? Playing for 5 minutes, having the map changed, playing the new map for 5 minutes, having the map changed again, repeat ad nauseum? It's not very enjoyable. The ignore feature in r1q2 is a godsend when one of these guys are on the server, but you can't ignore map change after map change after map change. I humbly request something be done about these players. Again, they are not on the server making an effort to get better, or even play the game, but to chat, SPAM, and change maps continually. I tried playing on wireplay last night, but my ping there is 130+. I would gladly leave the tastyspleen server and play somewhere else instead of complaining if I could find another server where I don't ping so high.

Thanks for reading. I welcome all feedback - good, bad, or otherwise. Also, I am not the only player fed up with these 2 chatting/spamming/votespamming players mentioned in this thread. I hope the others will also say their piece in this thread as well.

Quake / "Da.Best" fails at life (frkq2)
« on: May 25, 2006, 10:23:35 AM »
To console, whoever. I'm not sure how q2 logs things, but hopefully the retard named "Da.Best" who attempted to exec frkq2 yesterday (05/24/06) can easily be found in yesterdays' logs. My best guess of the time it took place was between 5PM and 7PM EDT. What happened is that, as I was playing on the vanilla server, a message was displayed by him saying "MZ exec frkq2" or something similiar. I specd him for about 4 maps after that and didn't see anything unusual, but was planning to demo and send it in if I did. Perhaps it was someone else playing under his name (first time I remember seeing the name myself). His ping hovered around 180 if that helps. Someone else with the word "clown" in his name (3 word name if I remember right) noticed it as well (perhaps he posts here and someone will recognize his name if they need clarification about this from him). So, there's my voice speaking out against this piece of shit wannabe cheating prick.

L4m3r Demos / Re: Combi VS Purri
« on: March 26, 2006, 02:24:08 AM »
Can you kill the walls in q2 now? combi sure tried a few times.

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