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Messages - negroidlatte

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He must be here as a representitive for black muslims.
wrong cunt. lol.

Right ... Hakim

 AAAAAGH HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Notice the racism!!! You descriminate because of a NAME! Look at the hypocrisy!!!!!!! Foot right in your mouth!!!

 :oops: you let your racism slip out!!!! Fuckin KKK ass white trash board huh!

Hey tastyspleen, look at your racist people making this board into a racist agenda!!!!  :biggungrin:  cowards!

for someone to be as worldly and humble as you, you have a lot to learn about life...

"...I haven't been talking about myself at ALL..."

He must be here as a representitive for black muslims.

wrong cunt. lol.

Quote from: {SX}ENG^GE on January 06, 2006, 11:08:43 AM
Quote from: {SX}ENG^GE on January 06, 2006, 11:08:43 AM
rofl you are a dickhead "negr something".. your not worth me checking what your called.. go check the "whatcha look like" thread if you think everyone here are fat nerds.. and the amount of intelligence in one persons post defies all yours completely you sadistic twat, if we're so insignificant on an insignificant forum, why continue to post?

sadistic? theres nothing sadistic about providing therapy for idiots who ban people for being black or because of some situational anomaly. LOLOL I'm not even going to read these after this last bit of laughter this lol idiots.


believe what you want "members only" eighties cunt, I've done more and acheived more in 20 years than you have in 20 lifetimes, look at my post about my accomplishments and look me up, I have more life expedriences sexual, social, and professional than you ever will lol and I'm so young, which is probably why you are so intimidated lololol

spoken like a true child.
you speak more about what you have accomplished than what kind of person you are...which in your posts is more than obvious...
you must have an inadequacy complex...

hmm internet nerd turns know what I love it! Good for you! Unfortunately what you say is lame and illogical, about myself? I did lol there is a personality type that gets which has no tolerance for suck, such as you....LOLOL look at this thread BWAA HAHAHAHAHAHA neeeerdds!

you are obviously putting yourself on a pedastal.

no I'm not, I'm taking you off yours,  :lolsign:

I am laughing so hard I damn near fell out of my chair! You know absolutely nothing about me, so why speak out of turn...oh yeah - that's what they teach at Ivy League bad.

you obviously are missing some classes at this point, and all over a game that is ten years old...

I reiterate (that means repeat my point), you seem to be so concerned with your own life that you can't stop talking about yourself - I see you in ten years being rich with no friends, no life outside your work, 50-70 pounds overwieght and a borderline alcoholic. get with the program youngster, life is about more than you and your so-called accomplishments.

Do you also speak about yourself in the third person?

no but you do, I am far from overweight, and funny how I have kept over 30 best friends from high school lol pretend what you want,

alcoholic? where did that come from, are you a drinker? you have problems? obviously

this is GREAT stuff! you people are literally posting your PROBLEMS to your little internet fags, this should be quite theraputic for you...

I haven't been talking about myself at ALL I only respond to what you criticize, you say I'm illogical, they I tell you I am, then you obviously believe it and are insecure about it relative to your life and say I'm bragging!!!! LOLOLOL

its a same when defending yourself creates a lose lose situation, thats what makes you people and MOST people toxic moronic people! lolololol

Ivy League? Princeton is about all of that, it is its own place above you and your pettiness idiots. God what label whores lolololol lololololol

no body cares if your a big bad lacrosse player, or president of the student body.

no body cares if your a big bad lacrosse player, or president of the student body.

Look I didn't do anything wrong, even after the fact, I explained it and have a right to come back if I am unbanned (lol this is so fucking hysterical) on my own terms without ppl telling black people to f off.

Textbook mentality.

huh? excuse me? you don't even have anything to fill in lol I own you, this is a classic textbook of an insecure idiot trying to pretend the world is below him? mentality around all you want, its illogical and I'm better, and you acknowledge it everytime you comment.

Thanks! lolololol

so, you go to Princeton?

yes but I am in NY on holiday. Idiot.

LOOOOOOOL Look me up cuntrags, I'm a student at Princeton a candidate for study body president idiot


Talk about delusions of adequacy.


huh? if you people didn't see value in my situation and what I was saying you all would'nt be responding so fiercely lol i'm sure tons of you, (this happens all the time at PU) are naturally intimidated by statements pointing out what you know to be true in your life (you are fat, lonely, etc etc etc) and if you respond you are agreeing, because it was a general statement, and notice how the 100's of other readers DIDNT post, so if you posted, you obviously are in that category and are trying to convince yourself that you aren't which is funny because you all have mirrors, as for me, you are what you are and you are what I explained obviously.

Anywho, lets see HOW MANY nerds we have that are dipshittingly admitting to that.

btw if you want to pretend I don't go to PU? LOL then look me up, in fact, I have so much publicized just as a junior, just put in my name, "Hakim Thompson" in google, and why don't you NE'ers come over for lacrosse practice and have a chat with me and I'll show you whats up. LOL this is really entertaining lolololololol

Quote from: {SX}ENG^GE on January 06, 2006, 10:29:24 AM
Quote from: {SX}ENG^GE on January 06, 2006, 10:29:24 AM
Console SMOKED him! :D CONSOLE FOR "study body president" !

I haven't been smoked by anyone, in reality you are all depressive loser fat kids with no lives, in reality I'm way above you not to mention, I'm black! lol I've acheived 100's more than your entire grabass families could in 20 lifetimes, you even lose on here. All of you who have actually commented, while I laugh at you, that are insecure enough to argue with WEB PAGES, have been smoked, not me. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!


Students shouldn't speak out of turn. Talk to me when you get some real life experience you dummy!

My kids have more maturity than you do...sheeesh.

did I hear blackhole?

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