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Messages - Slikkster

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Quake / Re: Warkilla - cheat or no cheat, that is the question?
« on: October 29, 2009, 01:58:25 PM »
I remember playing that Warkilla dude back in the early days of Q2.  I seem to recall he was from Alaska, but had a steady ping of like 137 or something.  I'm pretty sure he had DSL before I had any kind of broadband.  I was playing on the server (anyone remember that one?) out of Jersey at the time.  I probably laid some "cheat" raps on him back then 'cuz I was on dialup, but it was mostly the camping that was annoying. 

General Ownage / Re: Bitter Sweet Goodbyes
« on: September 28, 2006, 05:27:08 AM »
Wow, I must be out of the loop. I don't even know who this Randy is. 

Quake / Re: What mouse do you use?
« on: June 14, 2006, 05:59:45 AM »
Dukie!  How bout those...Mets! 

Quake / Re: What mouse do you use?
« on: June 13, 2006, 05:21:23 AM »
MX518.  I can't use many of the mice out there because they're all geared for right-handed schmucks.  I'm a left-handed schmuck.  The Microsoft Optical (can't remember the model)  that's white has such a high hump on it that it causes hand cramps. 

Quake / Re: Purri demo (gets beaten by avi)
« on: March 27, 2006, 03:40:45 PM »
comparing tastyspleen ffa'ers with purri is like comparing dingleberries with diamonds :dohdohdoh:

All I know is this:  the more you immortalize/deify someone, the less you ever have a chance to be competitive with them.  Look, it just happened again in college hoops.  George Mason University (who?????) beats number 1 seed UCONN.  Their secret? Play fearlessly.  Believe they can win, particularly when no one expects them to.  Who was the so-called "better" team?  Who had the most innate skill?  Kind of hard to suggest it was George Mason.  They lost in the regular season to teams like Hofstra (twice). 

Anyone...I say again...ANYONE can be beaten/supplanted.  It always happens.  Someone sets the bar, and someone else comes along and tops it.  All you Purri fans have to agree with me on that point, as you're so quick to say that Purri would kick Thresh's butt in a match.  Thresh was the first that I know of to be considered to the unbeatable one.  But now, lots of people seem to think his skills would pale in comparison to Purri's.  Bar set, bar (seemingly) topped.  Human nature.

You could be the one to do it.  If you believe, that is.  Or, you could continue to just lionize someone and impart how untouchable they are. 

It won't be me playing the role of dragon slayer.  I'm not in to competitive Q2 like that.  Never have been.   I've never even watched a tournament event.  I'm just a run, point, and shoot Q2 fool who  plays a little until the little lady gets home.   

But obviously some of you that play here ARE into Q2  that way.  Stop selling yourselves short.  I see plenty of skillz here from a select group of players at TS.  Who the hell was "avi", anyway?  Get it?

The power of belief.  Either use it, or make excuses why you can't.  Your call. 

Quake / Re: Purri demo (gets beaten by avi)
« on: March 26, 2006, 06:18:52 AM »
To those who've asked, no, I haven't gotten around to watching the other demos from that match.  (embarrassed to say) I thought the demo that followed the first game was just a "loop", so I just stopped it.  Will try to watch them later.

When I mentioned TS players being able to be competitive with Purri (based on that avi match), I was thinking of guys like Elysium, Ax2Grind, etc.  I can imagine Naymlis and Daelmun, easily, too, although I haven't seen you guys play.  Your reputation precedes you, however, as mentioned quite frequently here. 

Quake / Purri demo (gets beaten by avi)
« on: March 24, 2006, 02:06:17 PM »
After hearing so much about Purri (ok, ok, I'm sooo out of the whole competitive scene), I went looking for a demo to see what the fuss was all about.  Now, a disclaimer:

He's obviously extremely talented
No way could I ever beat the guy
One demo probably doesn't mean much

But, all of that said, I guess I was a bit let down by what I saw.  I was expecting near perfection, and I just didn't quite get what all the fuss was about.  But hear me's not so much as a slap against him, but more of a compliment to some of the people I've played at TastySpleen who have wiped the floor with me.  And there are quite a few of those.  It just looked to me that some of the people I've played against (and lost handily to) could be quite competitive with him (again, if this demo is indicative of his regular match skills). 

I guess I was looking for unbelievable rail shots, and a total domination of his opponent.  I dunno, maybe I just misunderstood some of the comments about the guy.  But honestly, some of the TS all-stars certainly seem like they could give the guy a run for his money, in my opinion, if this demo is indicative of his regular play.  Take a look:

Then I went looking for a Thresh demo, just to see him in action lo those many years ago.  I found one where he went up against a guy who had won a UK tournament prior to their match.  Thresh beat the guy like 56 to -1 or something.  And I have to say, his rails were pretty damn accurate.  Was it a slow demo?  Well, given the map it was on, I don't know how much faster it could have gone.  Here it is:

It's a little annoying because you see body limbs in the chase perspective, and the chaser frequently switches between chasing Thresh and chasing Billox.  But you can still see the skill level in action.  One funny dated part on the demo refers to an observer yearing for a Diamond 12-Meg Voodoo II card.  I can remember those days...

Anyway, Thresh's aim was dead on, particularly with railz.  Purri's in his demo wasn't quite as accurate, although they were moving about quite a bit.  So, maybe it's apples to oranges, but I wouldn't be so quick to say Purri would beat Thresh in a slam dunk. 

Quake / Re: Thresh Interview
« on: March 24, 2006, 06:01:09 AM »
the fact that im playing thresh would probably throw my game off though :d

There's something to be said for that, lol.  How many golfers leading tournaments get psyched out by Tiger Woods and blow sure wins?  I just saw this happen in basketball last week in the NCAA  tourney.  Albany State was playing UConn, and beating them up badly.  But, they blew it in the end, most likely from getting too psyched because they were the number 16 seed beating the number 1 seed. 

Quake / Re: Thresh Interview
« on: March 22, 2006, 02:16:54 PM »
Well, I think the bottom line is a couple of things.  First, it's all hypothetical.  Who the hell knows?  Secondly, though, it's not as if Thresh's life went into suspended animation, a la Austin Powers.  I'm sure he knows what's going on in Q2, at least obliquely.  And, he could easily practice up using an alias without so much as drawing a hint of suspicion.  Once ready (if he ever wanted to), he could simply say "I'm back".    But any competition would be a win-win for him.  If he came back and won against top tier players, that's obviously huge.  If he came back and was beaten by top-tier players, he'd have the easy excuse about retiring from the scene, etc., like a hall-of-fame ballplayer who stayed in the game a year or two too long.

Moreover, he'd be using the latest pc's, latest video cards, latest mice, latest Q2 clients with their latest Q2 options, etc., etc., etc.  It's not like he's 80 years old. 

It's kind of funny to read the "his demos are boring" comments.  That's exactly what he refers to in his interview.  You guys are (most likely) the type who would fall right into his hands, as his philosophy of play was geared toward facing off against those who wanted rapid engagement.   Just like in any sport, throw off the other person's game cadence, and you've thrown them for a loop. 

The real question is, against a superior aimer, would he even have the chance to play "slow-pa-dope"? 

Quake / Re: The FUTURE of Quake 2.
« on: March 22, 2006, 02:00:10 PM »
10-15 years?  Think of where the pc was 10-15 years ago.  In 96 I was using a 386.
I can only assume the "x86" type cpu will be long dead by then, only available by emulators, fast as they may be.  But seriously, if anyone's thinking Q2 in 10-15 years, it will only be as old-timers in what is known as today's Mahjong set.  Will we still use QWERTY input devices in 10-15 years?  The internet should be so hyper-broadband based by that time that even the thought of an old simple game like this would only appeal to nostalgiacs. 

Of course, that said, take a listen to I.G.Y. by Donald Fagen sometime, and see that the oh-so-futuristic predictions of those in the 1950's didn't quite pan out, lol. 

Quake / Re: Thresh Interview
« on: March 21, 2006, 06:51:23 PM »
That's too simple:  because he was a master at his craft.  There's always something to learn from a master, even if you have no plans to emulate him.  Why would an aspiring writer read Shakespeare or any of the other so-called classic writers?  What possible relevance could they have in our time? Do you understand, grasshopper?   

Quake / Re: Thresh Interview
« on: March 21, 2006, 02:53:15 AM »
If I'm reading the quotes accurately from PUrri, seems like he said something to the effect of "I didn't even watch him play...", but rather chose to develop a style of his own.  I think that's misguided thinking right off the bat.  No matter one's skill level, if you are playing competitively like that, doesn't it behoove you to study your opponent's tactics?  His comments (Purri's) came across as a bit arrogant to me, and at his own peril, at that.  Of course, I don't know the exact context, but to rely soley on your own game plan without having at least some knowledge of your opponent's doesn't make sense.  One would think that he would want to exploit weaknesses and minimize opponent's strengths.  That, of course, can happen during the course of a match, but by that time, it could very well be too late.  Just my two cents.

Notwithstanding what I just said, I never study anyone's tactics, lol, which is why I'll never be more than a mid-range player in the grand Q2 universe. 

Quake / Re: Thresh Interview
« on: March 19, 2006, 05:27:45 PM »
My money would be on the "thinker".  There are far too many instances in competitive history of those with the most innate skill being beaten by someone who actually just outsmarted them.  Rope-a-dope, baby.  Old Schooler would win.

/dev/random / Re: Dead...?? :-(
« on: December 31, 2005, 11:42:09 AM »
This hip-hoppin chick won the coveted "Rear of the Year" award:

/dev/random / Re: [merry-xmas fellow quakers] =)
« on: December 26, 2005, 04:41:36 AM »
Gator, with LCD's, you should set your video card's refresh rate to the native rate of the monitor.

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