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Messages - VIZAARI

Pages: [1] 2
/dev/random / Re: Show off your gaming setup
« on: April 15, 2012, 11:22:03 AM »

/dev/random / Re: What games are you playing ?
« on: April 14, 2012, 06:58:56 AM »
Quake 2(obviously)
Quake live
Touhou series
And some random games

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha listening to?
« on: April 14, 2012, 05:25:51 AM »

/dev/random / Re: Show off your gaming setup
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:53:57 AM »
I couldn't find an old KB that wasn't PS2 and I don't have a PS2 port on my wife's laptop so I had to get a newer one.  I remember those old KB's came with a ~8 foot coiled cord, weighed a decent amount (for a KB) and never failed.  My wife didn't like it so I hooked it up to my desktop and gave her my POS Logotech.  It's a Keytronic.

Buy an active usb to ps/2 adapter. NOT A PASSIVE ONE!

/dev/random / Re: Show off your gaming setup
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:14:11 AM »
the crazy old school keyboard: It is ancient, but it is soo nice to use, I sold my Logitech G510 so that i could get this kb. Looks shit, is nice.

You can get new kb's that look & act the same.

Yeah, the unicomp kb's, but what's the reason of getting something the same when I was offered this one right in front of me? Shipping is a bitch here in Norway...

/dev/random / Re: Show off your gaming setup
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:32:27 PM »
the crazy old school keyboard, and the ugly dell under the table, are both so out of place in that picture...

the crazy old school keyboard: It is ancient, but it is soo nice to use, I sold my Logitech G510 so that i could get this kb. Looks shit, is nice.

the ugly dell under the table: Ugh, yeah... It is ugly, I will get a new desk, then i can put this dell another place. I use it for streaming, hosting etc, so it is quite handy.

/dev/random / Re: Show off your gaming setup
« on: April 13, 2012, 12:14:58 PM »

There, gotta get some skandinavian shit here :p
(click link, i won't bother with resizing pic...)

/dev/random / Re: Show off your gaming setup
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:07:04 AM »
 :Duhard: This thread is going straight to hell, once i get my gear i'll post mine :p

/dev/random / Show off your gaming setup
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:59:09 PM »
Post your gaming setup(computing equipment)

I'll post mine when it's done 8]

PS: dunno if this has already been done, but since geekhack has one of theese, quakeworld has one of these etc, now it's ts's turn! :D

Quake / Re: What is Quake2World?
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:34:05 AM »
Woah! looks nice, where to get?

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: What's this .pak
« on: January 10, 2012, 07:47:25 AM »
Too bad you don't know who took the screenshots. Try to ask raskal, pepek, or cheimera(admin) on IRC. (I know raskal and cheimera are sometimes on. Don't know about pepek though.)
Problem is, raskal has 8 .paks :p

/dev/random / Re: What games are you playing ?
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:53:02 AM »
Also, I take no offense, I know everyone hates me. In every game.
Therfore, if I never met someone before and I see them for the first time, I automatically assume they hate me unless stated otherwise.

Then you should get into CPMA, everyone hates around on everyone as a big joke  :offtopic:

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: What's this .pak
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:48:14 AM »
Looks like one of those dark arcades with bright neon colors everywhere.
Wish I knew the name.
I want a medieval styled texture pak...
One thing i know is that it's name's textures. But i'm a lazy fuck, so i'll wait intul someone gives me a already made .pak ;D

Skins, Models and Maps / What's this .pak
« on: January 06, 2012, 03:39:50 PM »

Does anyone have this .pak, i especially love the health packs as seen @ dm1 :>

Also, i know that elysium and vae has posted a thread similar to this, i just feel that this guide goes very in-depth!

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