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Messages - Furion

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Forced Anticheat - Please remove
« on: January 30, 2012, 07:14:48 PM »
To Whirling:  The TS admins can tell what OS I am using from the web server logs.(I strongly assume)
To VaeVictis:  The only security issue with Windows98 I am running is Quake2.  TBH, it is a lot more secure than NT-kernel OSs since their subsystems are easier to target and have "services" and "users" available in a multi-user OS.   But your concern is certainly valid in most cases.
To Faderjok:  Often true, but not in my case, Ex and Alpha just assumed I was cheating while they were playing me.

To Ex (and Alpha): Please post some proof.  I don't know what happens behind closed doors or on the Admin forums, but many players have been publicly been forced-anticheat... but ONLY AFTER some proof has been posted.  Seems very unsupported to force anticheat on a player without it.  And how many people have these two accused in the past?  nearly every good player on TS, I imagine.

Additionally, and most importantly, once again, r1q2 works in windows98, but anticheat.dll does NOT work in windows98.  Forcing anticheat on me is banning me.
(the posted link is discussing how r1q2 does not work in windows95.  It requires a more modern winsock version, I'm assuming.)

To Quadz:  I will send you a PM.

2 / Forced Anticheat - Please remove
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:02:52 AM »
I find it disappointing that I was forced-anticheat without any proof of cheating.  Alpha and/or Ex cowardly just banned me without posting a demo or showing any kind of proof of me cheating... which they know they don't have.

First off, I use windows98, which, AFAIK, doesn't support the anticheat.dll... but maybe that has been improved since I last read about it.

Secondly, I don't use ANY modifications to the game, I consider that a cheat.  It is part of the 'slippery slope' of cheating in Quake2 that I personally am offended by.  I don't modify anything in the game that cannot be done from the menu(with the single exception of gl_modulate, but that is only because ATI can't make a card that is bright enough).  Modified pak resources, bright skins, glow models, modified hud, textures, kickangles, timers, cl_maxfps, rate, etc... are all hacks of the game that give a player an advantage over other players.  Personally, I think that is disgusting... everyone wants an edge.  I guess they have no confidence in their own skill.  To me, cheating is just slightly farther down the slope than these things.
For this reason, I am not interested in running r1q2/anticheat even if it does work on Windows98.

Thirdly, I have played with Quadz in person.  He knows, and should be able to attest to, all of my statements above.  He knows I use the stock game on windows98.  Surely a person who sees the game as in the attached screenshot is not interested in modifying the game to cheat.

Lastly, my connection is not optimal.  It ranges from ok to poor.  Yesterday, I was ok, but if you watch the third demo, you will see how I often experience the game.   

Posting this here, because last time I posted demos in the demos forum, Haunted banned me.  I guess I'm just not very popular.

Once again, surely someone of mediocre skill and all of these handicaps is not cheating.
I challenge anyone to post a demo proving that I am cheating, because we both know it doesn't exist.
Please remove the forced anticheat on my IP.

FFA Demos / Re: Rail and rocket runs
« on: April 11, 2011, 03:53:42 PM »
It's a shame it is not the whole demo...    :(

FFA Demos / Re: FFA Random Actions
« on: April 11, 2011, 01:11:45 AM »
whats the point in posting a scoreboard if the gamma is so fucked up you cant really even read it?
umm... don't blame me, blame idsoftware, that's the way Quake2 looks... which I'm sure you are aware.
actually, this is better than that, as this is a late model graphics card with opengl at 1600 resolution.... instead of 320 software mode.

and a scorescreen screenshot is nice for TDM or FFA games so you know the level of competition... but you knew that already too.

FFA Demos / Re: FFA Random Actions
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:21:12 PM »
Just something to remember the server by...

FFA Demos / Re: FFA Random Actions
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:19:49 PM »
more goodness

FFA Demos / FFA Random Actions
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:17:35 PM »
Some more games.  Fun to watch.

FFA Demos / Just some games
« on: March 28, 2011, 03:53:49 AM »
No one posts anything here, so here's some standard stuff by some of the best current ffa players.

Quake / Re: What is a Faderjok?
« on: December 03, 2010, 04:29:21 PM »
He has won games with only the blaster, and he didn't fire it.
He once played single-player... at the Playboy Mansion.
He doesn't goto tourney, tourney goes to him.
He is, the least interesting man in the world.

FaderJok: "I don't often play quake2, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis."

Stay thirsty, my friend.

L4m3r Demos / Re: Teamcamping on Vanilla and DM
« on: October 15, 2010, 02:02:20 PM »
I see it sometimes on the dm server.. but I like it. Pretty nice of them to camp together so I can kill them all at once :yessign:

You moderate this forum, but I don't think you speak for the admin(s).

I infer, that because the admins don't respond, that they condone the team-camping behaviour.
I completely agree with Whirlingdervish... it is like the local basketball court analogy:  if some players are dicks and enjoy elbowing players instead of just playing the game, then soon all you have are dicks that play at that court.  A better player can outplay a single camper, but team-camping is ridiculous.

To be honest, I would assume that the admins didn't respond because they don't have a single reasonable argument why team-camping is allowed.
With that said, I do appreciate TS and its servers.... obviously it is yours and you can run them how you desire.

L4m3r Demos / Teamcamping on Vanilla and DM
« on: October 07, 2010, 05:32:51 PM »
Why is this allowed?

6 players in and 3 are teamcamping. 
It has been going on on Vanilla for years, but why isn't it forbidden on DM?

Personally, I would be satisfied if these players were perm muted.

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