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Messages - nybarius

Pages: [1]
1337 Frag Demos / Re: Ah - air rocket
« on: January 15, 2009, 01:37:37 PM »
I cried :<

Srsly though very nice rocket.

General Ownage / Re: The fun of the game.
« on: January 06, 2009, 02:02:51 PM »
The game is very fun for me right now.  "Everything old, is new again," if you give it a rest.

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: Old demos of me, circa ~2005-2006
« on: December 12, 2008, 02:00:54 PM »
Thanks so much fellas. 

I watched some old ch-tv demos against naymlis, who now always kick my ass.  Wow, I used to be a lot better.  This should help a lot :)

I refuse to succumb to the Turtle Style of play:  I will return with a new hyper-aggr0 style, and keep repping it until Quake Zero is poppin'.  OH YEAH!

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: Some demos
« on: December 12, 2008, 01:59:13 PM »
Cool stuff, thanks for posting.  Whatever happened to f0cus, did his mom kick him out or what? :<

1v1 and TDM Demos / Old demos of me, circa ~2005-2006
« on: December 09, 2008, 11:45:58 AM »
Can anybody post some?  Erm, preferably ones where I win, but any old thing is fine.  I kinda want to get back in fighting mode, and it would be helpful to see how I used to play.  Ax2Grind, you said you had some.  What's the dilly y'all?

--narcissistically yers,


Q2 Training Camp / No-look railing.
« on: December 07, 2008, 01:07:21 PM »
Let's say you're in the rail-water on The Edge.  When you entered the rail water, your opponent was getting the chaingun.  You see a rocket come in.  From the angle of the rocket, it is possible to roughly determine where your opponent currently is, since one can time how long it takes to get from the chain to a position from whence the rocket could have originated.  Then, you can guess where they might have gone, and fire a prediction shot.  IF you get good at it, there's an okay chance you will hit.  In any case, this will throw them off balance.  Then, change directions and exit the water, firing another shot at any visible enemy as you do so.  (Another variation is to fire at a shot that sweeps the two healths, taking out someone hit by your first shot.)

If this works, guaranteed to get you a "waller" accusation!!

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: 187 Slugs vs Nybar PTRIP
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:09:30 PM »
I feigned nothing!  Meth is a hell of a drug.  Pretty easy to quit though, I just stopped doing it. 

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: haunted vs [TC]dinsum(plus some unfortunate news)
« on: November 25, 2008, 11:40:10 AM »
I hope Granny gets better; he was always amusing, and the pool of talented q2 players is vanishingly small.

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: 187 Slugs vs Nybar THE RAGE (SLUGS POV)
« on: November 25, 2008, 11:33:58 AM »
Thanks for all of your interest in me 187-Slugs.  This is my first time looking at this forum, and I'm heartened to see that you still have such a healthy appreciation for my demos.  It's nice that you stopped cheating; welcome to the fold of honest q2 players.  You're fun to play, I hope you keep it up. 

I am a bit puzzled as to the source of all your resentment, though.  I don't actually remember you from when I was active before (2+ years ago).  Were you killaklown or something?  The names are associated in my head.  In any case, if you think you can cure a 2+ year old grudge by beating up on me as I am, rusty and not playing seriously, more power to you.  I hope you got what you wanted :)

Happy fragging, hope to play you again sometime when I'm not so rusty,


PS: I've also been beaten by 30 or more by the following players:
1) ah!
2) bzx
3) neticz
4) blood
5) naymliss
6) kickr0
7)... many others I'm forgetting; I'm essentially an easy mark at the moment. 

I invite them all to post demos of my being demolished for 187-slugs to wank off to :>

Many :>'s to all of you

your :>,


PPS: Quake 2 accomplishments!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  You guys are full of lulz.

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