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Messages - lmr.Hunter

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: new NADL play-off bracket
« on: March 21, 2011, 05:16:04 PM »
wat is this

General Ownage / Re: Hello Everyone!
« on: September 10, 2008, 07:57:03 AM »
hahaha his 1-100 spree war chaingun avatar LOL

General Ownage / Hello Everyone!
« on: September 09, 2008, 09:13:05 PM »
Hello to all you tastyspleeners, I've finnaly decided to register on the forums because everyone says i'm an alias... Everygame I play wether it's on the railz, or tourney servers its omg you noob unalias! Especially from that kid raz0r....  :ban: So let me introduce myself i'm 21 years old been playing quake2 since 99 started out as hpb till 2003. At the time I played lithium mod with hook on a server called Kentucky Fried Quake II with someone that plays here regular. |IR|Kami. Me and him have been quake2 friends forever since we were both little quad bfg hook fags haha. Was in a clan called {MaF} Meek and Frail, that moved from lithmod over to Gloom. If you don't know what gloom is it's aliens vs humans great maps and a bunch of classes. While playing gloom somebody came in the server one day spamming something about vortex, and I went and played that forever while playing gloom. I played vortex for jeeze I dunno 6 years I guess... I know digency.dc as his vortex name Immy, erhm I dunno who else comes here maybe you know that guy Jak^ he always got owned by me in vortex and brings his hate to me whenever I play. Oh I can't forget Reverence... He's the one that urged me to start playing tdm\dm and i'm starting to enjoy it. I have a great rail shot but i'm shitty at controlling maps cause I can't jump for a fucksworth of anything. I mean since i've started dm I can't do the megahealth dm1 doublejump everytime.... Hope to get some nice comments and play some 1v1 vs you guys sometime soon.

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