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Messages - Chopper

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: REAL condump of admin abuse, check logs to be sure
« on: May 13, 2007, 12:12:41 PM »

Discussion / Re: Map Shortcuts: TO BLOCK, OR NOT TO BLOCK?
« on: May 09, 2007, 04:58:25 PM »
I remembers the name!!!!!   It was Bleh5?  I think.

Nope..  it was the map we playd right after,..  heh, 
I got the demo..  going to go look now


hmm reflex, when was this? Lastnight before I went to bed I checked for it but the server only has jojump7-9.

Nearly a year ago lol

Look Quote from: [BTF] Reflex on June 27, 2006, 09:23:32 pm

Discussion / Re: rl, times, and shortcuts
« on: May 04, 2007, 04:06:47 AM »
I totally agree with rl..... Saix is 1 of the best jumpers we've ever had in jumpmod time. But he doesnt talk, Ive asked saix to add time  (vote yes) for a map that hadnt been completed, And he did go on to whine at me coz i wanted to complete a 20/30 second map.... Not having a go saix, or trying to make you look bad. I admit i dont like the 0 - 10 sec maps but they are there to be played, Ive made 1 map in my time and it will be the only 1, There was a sc on it by accident, And i wanted it to be blocked or the map deleted....People are putting alot of effort in to make these maps and would probably want the whole map to be played, whever its 1 room or 6, I know i would..... Again rl is good admin, Just jump away :) and if you have any probz, Like console says condump (Just dont fake it like armour  ;D:rockon: :headbang:

Discussion / Re: rl, times, and shortcuts
« on: May 03, 2007, 06:08:52 PM »
Im not taking sides but i agree with rl. Saix is talking about 1 map.....The only time ive seen rl force a vote is if we've told him, Or ive been idle (in which he knows i would vote yes) He doesnt abuse admin and MOST if not everyone agree's with adding boxes to block sc's, Or some1 will ask in which rl will ask the rest.... He's good admin, And NO i dont know rl, As you can see he barely talks english.... Its just good to have some1 around as often as rl, To fix maps etc..... There was ALOT of broken maps before rl came along :)

Discussion / Re: the real condump of Wrex and rl, from server logs
« on: May 03, 2007, 11:04:18 AM »
LMAO at Armour. Im sorrry but what i total NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :busted:

Discussion / Re: condump that got rl banned = FAKE
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:44:10 AM »
LMAO @ Armour hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

P.s Sorry haunted, Got carried away on the server then mate ;)  :oops: :sorry:

Take care dude, Didnt realy know you was an admin....

Discussion / Re: Hey Ya'll
« on: April 23, 2007, 11:13:08 AM »
Sorry for the language console BUT thats bullshit.... Ask merc, RL, Makaveli^, Phantom, Whizard, ASK any damn player what mesnik is like and they will all tell you the same, He's a fucking prick. I cant find the scn shot coz i cant find the folder which saves them and i dont have a software which will open a screen shot anyway.

There has been multiple complaints about him and nothing has been done, Hmmmm.

If he aint going to be banned then can i do the same as he's doing ?

Discussion / Re: Hey Ya'll
« on: April 23, 2007, 11:07:45 AM »

Discussion / Re: Hey Ya'll
« on: April 23, 2007, 08:58:48 AM »
[quote author=j

Discussion / Re: Let's see how far this gets...
« on: April 23, 2007, 08:57:34 AM »
Wow didnt see this, See what i mean Console/admin ? Just ban him...................................... :ban:

Discussion / Hey Ya'll
« on: April 23, 2007, 08:52:50 AM »
Sup people, 1st of all Hello  :afro:  :offtopic:

Right, Now for on topic....

Just a question and a moan.

Q- Has rl lost his admin?

Moan lol - Please can we have a player called Mesnik^ Banned? All credit to him coz he's a decent player, If it wasnt for his BIG mouth and constant name changing, Completing the map with different alias's and getting top 10 with them he'd maybe be a decent bloke too.

But he isnt, He constantly gives people aload of shit, Me for one coz ive asked Merc and rl to ban him, So now everytime im on the server and admin aint there he doesnt shut his ass talking mouth..... Ive lost condumps and screen shots but im sure he'll do all this even more if you dont ban him, E,G triggz-jump9.....If you look on that map around 4th 5th on the bored, Nookie is on it with the date being 22/04/07, Which was yesterday....Obviously nookie doesnt play no more as you all know, This was mesnik, I know its only a game this and that but when you go onto the server all you want to do is have a laugh be a little competitive without nobz like him spamming, changing alias's giving you a less chance of getting top 10 and abuse, So please console/admin whatever, JUST BAN HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, and im sure im not alone in wanting this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Can we have another admin if RL has lost his? Cheers....

Rant over.



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