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Messages - Railbait

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8:30 pst,  11:30 est  works for me  :)

Should be fun

I would agree to teaming w/Railbait and I would be availble to play anytime 10pm-1am Eastern either Sat. nite 7/30 or Sun nite 7/31.  I would prefer Sun nite for obvious reasons and we can go as early as 9pm ... but I'll go with whatever all 4 of us can agree with between those 2 nites.

Rail, if u agree to team with me... u know where to find me tonite.

I'd be happy to team with you, Foo. Saturday night after 9:30 PM EST or Sunday after 11 PM EST is best for me. I have matches on Sunday night from 9 PM to about 11 PM EST. So if it's Sunday night, which is fine with me, it has to be after  11 PM EST.

I have an idea. How about Banes and Chacal play Defiant and Demon, and we get the bye to next round.  ;)       j/k.

It's 11:30 PM and I haven't heard from [system]. Just wanted to update you.

I sent an email to [system]. I will let you know when/if he responds.

Just curious - and I posted this in Foo's team thread also.

"Two people haven't responded on our team thread. Defiant and I are trying to set it up, but what if we can't by tonight? Do Defiant and I become a team? If my partner never responds do they get the bye? Am I then teamless/available?"   ???

Sorry to hear about Geikram and the tornado.  :(

I'm not sure, but there's a chance I may be available for teaming Foo. I know you have other possibles Foo, just thought I'd add this.

Two people haven't responded on our team thread. Defiant and I are trying to set it up, but what if we can't by tonight? Do Defiant and I become a team? If my partner never responds do they get the bye? Am I then teamless/available?  ???

I can do that, but it is late for me. If it works for the others, then ok.  :) 

Quake / Re: UDML (Team Tastyspleen)
« on: July 25, 2005, 07:42:23 PM »
Sounds interesting. When you say next Wednesday, do you mean August 3rd?

I'll start idling in irc if I'm needed.  :)

Quake / Re: new to the forum......
« on: July 25, 2005, 09:11:34 AM »
NYGANG had a bad rep for botting back on Mplayer. Flybaby has been an ass for years. I remember many run-ins with him back then.

I hope you guys are trying to clean up the NYGANG name, but you have a long way to go, imho.

Any night after 9 pm est is best for me. If it needs to be earlier, we will see what we can work out. Post here your available times as soon as you can so we can work it out. Thanks guys, I look forward to some fun!  :)

Matches - Semis & Final / Re: #63 - |D|daelmun vs Naymlis
« on: July 22, 2005, 07:05:05 PM »
Well put Art. I agree we lose an asset to the community, if he stays away. I have always been treated with respect by Naym. I have played against him numerous times over the past two years and he has always been cool to me. I have a demo of me playing him on grom 2 years ago for our first match. Can you guess the outcome? I told him i appreciated his posting demos on CTV then as the scene was dieing.

Naym, pay no attention to the few in the gx community who just exist to put down others.

/dev/random / Re: OWNZER
« on: July 20, 2005, 12:11:42 PM »
so if you aint on the list, you really suck!!!

OMG, I really suck. Thanks for pointing that out. Coming from you it means so much to me.   :'(

Matches - Semis & Final / Re: #63 - |D|daelmun vs Naymlis
« on: July 20, 2005, 08:15:50 AM »
Did Nayml1s quit?  :o

I hope not. I was looking forward to the final.

Quake / Re: New DM1-8 Server
« on: July 18, 2005, 07:11:14 AM »

We also need a nickname for this new server.  Could be something simple and boring like, "dm".  This is the name you'd use with the goto command.  Maybe "dm" is a good enough name.  But if anyone has fun sounding alternatives, I'm open to something more colorful.  :)



How about "Spleened" as a suggested name? Or "Tasty".   :)

As far as settings go, I have no preference. I dislike dm2 & dm4.

(Please consider including Ven_dm2 (Cold Zero). I saw you included it.)  Thanks;D

Registration / Re: Tourney 2nd Edition (Teams)
« on: July 12, 2005, 06:19:22 PM »
I will be teaming up with [4u2]BigLurch.  :)

Time for practice.  hehe

(What are the odds we'll get Daelmun and redi0 in the first round?)    :o

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