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Messages - The Rocketeer

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Warehouse
« on: January 19, 2007, 05:53:10 PM »
Mage Warehouse still runs,
Its the Original Warehouse server.

Its at

I added the map levels.bsp into a mapcycle in a attempt to get more traffic there,
But its not downloading the map for everyone.

So, Here is the map!

I know the server is running worse than it used to but its been dead for so long that I havent spent alot of time working on it.

2 / Re: JaQuIO
« on: January 16, 2007, 04:55:33 AM »
So does this mean I should get rid of my dodge bot/batman bot? :rocketleft:


3 / Re: ctf server is deserted
« on: January 11, 2007, 04:26:01 AM »
I have had a chat with JaQuIO on the CTF server a couple weeks ago.

Chatting one on one he seemed fine. He does seem bitter about the other site he was at.

All we really discussed was trying to promote the CTF server.


But you have not heard the input from the actual server admins on ACME, those guys run a nice server, they attempt to keep it clean and cheater free...

4 / Re: updated anticheats
« on: January 11, 2007, 04:24:09 AM »
Indeed, Q2Admin isn't much use any more besides the extended functionality for banning, chat protection, etc. The actual cheat protection it offers is minimal.

Yes your correct there R1CH, The only protection it sorta has was vs ratbot which has been dead and gone for years.
I personally enjoyed some of the old commands it had via rcon that arent available in more modern mods, but eh.. tempis fugit

/whois this jackass who keeps posting more useless crap

6 / Re: dodge bots galore
« on: January 11, 2007, 04:19:09 AM »
i didn't know you were illiterate, like i said before haunted i don't waste my time playing obese ugly bitches who don't know how to play. if you call running around a map aimlessly and eating twinkies being good then your mistaken. so go do yourself a favor, go to jenny craig take some q2 lessons  and shut that fat mouth of yours with a gyro with extra lard. as for everyone else, it's not lag the guy had a ping under 50 and the demo isn't as good as i wanted to be but it is a dodge bot as i explained before in the top thread. they have eraser bot servers that use the same program yet the hack is simply modified.

OMG, do the world a favor, Unplug your computer. Better yet get your renowned plastic knife and cut all of the cables in half.

7 / Re: new holywater version
« on: January 11, 2007, 04:16:21 AM »
so why dont you just admit you have cheats on your computer?
Its amusing that you play like shit, then suddenly your skill has improoved after you stop long enough to lype or load something.

8 / Re: ctf server is deserted
« on: January 10, 2007, 07:04:05 PM »
the only reason why i  wrote that on the shoutbox is because i was wrongly banned for voicing my disagreement with the admin as to why he allows other peoples posts in slandering me but when i defend myself he deletes them and cuts me off.  so  i wanted to get back at him and log into his forum. and this "coldflo" character i never heard of.


I think you have some deep moral issues, if you feel your making your show of power by defying a websites administrators this only shows your immaturity and defiance of rules and regulations.
I shall say this simply, If I play you and see you doing something illegal in game. I will not hesitate reporting you to a admin on whichever server it might be within.
I do believe your cunningness is wearing out your respect amidst older Quake2 players, This game came out in Sept of 1997, yet you persist in attempting to cause a unrational view of bad admins?

Good Luck in life. If you have failed as bad as you have online, May the force be with you.

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