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Messages - SlaughterMaster

Pages: [1]
Quake / Bot test
« on: September 17, 2004, 11:09:06 AM »
Hi console,

ah, ok, I can understand that you don't want to reveal too much about the way you detect bot using and cheating. Probably that was an IP adress of any server I used to test the ratbot and which is down for years.

Thanks for your information! And keep your server running the next hundred years!

Quake / Bot test
« on: September 16, 2004, 02:01:40 PM »
Hi console,

how does this extended bot test work? That rat.cfg in my baseq2 folder seemed to be executed suddenly in the same moment I was kicked from the server and during the execution Quake tried to establish a connection to an IP-Adress I've never seen. I remember I tested this ratbot.exe several years ago as I heard the first time from these strange "speedbots" and "aimbots" and so on, but it never works. I do not understand much from the client-server-architecture of quake2 (or any other online game, strictly speaking it is a miracle for me), but how can you start from the server a cfg-File on my client? Do you look for special filenames (exe, cfg or whatever)? And in which folders can you search? Every subfolder of the quake2 root? It is a mystery.

By the way: Despite that strange bot testing your server is the best!

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