Rates Received - AmpLiF1eR

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Quake / Re: New Quake 2 Lithium server in Europe
Insightful Insightful
on June 21, 2015, 10:27:37 AM by Jay Dolan
please start more server, maybe someone can miss it ;)

request granted  :lolsign:
dm / Q2 Lithium
Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
on March 03, 2015, 05:41:50 AM by yahoo
I don't know in which section to place this but...

I'm an old player from the active years around 1999 till 2003... (nicks: AmpLiF1eR , Da_Vampire, BlackDevil)
I was a skilled q2 lithium player, mostly on Xs4all and the server was always full 24/7.
I managed to get the second position on CLQ for q2 lithium (which means I had no life at the time lol) and we were the leader for the Netherlands on clanbase with the clan The Gifted Ones [TG1].
(also played for DreamLordZ ~DL~ / The Lithium Team [TLT] / Alpha Force [A.F] / Multimedia M][M / Unwanted AngelZ [UA] )

I have never enjoyed vanilla DM, because the hook added an extra  speed and skill element in the game so the FPH was usually much higher than in regular DM for the guy with the top position (if used for killing and avoiding shots and not just to grab that railgun on a high platform, it's so much more than that), if you have really skilled lithium players, it will look like an air combat game with F16 fighters shooting from air, lithium players know exactly what I mean. If you miss an elevator or spawn too far from the battle spot,   it can often mean you can't win anymore because you'll miss that extra frag needed :)
For that reason, q2 looks almost death to me, those times are gone, now it's all plain dm and q3a has no active lithium-like mods, there have been one (excessive with hook) but it was never a real success, q3a has the machinegun as default so you always have the fire button pressed all the time, hoping that someone gets killed when you spawn, I hate it to be honest.

I did play on q2.rlogin.dk but wasnt satisfied with those way too easy dumb bots that blast eachother and I didnt feel a challenge at all so has started my own servers, also that server is somewhat malicious by forcing download , even when disabled on my side, so felt motived to start my own, 9 servers now check it out: http://q2lithium.com :)
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