Rates Received - LedZep

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/dev/random / Re: Whatcha smoking?
Funny Funny
on April 14, 2017, 01:17:57 AM by yahoo
Is it not normal to smoke Camel Yellows/Blues these days? Nobody buys them apparently. And I mean the American ones, none of that Camel North shit that came out recently as they taste like depleted nuclear power plant shit. Of course I like in Cuckmond Hill, Morontario so I guess that explains it.

LIVE* not like. I don't like anything about this place these days..
Skins, Models and Maps / Re: Brights, again
Insightful Insightful
on June 10, 2013, 04:45:36 PM by Reptile
Thanks man, I plan to make more maps as of recently. Those are my 2010 works :D
You actually read my mind with the CTF stuff. After revisiting zepdm2, I realized that with the map's symmetry, I could expand it into a CTF map. Luckily I kept the map sources :D
tastyspleen.net / In-game auth system
Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion
on May 20, 2013, 02:30:26 AM by Reptile
It would be cool if Q2Admin-TSMOD could have some sort of auth command (i.e. "auth LedZep abcasdfghj1234") which would authorize somebody while playing on a server. The command auth_list could make the server write something like:

LedZep: is LedZep on tastyspleen.net
randy: is not authorized
randy_daytona: is not authorized

This would prevent the alias madness that some people partake in. The auth password should not be the TS.net password and it would be a good idea to make it changeable at any time in the user CP. I don't think this can be done through WallFly though, since it has the same knowledge as any client on a server at any given time. Except for perhaps the rcon access.
Quake / Re: Quake 2 training mod?
Flamebait Flamebait
on May 13, 2013, 05:43:29 AM by ppoint432
I usually RJ to mega in dm1 :P Fuck the crate jumps, too much praying. But yeah, give your nephew a try at jumpmod, and make sure it's the right client, so he won't have to spamlook in every direction like I always did :D

uk2k4 is fucking awesome though and runs on pretty much anything :P

Yes it is.   They broke the Assault mode though.  In the original UT that was the only thing I played, it was amazing, great, super.  Un 2k4 they made it boring.

How did 2k4 break assualt? I even remember playing AS_Frigate port on ut2k4. But yeah ut99 has its own goodness. If it wasn't for the bugged out netcode and discontinued fanbase patch support, I'd still be rocking it in good ol' ut99 :)
Quake / XRZ: The one true mod
Nice Job / Good Work Nice Job / Good Work
on April 03, 2013, 05:59:12 AM by Jay Dolan
Please note that I have officially scrapped this idea. Instead, I have made 'Xatrogue'. It is a fusion of xatrix and rogue: http://forum.tastyspleen.net/quake/index.php?topic=21185.0
The reason behind scrapping this project (well, the title really) is that I don't think that Zaero is worth the effort. Maybe it's just me, but the Zaero weapons/items aren't that great for MP. This doesn't mean that the project is dead, however. Xatrogue will have CTF, various gamemodes and all that jazz in the end as well.

XRZ - Xatrix/Rogue/Zaero

So yesterday I had the craziest idea: why not merge baseq2, Xatrix, Rogue and Zaero gameplay into one?
After tinkering, the result was a Xatrix/Rogue all-in-one with the tag mode, apart from the Xatrix monsters. For Zaero, I will have to re-write the entities' code from scratch (although there isn't much: camera, sniper, exploding cannon assrape thing, some turrets, Guards with dogs and Sentien).

I also started thinking of adding useful cvars (such as the ones you find in OpenFFA/TDM), moving the ctf gamemode into the mod (with tech powerups and hook), adding RA gamemodes such as RR, Insta and such. Also maybe add bot support (move Eraser bots in or something). However, the bots are the biggest if, to be honest. If I do this right, the server will be full without those dumb CPU opponents.

The result? One fucking awesome dll. This baby will do it all, from CTF with Rogue and Xatrix weapons, to straight runs of coop that include vanilla, Xatrix, Rogue and Zaero missions. This dll will especially be great for xrazy-like override servers (but with more weapons and less terribly out-of-place sounds). Even tech powerup ffa/tdm would be possible o.0
Not to mention, if I stick with the full plan and write the Zaero ents, we will have Zaero playable on Linux servers (I'm pretty sure that nobody has done that yet).

I will git my current progress soon (after Xatrix gets running nicely with monsters). I hope that this will be better than my infamous "Inf Chaingunz" mod :P
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