Rates Received - X'tyfe

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
Rock On Rock On
on July 13, 2021, 02:29:23 PM by Erica
Holy shit man, I just got an email from Focalor about this. I had to read it a few times for my brain to even register the words.

It's been many years since I've been around Tastyspleen, but I've checked up a few times since then just to see how things were going. Quadz passing was never a thought that ever came to mind. The guy was almost deity-like to those that have been around since the beginning like I have. Back then when I was a young teen causing trouble, he carried himself with such empathy, grace, and integrity. We all owe him so much, he spent real effort, time, and money to keep this community going for all of us. He is irreplaceable and will surely be missed.

My sincerest condolences to his family. I understand the nature of his death is a personal matter, but was there any warning? I know he was relatively young, did he have any health issues?

Trouble Shooting / Re: Who runs tastyspleen quake 2 dm servers? Please reboot.
Funny Funny
on October 21, 2013, 11:42:51 AM by Jehar
0x1337c0de / $100,000 Whales - AKA the disgusting future of gaming
Informative Informative
on March 26, 2013, 12:56:03 AM by Focalor
I was forwarded this article by this indie developer I know, since there isn't a general gaming forum here at TS I'll post it here where I have before.

Him and I have had long discussions in the past about the gaming industry and how terrible it is these days and both wishing it would hurry up and crash again.
Well, He was going over last years GDC stuff and found this scumbag here http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1016417/-100-000-Whales-An

Its a long video, but its pretty much this ex-gold farmer trying to sell how awesome exploiting players is. Going so far as to call anyone dumb enough to fall into it a "Whale".
Quake / Re: The end of Planet Quake?
on March 17, 2013, 03:27:50 PM by MCS_FaderJok0
(also xtyfe, i remember using pq back in 04, so noob on you, fgt)

What, you must have been 4 years old then :P
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